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So I quit watching porn and masturbating.

I respectfully decline

Not because you aren’t attractive but because I wouldn’t now what to do after and we’d have a toxic relationship when I wasn’t fucking ya brains out

My apologies then

I don’t know what it’s called except keeping a firm grip on my sanity

I fully expect to fail but I shall attack it as I already succeeded

If that makes sense

I won't lie, I actually enjoy masturbating but I be fucking myself up trying to keep going.

Charlie Horse galore around this bitch.
I’m actually starting this. And no sex either

I realized I’m controlled to easily by my sexual desires and it impairs my judgement and mental health

I’m doing a 180 on a lot of shit

GOAT. Abstinence has its benefits. Year strong on mode monk personally
Man especially when I come across an ebony porn and dude is laying down the D so right...I be like yeahhhhhh.

Ayo! This shit is brazy af!

No bs these are all the things I’ve decided to work on to help with my depression

Prayer in the AM, working out when my kids leave for school, meditation in the evening. No fapping, no drinking

I already do a combination of them all thru out the week but never on the same day and never with these intentions in mind

Nigga sounds like master Aang, I’m a chronical my first 30days in here, which happens to start tomorrow.

Holy fuck this blew my mind
And it may actually be possible to catch a charlie horse in ya hand, don't argue with me on this. I experienced that shit last week and I was not happy at all.
I won't lie, I actually enjoy masturbating but I be fucking myself up trying to keep going.

Charlie Horse galore around this bitch.

Man especially when I come across an ebony porn and dude is laying down the D so right...I be like yeahhhhhh.
I’m a need to find a new place

This one here.........
yo Im dying at the fact this thread is about someone trying to quit their jacking off and porn addiction and me and @Meeks are in here talking about what we like about ebony porn
You right! Aye my bad ya'll.
Lmfao, continue with the anti porn fest.