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DISCUSSION - What'a an appropriate age to tell kids why you and their other parent arent together?

I can’t really remember when I talked to my son about this (he’ll be 14 in a couple of months) but he’s always been very “aware” and always a “wise beyond his years” type kid and he asked me when he was young-young and I just told him that me and his mom were destined to get together to make him and we knew we were meant to be great parents but not necessarily married to do it...I think he said “OK...can I get a Happy Meal?!” and that was that...he’s been raised between his moms house and my house 3-4 days a piece a week unless one of us take him on vacation...never been to court, put on papers, had some judge tell me or her what weekend or holiday to get him and we split up when he was barley 2...we work as tha grown ups to make sure he has everything he needs from his mother and father...it was like then when he was born and we’ve both maintained that...def had it’s rough patches at times but smoothed our as he gets older...I consider myself lucky for tha most part...


You were together when ya'll had the kid or maybe you were never really together.

Child grows up seeing other two parent homes and asks you why their parents aren't together.

What age do you tell them? Do you ever tell them the truth?

Whenever they notice yall going to different houses. So from 3 to 5 is good.
These kids from single parent homes and no guidance is out of control

Not denying that ideally a two parent stable home is the best possible outcome. But what i think AP is saying and ive heard this before sometimes its better that two people be separated.

I see what you mean about people breaking up for petty reasons. I feel like sometimes you dont know what you cant deal with until you experience it.
Too many factors go into all this shit.

Example: Some children may grow to mold themselves into their parents' successful long standing marriage.

Some may force themselves to stay in a toxic marriage out of pressure of their parents successful marriage.

Some step parents are better than the biological.

BUT nothin beats having both parents in a healthy marriage/family imo.

Me n my gf arent married but have a child together. Theres always a possibility we split up. Even if it was on good terms i would absolutely hate not being able to come home to my daughter on the nights shes staying with her mother.

Or just the simple fact that she wont have both of her parents there for her on any given night. Its just a diff dynamic when everyone is together.
Too many factors go into all this shit.

Example: Some children may grow to mold themselves into their parents' successful long standing marriage.

Some may force themselves to stay in a toxic marriage out of pressure of their parents successful marriage.

Some step parents are better than the biological.

BUT nothin beats having both parents in a healthy marriage/family imo.

Me n my gf arent married but have a child together. Theres always a possibility we split up. Even if it was on good terms i would absolutely hate not being able to come home to my daughter on the nights shes staying with her mother.

Or just the simple fact that she wont have both of her parents there for her on any given night. Its just a diff dynamic when everyone is together.
I appreciate the response

I'm not advocating for kids to grow up without their parents in the same house hold

All I'm saying is sometimes, the shit just don't work and it's neither about your or your ex. The child is the main priority moving forward.
If that's truly the focus for both parents, the child will still flourish I believe
Y'all act like kids don't go to school with assholes...

Let them kids know what's up...

And staying together for the kids is self defeating. They can tell the love is gone, and you're essentially grooming them for lives of never trusting relationships.

My cousin and his wife stayed together too both kids hit 18, and the kids were so happy when they finally got a divorce. They lived with two unhappy people their entire lives.... And these people were their parents.

Also both of them are approaching 30 and neither one of them ever been in a serious relationship.
Ok so daughter mom and her husband bout to get divorced or she at least moving out. Moly daughter seems to take it well and I never had any beef with the step dad.
Ok so daughter mom and her husband bout to get divorced or she at least moving out. Moly daughter seems to take it well and I never had any beef with the step dad.
With this gen, they see it all the time

Its not as taboo as it use to be