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DISCUSSION - What'a an appropriate age to tell kids why you and their other parent arent together?

I actually thought about how I was going to approach this with my first daughter if it turned out that she was biologically my child.

I asked my mother when I was 10 'cause I reached a point where I couldn't stand my father 'cause I believed he had abandoned me and my sister . She laid it all out for me in great detail and went a lot deeper in depth with me than she did with my sister due to my greater understanding of... well.. the world.

She went over their relationship, how pops married her in order to do right 'cause she got her pregnant, how he left, came back, fathered my sister, drove a cab and DJ'ed on the radio to make ends meet, etc only to bounce again. Eventually I asked pops why and he echoed the same thing my moms said.

With that in mind, I figured that I would probably have to answer this question with my daughter at around the same age, maybe as late as 12. Didn't really know how to approach it, but I always kept my parents words in my head so I at least I had that. It turned out that she wasn't my daughter and I haven't seen her since, but I have a very strong feeling that I'm going to come face to face with her in the very near future... And she's going to ask me what happened between me and her mother.

... And I'll have to go through with that speech anyways.
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Folks need to stop lying to their kids. Cause if the truth about any lie comes out lying to them is going to fuck up your relationship with them more than telling the truth ever will.
Folks need to stop lying to their kids. Cause if the truth about any lie comes out lying to them is going to fuck up your relationship with them more than telling the truth ever will.
To be real those kids are already screwed a bit not growing up with both parents in the household. The severity depends
To be real those kids are already screwed a bit not growing up with both parents in the household. The severity depends
so it better to pretend to love someone and be in a toxic situation just so ya'll in the same house in front of the kid?
To be real those kids are already screwed a bit not growing up with both parents in the household. The severity depends

Disagree with that.

As long as kids have active and attentive parents both parents don't need to be in the same household. Having both parents in the same household makes certain things easier but its not the detriment that folks try to make it seem like.
so it better to pretend to love someone and be in a toxic situation just so ya'll in the same house in front of the kid?
Maybe not instilling into your kids that dipping is not that bad so we create future generations that do the same thing. Money problems for a year and struggling to make ends meat? Dip or leave

Lol @ falling out of love excuse people actually be using
It has been done for generations.
this really the angle you wanna go with??

would you still be down with dudes having families across town b/c grandad and his generation did this?
Maybe not instilling into your kids that dipping is not that bad so we create future generations that do the same thing. Money problems for a year and struggling to make ends meat? Dip or leave

Lol @ falling out of love excuse people actually be using
toxicity is real af, and no one deserves to be in a situation like that

you can label it whatever you want

50% of marriages end in divorce...that stat didnt just appear out of thin air

sometimes...shit just dont work
toxicity is real af, and no one deserves to be in a situation like that

you can label it whatever you want

50% of marriages end in divorce...that stat didnt just appear out of thin air

sometimes...shit just dont work
Cuz it’s less taboo now. Marriages are just leases now
I’m just saying.

Ppl commit to having a kid but not to making things work in the relationship. Ppl just refuse to put the effort in and break up.

i'm not gonna even dignify this with a response