Turkey Leg Hut Enforces New Dress Code

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I can’t get with the opposing argument. Yea you see shit like that at Popeyes, Church’s, and OF COURSE Waffle House. But they are known spots for the bullshit, and non black owned. You can expect almost anything to happen in those spots, but they have the benefit of corporate money and an established group of consumers, so they can afford to take on the wild shit that happens in their stores. This is an independent business trying to grow, maintain the appeal to a broad base of people.

The dress code not even that strict.
Nah. Been to way too many regla degla ass black owned establishments that didn't have these codes in place. Turkey leg hut aint offering nothing above your avg soul food/bbq place.

I'm not even mad at the dress code. Their establishment their rules. They can do what they want. But your rules should match your clientele and experience you're providing. A regular ass place attracts regular mfs. Regular mfs wear ripped jeans and tank tops.
lol @ them asking people not to come to their establishment with ass and tits hanging out or with clothes that look like you been living on the street for a wee, a people are acting like they are requiring formal wear.

Honestly, this is probably them trying to keep a certain set of loud and obnoxious people away, but not being able to just say that.
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lol @ them asking people not to come to their establishment with ass and tits hanging out or with clothes that look like you been living on the street for a wee, a people are acting like they are requiring formal wear.

Honestly, this is probably them trying to keep a certain set of loud and obnoxious people away, but not being able to just say that.

People can be loud and obnoxious in slacks and a button up. If somebody wanna act an ass in public their clothes ain't gonna stop them
I’m curious, if they aren’t asking for you to be business casual, do niggas really go out to eat in boxers and crocs? Do females go out to eat in a thong and sports bra?

I don’t eat out much, maybe I’m out of touch with society.
It’s hot in Houston. Hot af.
I bet the issue is people wearing less.
it’s HOT out here.
Stayed in Pearland for 6mos, Houston is Humid and hot as hell, nigga carried baby wipes and extra towels. My attire was mainly basketball shorts, tees and shoes. If they banned shit like that, I can see why niggas mad, but nope.

I don’t know man, maybe I just like to look like something. I see the pickups in the sneaker thread, so I know some of y’all niggas look decent.. no homo
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Stayed in Pearland for 6mos, Houston is Humid and hot as hell, nigga carried baby wipes and extra towels. My attire was mainly basketball shorts, tees and shoes. If they banned shit like that, I can see why niggas mad, but nope.

I don’t know man, maybe I just like to look like something. I see the pickups in the sneaker thread, so I know some of y’all niggas look decent.. no homo
If you wasnt a Detroit dude....that nh would be cancelled and you’d be questioned.
  • Haha
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