As an Asian-American, I'm Tired of Being Racially Gaslit By My Peers

so the people who wanted college debt removed sold us out?

so black men who voted trump wasn’t sellouts?
so the people who wanted college debt removed sold us out?

so black men who voted trump wasn’t sellouts?

This is the shit that I don't understand. I get that they believe the choice was between a nice white supremacist and a mean white supremacist, and they didn't want to vote for a white supremacists. That's fine and that choice should be respected.

I'm not sure why they don't see that others saw it differently. They saw it as voting between two people that probably wouldn't do much for black people specifically, but with one probably doin some shit that would hurt the country as a whole and black people especially and the other doing some things that might help the country as a whole and black people to some extent.
First, I wasn't one of the people who bashed ya'll for demanding reparations.

Second, I never demanded for you to vote for Biden. I didn't even vote for Biden.

Third, what exactly are black people who voted for Biden complicit of? Whether black people voted or not, one of those candidates still would have won, so while I respect your proposed strategy, ya'll gotta stop acting like you've proven that it would have worked to our benefit. You don't know that.
I was using your post as a proxy for black people, I know you aren't that personally invested like the rest of these abw guys but you cant say we can't call Biden voters sell outs because we warned this would happen. This being The Benign Neglect policy of giving black people only symbolism and sympathy but tangible benefits to every other group

Immediately after the election you had negroes dancing and twerking in the mf streets! Even abw was literally CELEBRATING Biden's win.

This misguided kid put this Plantation hymn out after Biden won

"I'm freeee.. im no longer bound"

Some fucking idiot put him up to sing he's free because 1 white supremacist got exchanged for another

So yes, we can call these types names because voting for biden was voting against black empowerment. The alternative was trump destroying the country but you tell me what's the difference for US?? We're still getting murdered by pigs and got an anti black propaganda campaign levied against us

All Black democrats are complicit in that for pretending Biden was the answer when he never ever once pretended to be the answer
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I was using your post as a proxy for black people, I know you aren't that personally invested like the rest of these abw guys but you cant say we can't call Biden voters sell outs because we warned this would happen. This being The benign neglect policy of giving black people only symbolism but tangible benefits to every other group

Immediately after the election you had negroes dancing and twerking in the mf streets! Even abw was literally CELEBRATING Biden's win.

This misguided kid put this Plantation hymn out after Biden won

"I'm freeee.. im no longer bound"

Some fucking idiot put him up to sing he's free because 1 white supremacist got exchanged for another

So yes, we can call these types names because voting biden was voting against black empowerment. The alternative was trump destroying the country but you tell me what's the difference for US?? We're still getting murdered by pigs and got an anti black propaganda campaign levied against us

All Black people are complicit in that for pretending Biden was the answer when he never ever once pretended to be the answer

I agree with you 100% that any black person who voted for Biden and thought he would just automatically do right by us is a problem.

I'm just saying that not every black person that voted for Biden did so because they thought he was a savior. Some black people were hurt by the Trump presidency, and voted for Biden because they couldn't afford another four years of Trump. You really think those people are sellouts?
Trump made me money and made a lot of black people money who may have used it wrong.

fuck it, I said it.

my taxes may be looking crazy in a few.

tired of y’all niggas.
I agree with you 100% that any black person who voted for Biden and thought he would just automatically do right by us is a problem.

I'm just saying that not every black person that voted for Biden did so because they thought he was a savior. Some black people were hurt by the Trump presidency, and voted for Biden because they couldn't afford another four years of Trump. You really think those people are sellouts?
Of course its more nuanced than that

But again Biden said and did nothing to earn your vote if you're black. Theyre not all sellouts and coons obviously but black empowerment was not on any biden voter's mind
Trump made me money and made a lot of black people money who may have used it wrong.

fuck it, I said it.

my taxes may be looking crazy in a few.

tired of y’all niggas.
This ain't it either

Again, smoke for Biden aint props for trump
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What difference does it make to you which thread you defend and protect democrats in?

Because there is a specific thread for you single issue thinkers to have your little circle jerks in so the rest of us can have a discussion about other topics.
Ha. True

And again, I can't stress this enough how Plantation minded it is for someone to accuse biden critics of being trump supporters. Several abw niggas do this

Like, if i say "Fuck Biden" what emotion does that trigger in you? When your immediate response to biden criticism is to cry trump supporter you're showing your loyalty to massa, period. What you're saying is "if you don't like nice white daddy you MUST like meeean white daddy"

Just like in hip hop, if you say fuck nas/jay-z you MUST be a jay-z/nas dickrider. Niggas lol

That was @Mister B. all day tho lol
Because there is a specific thread for you single issue thinkers to have your little circle jerks in so the rest of us can have a discussion about other topics.
This discussion is relevant to the topic because this stop asian hate thing is really anti black propaganda happening under the white supremacist YOU happily voted for and are showing your loyalty to Right. Now.

Tapdance some more tho...
Ay yall look at @SneakDZA pretending he cares if we're off topic in order to defend massa Biden on the low

The loyalty is real. The triggering is real
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That was @Mister B. all day tho lol

Never once did you hear me says people were sellouts if they said fuck Biden. Hell, I said fuck that guy.

For the 100,000,000th time, I said I'd rather take Joe over Donnie Dickbag. Donnie was THE WORST. 4 more years of that would've guaranteed a civil war.

Y'all read what y'all wanna read.
What you said. Also to add on to that they're so indoctrinated into the cult of white supremacy they don't even want to choose the only side that matters which our side, all these fools had to do was not vote for two evils and hold the line on our demands for reparations for black Americans alone.

So boycott the whole country until reparations happen?