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And the next contestant on that #MeToo Screen is YouTube star-turned-boxer Jake Paul

Yeah, if the woman feels uncomfortable and she told the man no and he keeps insisting and she reluctantly does it, that's a case.

Rape and sexual assault isn't about threats of violence and physical force, it's basically any unwanted, unconsensual sexual contact.

If a woman doesn't really wanna have sex, and you begging and pleading, and she feels unsafe and she has sex because she think she's under a threat...that's a potential case.

Now a year or so done passed and one day she wakes up and decides that it was unacceptable that she had sex with you when she didn't want to.

You say, you didn't rape her, she says you did.

It's kinda like how Louis CK was getting permission to jack off in front of women and they didn't really want to do but they said, yeah go ahead.

No means no ,and maybe means no, and reluctantly means no.

I would argue that her changing her mind is a form of consent...but I’m not a lawyer
Need to hear Jake's side of the story. Why would you go to a guy's house at midnight, sign an NDA and think all he wanted at that time of night was a conversation ? The fact she signed an NDA before they even did anything tells me she had to know what was up. Not condoning Jake's behavior and again I need all the details but some of these chicks I don't understand man.

Also why go to social media first?? Why not just go straight to the police ? In this case whatever happened if it happened, Jake's ass is covered by the NDA because she signed it. This will definitely hurt his reputation and if anyone needed anymore reason to hate Jake Paul they got it.

She's young, she's trying to be star, why not hanging out with the biggest social media star ever? Other people were in the house.

She told him no, he got mad and what happened happened.

Everybody that goes into his house signs an NDA and NDA's can be broken in the case of a crime. NDA isn't some air tight agreement where fucked up shit can happen to you and you gotta be quiet.

Jake said he never had sex with the girl.

Most of these things don't make sense. Now that I think about it, most crime doesn't make sense.

Well I gotta hear both sides of the story. But again why not go to the police ? Why go to social media first ?? Plus she signed an NDA so in my view it's hard to take a side with those things in place knowing that
We learned in Cosby and Trump case NDAs don’t really matter in sexual assault cases