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platonic friendships

it still seem like people got varying definitions of "friendship"

friendship is supposed to be mutually beneficial with the same intentions towards each other

if one person secretly wants to smash, and the other doesn't, then that isn't a genuine friendship ?
I just don't think all men fall into this category "pretend to be woman's friend just for the chance of possibly smashing"...

I guess it all comes down to exceptions and norms.

There's truth in what you're saying, but I don't think that's the norm.

More often than not, if the female's attractive..............or even above average............dude wants to be more than just friends.

For some reason, too many women have a blind spot to this.

Easy way for them to find out would be to just come out and ask one of their male......"platonic"......friends if they would have sex with them if given the opportunity.

How they answer (assuming they're being truthful) would probably give them a new perspective on their.........."friendship."
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I don't think anyone's been critical of the women.

Just making them aware of what their male friends' true intentions probably are.

If anything, it's critical of men who will pretend to be a woman's friend just for the chance of possibly smashing.

The thing with that tho is aren’t we playing directly into the stereotype that black men only think about fucking everything. I think it’s should be like this if you want to smash let it be known early if she say nah and that all you were interested in then bounce early and save everybody the headache. But waiting around for years after she said nope
is pointless. Now no lie if feel like I can’t beat I won’t be spending as much time or hitting them up as much
I always thought platonic was no romantic feelings. Didnt know sex required feelings.

I guess I might jusr be savage cause I can have sex and genuinely feel and act like nothing happened half an hour later.

Platonic means no romantic OR sexual feelings.

If we're smashing each other, then we are not friends. And if we're hooking up or smashing each other and either party or both acts af if nothing happened one hour later while assuming (wrongly) they are still friends, then it's a pretty toxic notion of "friendship" they commonly hold.

It's just awkward to deny something you just did to preserve something that never existed first. It somehow reminds me of these movies and TV shows with buddies or ladies who get gay things with each other once and later, either party states "it was just a locker room/jail time/ladies's night/dorm/lodge/whatever thing, don't trip" and they get mad when another character out them out as gay.
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I guess it all comes down to exceptions and norms.

There's truth in what you're saying, but I don't think that's the norm.

More often than not, if the female's attractive..............or even above average............dude wants to be more than just friends.

For some reason, too many women have a blind spot to this.

They preserve this so-called blind spot on purpose.

The same way not every man but still a lot bonds a friendship alongside an attractive or above-average woman with an agenda in mind (whether wittingly or half-preconsciously) , not every woman but stoll a lot cannot separates male friends, surrogate brorhers and even sometimes close coworkers from orbiters and half-dates...or worse of she even happen to be a little erotomaniac or freakish. I got one of my hookups making believe at anyone we officially dated for years, worse that we were even married. Besides the feeder/feedee part of the relationship and the occassional unwitting near-sexual encounters she offered, we never get past beyond the unresolved tension and her being bipolar AF.

I know too well that game. Stopped claiming from having any female friend since four years. Either you're an acquaintance, the "oh, just that woman" type, a coworker, a correspondant, a failed FWB, a hookup, a bit of either both options or a statistic on my book.

Easy way for them to find out would be to just come out and ask one of their male......"platonic"......friends if they would have sex with them if given the opportunity.

How they answer (assuming they're being truthful) would probably give them a new perspective on their.........."friendship."

Or not, if ever she's a freak.
The thing with that tho is aren’t we playing directly into the stereotype that black men only think about fucking everything. I think it’s should be like this if you want to smash let it be known early if she say nah and that all you were interested in then bounce early and save everybody the headache. But waiting around for years after she said nope
is pointless. Now no lie if feel like I can’t beat I won’t be spending as much time or hitting them up as much

I don't think this is anything specific to black men.

It just seems like we all have different understandings of human nature......and different ideas of what we consider a platonic friendship to be.

Some people think of it strictly from a physical perspective.

Meaning, if they're not having sex........the friendship is platonic.

Others see it as a matter of attraction.

Meaning, if one person would have sex with the other if given the opportunity, then..........regardless of whether or not they're having sex..........that's not really considered to be a platonic friendship.

I'll leave it at this.

Men and women can indeed be friends.

Never intended to imply that they couldn't.

However, those friendships are not platonic (in the truest sense of the word) if one of them is attracted to the other and wouldn't hesitate to have sex with them..

So, they can be friends............just not platonic friends.
Also, lest there be any further confusion..........here's a screenshot to put everything in perspective:

Platonic definition screenshot.png

As it is clearly stated:

"Platonic friendships are marked by the........ABSENCE..........of physical or sexual desire."

Therefore, ladies, by definition................... if any of your male friends are sexually attracted to you...........those friendships are not platonic.

Denzel boom clip.gif
men want to fuck any and everybody. why would that change ? because we are friends?

Personally if I call a female a friend its transcended trying to fuck. We either getting money, been through some shit or she a lesbian.

Otherwise I'm trying to hit or she's trying to hit and I'm not interested. But that could just be me.
it still seem like people got varying definitions of "friendship"

friendship is supposed to be mutually beneficial with the same intentions towards each other

if one person secretly wants to smash, and the other doesn't, then that isn't a genuine friendship ?

I'm blown @ mofos actually nosigning this statement

people actually think real friends keep secrets and lust each other on the low?

friends don't keep it 100 with each other?

and I def know u will never get a woman to admit that she stayed "friends" with a guy after he rejected some pussy she offered

cats are really this cool w/ 1-sided friendships?
I'll go thru all those pages some other time, so I'll say this and it's a belief I've always held, everyone that knows me knows this.

Only way I can believe a man & woman are platonic friends are either they've known each other since their pre-teens (some family friends type of thing) or one of 'em is ugly, like hideous, grotesque kinda ugly.

If there's at least one-way sexual attraction then that's not a platonic relationship.

Furthermore, unless your using a loose definition of friendship, they're also going to spend countless of alone private time together and boyyy just like that one day, shit happens...

If you know, you know.