wow i feel so dumb

As far as homosexuals are concerned...I beleive that it is a choice based on the data that human sexuality is fluid and that fluidity is mainly based on choice

you choose to act on the desires or you dont.

OK, Fam.... You lost me right here.

Think about what you just typed.....

Now, ask yourself this question: Did you choose to be straight?

Was there a point when you were growing up that you said to yourself, “You know what? After months of careful consideration, I’ve decided to be heterosexual.”

C’mon, homie. It don’t work like that.

Also, every person/situation ain’t the same.

Some people claim that they USED to be gay, but now they’ve become ”born again” and they longer partake in that lifestyle.

Some people claim to be “bi” and they’re sexually attracted to both genders.

But, for the most part, I think MOST (if not all) people are just kinda born that way.

I’m sure there’s exceptions, though.
welp another debate that ive won


ok and what have you added to this thread besides gifs?

pls go back to jerking off to mega thread links in the shadows

general pop is not for you my friend
General pop...


No dis to homeboy cause I disagree that he should be confined to the pic thread. I just thought that was funny.
  • Haha
Reactions: Race Jones
The bolded is true. One of Gay People's biggest Fantasies is turning out a Str8 Stud. That's why they're constantly stalking Heterosexuals. Homosexuals are 10x more aggressive than Heterosexuals. This happens Everyday all over the Nation, if not the World.

My Twin Brother worked at a Florist Shop when we lived in TX back in the mid-90s. The Gay Men and Female Co-Workers used to Gossip about him behind his back, questioning if he was Gay or Bi, just because he was working at a Florist Shop, because hey, what Str8 Male works at a Florist Shop? (Mind you, he was the Delivery Driver. Also, my Twin is an OG Afro-Punk, so for some reason, his Attire also made them Question his Sexuality. My Twin is the LEAST Homophobic Person I know; dude used to listen to "Queer Punk", not to mention he's the 1st Person I've heard tell me how Black Lesbians have it worse in this Society because, 1. they're Black, and 2. they're Lesbian. He's told me this on more than 1 Occasion)

Anyways, one Day he was at the Shop, and some Chubby Gay Dude tries to be slick, sliding up behind him, putting his Hands on my Twin's Shoulders and pressing up on him, cooing, "Dwiiiiiiiight........"

He turned around so fast and yelled, "YO! IF YOU DON'T GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME, I WILL FUCK YOU UP!!!!!"

That Gay Nigga backed up off of Dwight REALLY quick, Eyes bulging in Terror, Cold Schweats and all........

Another Example: an Ex-Girlfriend of mines had an Older Son who worked at McDonald's who had a Co-Worker who was Gay that was stalking this Kid. Muthafucka would say slick shit like "You remind me of my Boyfriend", and show him Photos of his Boyfriend, saying, "This is me and my Boyfriend.......and this is him with no Shirt on........", then looking this Kid up and down and shit (this Boy was a UNDERAGE Teenager, by the way).

One Day, the Co-Worker shows up by his Grandmother's, which is where he was living, asking for some DVD he allegedly lent this Kid.

The Kid was at the top of the Stairs, out of sight from the Front Door, and dropped a Note from the Top of the Stairs to the Living Room.

His Grandmother picked up the Note, and it said in all caps:



A few of you are being very disingenuous, dismissing @Loch121 experiences as being "homophobic". You're just as close-minded as you're accusing him of being if you don't believe his Stories, because I do.

Shit's disgusting and annoying. :scust:

Who's gonna tell him about bro?

OK, Fam.... You lost me right here.

Think about what you just typed.....

Now, ask yourself this question: Did you choose to be straight?

Was there a point when you were growing up that you said to yourself, “You know what? After months of careful consideration, I’ve decided to be heterosexual.”

C’mon, homie. It don’t work like that.

Also, every person/situation ain’t the same.

Some people claim that they USED to be gay, but now they’ve become ”born again” and they longer partake in that lifestyle.

Some people claim to be “bi” and they’re sexually attracted to both genders.

But, for the most part, I think MOST (if not all) people are just kinda born that way.

I’m sure there’s exceptions, though. basically said the same shit I just did.

again to reiterate

i dont believe homosexuals have a mental disorder.

Sexuality is fluid in humans

what also can be true is people choose to act on those attractions/desires/impulses or not.

Honestly the only thing that baffles me about homosexuals is the attraction men or women that are doing parodys of femininity or masculinity

How can you say you arent attracted to men but you date women who parody masculinity. How can you say you arent attracted to women but date men who parody femininity.

I have str8 up asked my homosexual friends and family this and have yet to get an answer.
Ok, so this point People keep making in here is pretty stupid......

.....the whole, "giving off gay vibes" bullshit.

How does one give off Gay vibes? That's no different than Men blaming Women for being raped by saying "well, if you didn't dress like SLUTS, then you wouldn't be raped".

The majority of Men on Earth think with their Dicks, whether they're Gay or Str8, it just depends on who has more control over those urges. So, it doesn't have to be some Muthafucka putting off Gay vibes, it's a simple as a Homovore thirsting and stalking a Guy because he wants to, just like a Str8 Man who harasses Women. In their minds, NO means YES. This is why you'll never see me hanging out with Gay Men, because there's always that 50/50 chance that they'll cross the line and get their Asses whooped. (Hell @Race Jones , didn't you cre8 a Thread about some Cornball Brother trying to Daddy his Mack under the guise of talking about being a Teacher? I rest my case)

On the flipside of the Coin, I have no issues hanging out with Lesbians, I enjoy the Company of a Woman, plus you can learn alot from Lesbians, whether it's about other Women or yourself. At one point in my Life, the majority of my Female Friends were either Lesbian or Bi. I can't even call it, Ballaholic, but LESBIANS LOVE ME! I can't put my finger on it, but they can't get enough of my Company. Maybe because I know how to respect Women, and they notice that, maybe it's something else more Spiritual, Energetic. Whatever it is, they seem to be attracted to me.

All I know is that I'd rather hang out with a bunch of Lesbians than Shugga Booty Rudy and the Chronic Dicksmokers.
Ok, so this point People keep making in here is pretty stupid......

.....the whole, "giving off gay vibes" bullshit.

How does one give off Gay vibes? That's no different than Men blaming Women for being raped by saying "well, if you didn't dress like SLUTS, then you wouldn't be raped".

The majority of Men on Earth think with their Dicks, whether they're Gay or Str8, it just depends on who has more control over those urges. So, it doesn't have to be some Muthafucka putting off Gay vibes, it's a simple as a Homovore thirsting and stalking a Guy because he wants to, just like a Str8 Man who harasses Women. In their minds, NO means YES. This is why you'll never see me hanging out with Gay Men, because there's always that 50/50 chance that they'll cross the line and get their Asses whooped. (Hell @Race Jones , didn't you cre8 a Thread about some Cornball Brother trying to Daddy his Mack under the guise of talking about being a Teacher? I rest my case)

On the flipside of the Coin, I have no issues hanging out with Lesbians, I enjoy the Company of a Woman, plus you can learn alot from Lesbians, whether it's about other Women or yourself. At one point in my Life, the majority of my Female Friends were either Lesbian or Bi. I can't even call it, Ballaholic, but LESBIANS LOVE ME! I can't put my finger on it, but they can't get enough of my Company. Maybe because I know how to respect Women, and they notice that, maybe it's something else more Spiritual, Energetic. Whatever it is, they seem to be attracted to me.

All I know is that I'd rather hang out with a bunch of Lesbians than Shugga Booty Rudy and the Chronic Dicksmokers.

hates gay men but loves lesbians

sir with all do disrespect stfu