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Trump unveils 'Platinum Plan' for Black Americans...Tags Ice Cube into the ring

I get where cube is coming from tho

At some point if we don't wanna vote 3rd party
if we don't wanna hold the democrats accountable

then we gotta be willing to entertain other offers. We put ourselves into a corner when we immediately reject alternatives only to stick with these scum ass democrats. They have no incentive to do shit.

While this is true Republicans have zero integrity at this point with the black community.
Republicans period have very little and it would take a whole different candidate and years to gain any integrity.
So anything they try to offer us at this point is the hollowest of the hollow.
I would hope Cube could recognize this.
And him addressing both sides with this CWBA was him displaying flexibility more than anything.
While this is true Republicans have zero integrity at this point with the black community.
Republicans period have very little and it would take a whole different candidate and years to gain any integrity.
So anything they try to offer us at this point is the hollowest of the hollow.
I would hope Cube could recognize this.
And him addressing both sides with this CWBA was him displaying flexibility more than anything.

Lack of integrity applies to politicians as a whole, no mater which side they're on.

The first step is to get something offered to us to begin with. Then negotiate.

We cant even get that from the dems because they know they have our vote.

As egotistical as trump is, I think he'd do something just so he could brag about it later. But at the same time I dont trust him for shit.

But, if we can get other offers on the table, we can leverage that with the democrats.
The zero-tolerance democrats are showing is interesting.
Merely the idea of being open-minded to another party has their mob ready to pounce.
Too bad black people don't exercise the same discipline when it comes to their own needs in politics.

Its boaderline cult-ish behavior. Shit is nuts. Now the black community bout to turn on cube smdh.
"I'll never have dinner with the president"

I mean....say trump loses or he dies from covid complications. I'd rather something like that be worked on small and by state then expanded. The entire republican party is not gon fall in line with this if trump aint there.