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Trump unveils 'Platinum Plan' for Black Americans...Tags Ice Cube into the ring

One of the worst things to happen to black people recently was this whole movement about a black agenda or plan for black people.

It’s racist. Any nigga that’s going in on politicians for not having a black agenda is a fucking idiot. Do you not realize that the whole thought of a black agenda marginalizes black people. When you start bitching about a politician not having a black lawn you are indirectly saying that black people are already lesser than everybody else.

It’s racist. A black agenda is racist just like any agenda that is geared only onwards one race of people.

Some of y’all niggas are too radical to realize that ever time you open your mouth about a black agenda you’re openly admitting that black people are lesser. Stop fucking doing that.

Niggas are going in on Joe Biden for the 94 crime bill and y’all have more energy for Biden for a single piece of legislation than for Trump who has been a literal racist and white supremacist his whole entire life. Don’t fix your mouth and talk about Joe Biden and the crime bill and gloss over Trump’s whole entire life of racism.
If you gon defend Cube here tho, I dont see how you can shit on Kanye. What's the difference?

Let's be honest, some pro-black brothers are basically conspiracy weirdos that just wanna go against the grain and feel special for being "different".

Cube has not gone as far as Kanye.
Read the actual XXL article and Ice Cubes statements as evidence.

What do you think the Dems can do right now with old Mitch in the Senate blocking everything like Mutombo? That's why they said 'after the election'. Just because Uncle Tom Cube is now cool with Trump, that doesn't mean we have to fall in line because he is a 'celebrity'.

You don't compromise with the oppressor.

And to the Mod who edited my original post, ya'll garbage. And I'm cool with the Mods who allow non-threatening posts expressing opinions. Ya'll editing posts that don't match your views. Mad suspect.

Once again, read the actual XXL article and Ice Cubes statements as evidence.
The Dems have been doing the same benign neglect and "studying" of our issues for over a century.
All while empowering the extremists with badges that kill black people.
It's a contradiction to say "don't compromise with your oppressor" and then vote Democrat with your logic.
Literally and there's a laundry list of other things of her empowering the ones actually killing us.
But folks want to overlook that.

Cube develops a plan and tries to present it objectively to both parties.
No commitments, no claiming sides, just taking a stab at getting political.
A celebrity genuinely trying for black people, that was dismissed by the Dems we're supposed to vote for.

How are people overlooking Kamala Harris locking up black people? Literally nobody is overlooking that.


You know what a lot of black people are overlooking? She’s locked up more white men than black people. She has done more public service, community service, and contributed more to the black community than Trump’s entire family. But niggas will find one nugget and run with it as a talking point while completely dismissing a literal white supremacist.

Some of y’all are the type to get hustled on the street easily.
One of the worst things to happen to black people recently was this whole movement about a black agenda or plan for black people.

It’s racist. Any nigga that’s going in on politicians for not having a black agenda is a fucking idiot. Do you not realize that the whole thought of a black agenda marginalizes black people. When you start bitching about a politician not having a black lawn you are indirectly saying that black people are already lesser than everybody else.

It’s racist. A black agenda is racist just like any agenda that is geared only onwards one race of people.

Some of y’all niggas are too radical to realize that ever time you open your mouth about a black agenda you’re openly admitting that black people are lesser. Stop fucking doing that.

Niggas are going in on Joe Biden for the 94 crime bill and y’all have more energy for Biden for a single piece of legislation than for Trump who has been a literal racist and white supremacist his whole entire life. Don’t fix your mouth and talk about Joe Biden and the crime bill and gloss over Trump’s whole entire life of racism.

Seeking compensation and correction of injustices we've endured cause of our skin color is not racist.
If it's racist for us, then it's racist for everyone else.
Every single group of minorities that has received compensations and corrections should have their policies reversed.
It should not suddenly be racist when black people seek their's.
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Cube has not gone as far as Kanye.
Read the actual XXL article and Ice Cubes statements as evidence.

Once again, read the actual XXL article and Ice Cubes statements as evidence.
The Dems have been doing the same benign neglect and "studying" of our issues for over a century.
All while empowering the extremists with badges that kill black people.
It's a contradiction to say "don't compromise with your oppressor" and then vote Democrat with your logic.

You’re so stupid that you are doing the Republicans bidding without even knowing it. You don’t realize it but you are using white supremacist talking points right now.

You’re being so closed minded talking about Democrats this and Democrats that. Ask yourself why you’re not a Republican. If you’re not a Republican, and you can clearly see that there are two sides in this race. Democrat and Republican. So if you’re not a Republican why are you spending so much energy using Republican talking points regarding Democrats?

Think about how you sound. Seriously think. You think you’re being smart by trying to twist this into a Democrats are the real enemy argument when one party literally doesn’t elect black Representatives, Senators, Judges, Attorney Generals, Sherriffs. Republicans have not appointed a single black judge to a Federal bench during Trump’s whole Administration yet here you are attacking Democrats who have actual black Judges on the Federal bench who were the same regular black people like you and me before they were elected and you’re trying to flip this whole argument and convince people that the real enemy is.............the side where actual black people exist????? Wild.

Black people do not exist in the Republican Party. WE DO NOT EXST IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!!!!!!

Seeking compensation and correction of injustices we've endured cause of our skin color is not racist.
If it's racist for us, then it's racist for everyone else.
Every single group of minorities that has received compensations and corrections should have their policies reversed.
It should not suddenly be racist when black people seek there's.

Yet here you are dismissing the Democratic Party where black people actually exist because you don’t think they go hard enough for us.

Tell me something genius. Do you think Democrats see black people and black issues and just say nah we gone chill? Do you not see how hard Republicans are going to make sure that we don’t vote? Look at how hard republicans are going to strip our rights away. Look at how hard Republicans go to prop up white supremacy. Look at how hard Republicans go to make sure black people never make any progress.

And you see all of that and come to the conclusion that it’s actually the Democrats fault for not gong hard enough?

You have way too much energy attacking democrats and you don’t say nearly enough about Republicans. Shut the fuk up dissing democrats if you’re not gonna go 100 times harder at Republicans.

You’re literally trying to both sides black peoples way of life doing that shit. It’s ignorant and divisive as fuck. Chill out with that shit.
How are people overlooking Kamala Harris locking up black people? Literally nobody is overlooking that.


You know what a lot of black people are overlooking? She’s locked up more white men than black people. She has done more public service, community service, and contributed more to the black community than Trump’s entire family. But niggas will find one nugget and run with it as a talking point while completely dismissing a literal white supremacist.

Some of y’all are the type to get hustled on the street easily.

It's false to assume people are holding on to one nugget of the candidate's actions.
People are thinking like that cause there is a pattern they see with them.

And once again, there's a contradiction here going by that logic.
If "one nugget" isn't enough to condemn Harris, one nugget shouldn't condemn Ice Cube.
If you're one of the people thinking like that.

And I'd say the only people dismissing white supremacy is the "vote to get Trump out" crowd.
When you chose the lesser evil, you are picking the friendliest form of racism in this case.
The rest of us, people like me, have always sought to expose racism regardless of who's up for election.
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You’re so stupid that you are doing the Republicans bidding without even knowing it. You don’t realize it but you are using white supremacist talking points right now.

You’re being so closed minded talking about Democrats this and Democrats that. Ask yourself why you’re not a Republican. If you’re not a Republican, and you can clearly see that there are two sides in this race. Democrat and Republican. So if you’re not a Republican why are you spending so much energy using Republican talking points regarding Democrats?

Think about how you sound. Seriously think. You think you’re being smart by trying to twist this into a Democrats are the real enemy argument when one party literally doesn’t elect black Representatives, Senators, Judges, Attorney Generals, Sherriffs. Republicans have not appointed a single black judge to a Federal bench during Trump’s whole Administration yet here you are attacking Democrats who have actual black Judges on the Federal bench who were the same regular black people like you and me before they were elected and you’re trying to flip this whole argument and convince people that the real enemy is.............the side where actual black people exist????? Wild.

Black people do not exist in the Republican Party. WE DO NOT EXST IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!!!!!!


Understand that shaming every criticism made of democrats as Republican is a sign of your insecurity, or delusion, or both.
And yes, even a sign of your own close-mindedness

Republicans have made it clear they are anti-black and we generally agree on that.
Democrats however can be deceptively subtle and more refined in their racism.
As a result, stronger analysis of their actions is warranted to weed out possible racist motives.
Also, understand that appointing black officials alone does not mean much.

You are wrong in saying black people do not exist in the Republican party, they are there clear as day.
Loud and wrong as they want to be.
But black people being able to "exist" within the Democrat power structure is still not enough.
Having black people in those positions means little if they do not have the right mentality for justice.
Understand that shaming every criticism made of democrats as Republican is a sign of your insecurity, or delusion, or both.
And yes, even a sign of your own close-mindedness

Republicans have made it clear they are anti-black and we generally agree on that.
Democrats however can be deceptively subtle and more refined in their racism.
As a result, stronger analysis of their actions is warranted to weed out possible racist motives.
Also, understand that appointing black officials alone does not mean much.

You are wrong in saying black people do not exist in the Republican party, they are there clear as day.
Loud and wrong as they want to be.
But black people being able to "exist" within the Democrat power structure is still not enough.
Having black people in those positions means little if they do not have the right mentality for justice.
Well said. Been saying that just harsher since these dudes are either agents or coons or both.
Yet here you are dismissing the Democratic Party where black people actually exist because you don’t think they go hard enough for us.

Tell me something genius. Do you think Democrats see black people and black issues and just say nah we gone chill? Do you not see how hard Republicans are going to make sure that we don’t vote? Look at how hard republicans are going to strip our rights away. Look at how hard Republicans go to prop up white supremacy. Look at how hard Republicans go to make sure black people never make any progress.

And you see all of that and come to the conclusion that it’s actually the Democrats fault for not gong hard enough?

You have way too much energy attacking democrats and you don’t say nearly enough about Republicans. Shut the fuk up dissing democrats if you’re not gonna go 100 times harder at Republicans.

You’re literally trying to both sides black peoples way of life doing that shit. It’s ignorant and divisive as fuck. Chill out with that shit.

Once again, Republicans are so obvious it usually not needed. Fortunately.

I think Democrats see black people as fodder for votes.
What I see is how long they've been bullshitting us.
They know they can "study" reparations for the hundredth time, tell a candidate to show they can play a sax, dance, or like Tupac.
Do empty gestures like police reform (giving racist cops more money and protections)
Or maybe talk about prison reform, as if all black people are criminals.
And if worst comes to worst, Dems know they can promote how racist Reps are.
And then Dems can forget about us once they've gotten what they want.
It's been the same script since Clinton, perhaps longer.

So no, I don't believe they go as hard as they should for us.
Black people wouldn't be having these issues if that was the case.
When you do the thing that solves the problem, the problem should generally be solved.
Not disproportionally still occurring cause of the same root issue.

So as long as Democrats promote themselves as the lesser evil, we should be critical of them.
As long as they are not living up to being about justice, we should be critical of them.
And as long as I feel like it, I will be critical of them.
I ain't even caught up on all the responses yet but you what's funny as all fuck, yet sad at the same time?

Niggas in here talkin bout you don't work with the enemy/devil/your oppressor

All the while, they will be running to the polls to vote for an old racist white man and a mixed indian woman who hate black men and uses her hbcu history to get support from black women. Two people who have built their whole entire careers around oppressing black people

And their excuse is that THESE two, are better than what we have/oh all that shit they did was in the past.

Then when biden/harris don't do shit, they will blame it on the republicans saying "they won't let them do xyz"

These the same ppl. that look at those who say "hey, the system is fucked either way, I won't participate"
They tell them "oh see you gotta play the game. Somebody will win whether you vote or nt"

But by that same logic, since somebody is going to win whether we vote or not, shouldn't we at least get something in exchange for our vote, regardless of who it comes from?
One of the worst things to happen to black people recently was this whole movement about a black agenda or plan for black people.

It’s racist. Any nigga that’s going in on politicians for not having a black agenda is a fucking idiot. Do you not realize that the whole thought of a black agenda marginalizes black people. When you start bitching about a politician not having a black lawn you are indirectly saying that black people are already lesser than everybody else.

It’s racist. A black agenda is racist just like any agenda that is geared only onwards one race of people.

Some of y’all niggas are too radical to realize that ever time you open your mouth about a black agenda you’re openly admitting that black people are lesser. Stop fucking doing that.

Niggas are going in on Joe Biden for the 94 crime bill and y’all have more energy for Biden for a single piece of legislation than for Trump who has been a literal racist and white supremacist his whole entire life. Don’t fix your mouth and talk about Joe Biden and the crime bill and gloss over Trump’s whole entire life of racism.

Are you serious?

You're talking about their histories, well obviously you didn't do you research.

trump expressed his racism through money and business
biden expressed his racism through the very legislation we're out fighting against now 40 some odd years worth
both ways=WS in action

And for you to be anti a black agenda, when we have unique needs, speaks for itself
I was talking to one of my home girls yesterday, and I told her at this point black ppl are acting real cult like over the democrats

We'll never get anywhere like that. Acting like a side bitch will get you treated as such.
One of the worst things to happen to black people recently was this whole movement about a black agenda or plan for black people.

It’s racist. Any nigga that’s going in on politicians for not having a black agenda is a fucking idiot. Do you not realize that the whole thought of a black agenda marginalizes black people. When you start bitching about a politician not having a black lawn you are indirectly saying that black people are already lesser than everybody else.

Wait... you're not one of those people that thinks affirmative action is racist are you?

It’s racist. A black agenda is racist just like any agenda that is geared only onwards one race of people.

You mean like the white supremacist agenda that black people have been subjugated to in this country since it was founded? Because that's what a black agenda is supposed to address... not saying we need extra help but we need equal treatment under the law and also compensation for past and present injustices.

Some of y’all niggas are too radical to realize that ever time you open your mouth about a black agenda you’re openly admitting that black people are lesser. Stop fucking doing that.

To demand anything less than fair compensation for our labor and mistreatment would be openly admitting we are lesser.