Are you prepared for a race war?

Reparations is part of the code. I have a thread where Dr. Neely Fuller Jr. Explains it perfectly, demanding is not begging begging is begging. Not giving into someones demands comes with consequences to those who don't comply to them. That's why the Anti black racist DNC are sending their sellouts and tethers to shame black Americans into voting for nothing in return. Dos how can you not be down?
The thing is...I get what you saying. But it's too late and done wrong in my opinion. And now ain't the time for that.
With trump and this election is like being in an alley....One guy has a burning sword the other guy has a bazooka.

What do you do?

Figure out how and why the fuck you are there. If you live to make it thru you got life changing decisions to make.

Sadly...The ball was fumbled a looking time ago. We need to build and prop up someone in the early stages of his political career. We need to create a PAC. super or whatever to support hem along the way to show we serious and they better perform or so goes the money and their support. We need communities that concentrated with us..... This ill go into later or another time.

What you are asking is to fix cancer at stage four. It can happen but most likely won't. Should have changed earlier.

That's my view. Right now, we gotta get the bazooka out of office and buy time running from the sword.

What you are saying can happen...But it's too late and too serious right now. We keep getting hype at the end. We mad at the tree but never pulled up the weed while it was weak with no roots. We watched it grow. Even decorated it around the holidays and put mulch around it. But we want to be mad the roots are now compromising the foundation of our home and causing leaks. I fully understand you and races points. It's just not the time, right now.
I agree. It doesn't always work out in our favor, but that doesn't make it a bad idea. Some people do get in the system for the right reason and at least try to make a difference. Some of the people that supposedly get corrupted by the system weren't really down for the cause anyway.

I changed my name a few years ago. I had to go to the courthouse in Trenton, NJ and stand before the judge to explain why I wanted to change my name. Right before my case was called the fire alarm went off and everybody had to evacuate the building.

I was shocked at how many Black people (mostly women) work at the courthouse. There must have been 100 people that evacuated the building and about 2/3 were Black women. And I could tell they worked there and weren't defendants or litigants by the way they were dressed and the way they were talking to each other.

My point is, there's Black representation, in Trenton anyway, but that's not enough to keep the crime rate down.

Another way to look at it is those Black women who worked in the courthouse have legitimate White collar jobs that pay a decent salary.
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I agree. It doesn't always work out in our favor, but that doesn't make it a bad idea. Some people do get in the system for the right reason and at least try to make a difference. Some of the people that supposedly get corrupted by the system weren't really down for the cause anyway.
I don't know.

I think you kinda speaking from a position of.... no disrespect.... ignorance. Not stupid but uninformed.

Most people can't handle power. Most get a taste and lose themselves. Abuse that power. All until something more powerful stops and checks them. People who abuse their power needs to be put down or stripped of it. Some if those black cops love that they stand above normal black folk and can do what they feel with "blue code of support" . Until they find out they still black.

So question is how many of us would abuse the power if it was given to us?
What would you do with such power?
And have you ever really had that type power?

Sounds crazy but how many people have courage with a gun on their hip? Would they have the same without if? Now give them a badge....Crazy right.
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I changed my name a few years ago. I had to go to the courthouse in Trenton, NJ and stand before the judge to explain why I wanted to change my name. Right before my case was called the fire alarm went off and everybody had to evacuate the building.

I was shocked at how many Black people (mostly women) work at the courthouse. There must have been 100 people that evacuated the building and about 2/3 were Black women. And I could tell they worked there and weren't defendants or litigants by the way they were dressed and the way they were talking to each other.

My point is, there's Black representation, in Trenton anyway, but that's not enough to keep the crime rate down.

Another way to look at it is those Black women who worked in the courthouse have legitimate White collar jobs that pay a decent salary.
This is because we as men need to step up and control our communites. How are the elders afraid of the youngins? Who's guiding them.

These women need to feed their families and it's easier for them to fall prey in these systems if our communities are not creating jobs for them. Can't tell a mother to not feed her child.

Crazy enough....Black women are leading all groups in entrepreneurship. Black women. While I applaud that, we men are leaving them to fend for themselves and they are making a way without us....And some of that crime us mothers raising sons who has no healthy fear of anyone.

But this is all another thread.

I'm getting off my soapbox. I'm old and need to soak in a hot tub for standing to long.
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The thing is...I get what you saying. But it's too late and done wrong in my opinion. And now ain't the time for that.
With trump and this election is like being in an alley....One guy has a burning sword the other guy has a bazooka.

What do you do?

Figure out how and why the fuck you are there. If you live to make it thru you got life changing decisions to make.

Sadly...The ball was fumbled a looking time ago. We need to build and prop up someone in the early stages of his political career. We need to create a PAC. super or whatever to support hem along the way to show we serious and they better perform or so goes the money and their support. We need communities that concentrated with us..... This ill go into later or another time.

What you are asking is to fix cancer at stage four. It can happen but most likely won't. Should have changed earlier.

That's my view. Right now, we gotta get the bazooka out of office and buy time running from the sword.

What you are saying can happen...But it's too late and too serious right now. We keep getting hype at the end. We mad at the tree but never pulled up the weed while it was weak with no roots. We watched it grow. Even decorated it around the holidays and put mulch around it. But we want to be mad the roots are now compromising the foundation of our home and causing leaks. I fully understand you and races points. It's just not the time, right now.
Bro these parties made it clear they ain't gonna give us nothing regardless of who we fund. They want the black voting block to be the mule the heel the lowest caste. We have to take what is ours. That's power and thats what they're afraid of.
This is because we as men need to step up and control our communites. How are the elders afraid of the youngins? Who's guiding them.

These women need to feed their families and it's easier for them to fall prey in these systems if our communities are not creating jobs for them. Can't tell a mother to not feed her child.

Crazy enough....Black women are leading all groups in entrepreneurship. Black women. While I applaud that, we men are leaving them to fend for themselves and they are making a way without us....And some of that crime us mothers raising sons who has no healthy fear of anyone.

But this is all another thread.

I'm getting off my soapbox. I'm old and need to soak in a hot tub for standing to long.
It's systemic anti black racism dude. That's why. This government has laws and terrorists with badges to enforce terrorist attacks on black Americans all across the board especially economically. Stop it man. J Edgar Hoover the gay guy of the FBI was a terrorist jim crow Joe is a terrorist Donald j chump is a terrorist Copmala is a terrorist mike pence terrorist. That's why these black family units are destroyed.
Bro these parties made it clear they ain't gonna give us nothing regardless of who we fund. They want the black voting block to be the mule the heel the lowest caste. We have to take what is ours. That's power and thats what they're afraid of.
I'm agreeing with you. I'm just saying the timing is off. We need a plan and time. Plan to execute and time to show we serious.

But in the meantime, I would like as many of us as possible to crossover out if poverty of the finances and poverty of the mind. Trust me, you will have more support.
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It's systemic anti black racism dude. That's why. This government has laws and terrorists with badges to enforce terrorist attacks on black Americans all across the board especially economically. Stop it man. J Edgar Hoover the gay guy of the FBI was a terrorist jim crow Joe is a terrorist Donald j chump is a terrorist Copmala is a terrorist mike pence terrorist. That's why these black family units are destroyed.
They don't need to stay destroyed. We are giving their system infinity gauntlet powers when it's just a purple nirtile.

I think we should take a good strong look at how the media is playing black people. That includes artist too.

The shit we let into our minds program us if we not mentally strong. I can't drop an anvil on someone and all they get is a Hickey. So I won't not think I could blast niggas on crop and hit the club with my bitches with no repercussions. Yet dudes try it.

Again this is another thread.
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I changed my name a few years ago. I had to go to the courthouse in Trenton, NJ and stand before the judge to explain why I wanted to change my name. Right before my case was called the fire alarm went off and everybody had to evacuate the building.

I was shocked at how many Black people (mostly women) work at the courthouse. There must have been 100 people that evacuated the building and about 2/3 were Black women. And I could tell they worked there and weren't defendants or litigants by the way they were dressed and the way they were talking to each other.

My point is, there's Black representation, in Trenton anyway, but that's not enough to keep the crime rate down.

Another way to look at it is those Black women who worked in the courthouse have legitimate White collar jobs that pay a decent salary.

Government agencies usually have affirmative action or diversity measures in place, so you'll see a lot of black people in those positions. That's part of the reason you can count on a lot of blacks and hispanics being TSA agents damn near wherever you go.

I didn't say representation would drive crime down. That's a completely different problem. My point was that representation could help blacks from being rolled over in the system. If you watched that video I posted, the black attorney was basically telling a story about how he encountered a black kid in court that he knew would have gotten the book thrown at him under normal circumstances. But since he had empathy for the kid, he sought an alternate punishment. The kid left that situation and turned out good. That's the point I'm trying to make. If in systems like the justice system, our fate is always in the hands of white people, we're going to get screwed more often than not. We want to have blacks who will look at other blacks in that system and see people not just criminals. The problem is that in getting to those positions, the blacks that work their way up often forget who they are and wind up adopting the same mind states as the white people.
One problem that needs to be dealt with is how athletes and entertainers spend their money. Lamborginis, Bentlys, fat gold chains, expensive diamond watches, $1,000 bottles of champaign, and other types of nonsense.

I saw Lil Wayne on Wendy Williams and he was showing off his diamond teeth implants.

If rappers could pool their money for college scholarships or legal defense funds they could make a big difference. But instead they want chain with a medallion that spins around their neck, and a $1,000 bottle of alcohol. They go to Jacob the Jeweler and get the fanciest ring/watch they can find and in the meanwhile they got cousins and family in the hood struggling to get by.

While I don't believe in communism, I believe that a family should stick together. This means that if you get a $10M check for something you did, nobody in your family should be uneducated, or on trial with a public defendant.
Thought about this the other day and honestly I can't see it happening. We can't get our shit together polictically, what makes yall think enough of us could get together to stage a whole ass war? We have no leaders outside of what they allow us and a unity as thin as ice. the moment they offer something enough people want, they'll jump sides in a heartbeat.

we would do better to rage an economic/political war than one based on weaponry. Their biggest weak point is the same system they use to keep us in check, Capitalism. Why you think they so quick to stop black owned enterprises cept the few that side with them?
They don't need to stay destroyed. We are giving their system infinity gauntlet powers when it's just a purple nirtile.

I think we should take a good strong look at how the media is playing black people. That includes artist too.

The shit we let into our minds program us if we not mentally strong. I can't drop an anvil on someone and all they get is a Hickey. So I won't not think I could blast niggas on crop and hit the club with my bitches with no repercussions. Yet dudes try it.

Again this is another thread.
I get what you're saying. I don't know. I really don't have an answer. One would think representation in the system would help us, but it doesn't most of the time. I can't completely discount it though. This video kinda sums up the reason why.

I can and do because the whole system to us is corrupt but at the same time is working perfectly how it was designed to. With that said a few so called do gooders in that system amounts to a passing drizzle of rain in the ocean.
I can and do because the whole system to us is corrupt but at the same time is working perfectly how it was designed to. With that said a few so called do gooders in that system amounts to a passing drizzle of rain in the ocean.

I hear what you're saying, but if your son was the one hemmed up, wouldn't prefer for there to be one or two do-gooders that might be able to help him out rather than everyone in our community refusing to work inside the system and essentially dooming all black people to being 100% at the mercy of white people instead of just 80% at their mercy. I get that's not a lot, but when you ain't got shit, every little bit helps.
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I think he’s saying fuck wasting rain time demanding shit we are not in a position to take.

If deebo takes your bike . You gotta be ready to scrap for it if you demanding it back. You don’t demand unless you can back it up with consequence otherwise it’s just words and you sitting on the couch naked say “ you gonna get yours b”

With holding a vote is not a consequence if that person supports that same system but just word it different.

I can say ya breath stinks or I can offer you gum. Same thing either way.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. We have all we need. We just need better organization and less divisive agents who create chaos that keep getting passes.

He gets it. Preach!
We already are in a civil war and have been since Obama was elected

its been similar to the Cold War

both sides finger on the trigger but they know it would be best for both sides to not have an actual physical conflict
We already are in a civil war and have been since Obama was elected

its been similar to the Cold War

both sides finger on the trigger but they know it would be best for both sides to not have an actual physical conflict

And it's all of part of a greater, very complex cold war from which the far right, neoliberal, corporate, political and banking oligarchies from all around the Northern Hemisphere are playing a role into it.

And we're not even the opposite faction: we're the fucking rabbits.
I hear what you're saying, but if your son was the one hemmed up, wouldn't prefer for there to be one or two do-gooders that might be able to help him out rather than everyone in our community refusing to work inside the system and essentially dooming all black people to being 100% at the mercy of white people instead of just 80% at their mercy. I get that's not a lot, but when you ain't got shit, every little bit helps.

The shit is bigger than individual wins. If my son hemmed up I got great lawyer money for my kids. I ain't worrying about do gooders who want something in return from my son such as cooperating with the police cause that ain't happening.
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