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Are you prepared for a race war?

Only thing I blame some black Americans for is not trying to get out from under the foot of a racist trump administration by any means and pushing a narrative that it's better to do nothing instead of getting on code and using the process to put people and parties in the seats and positions necessary to lobby the changes blacks need to see.

Not only do blacks gotta curve other blacks with this dumbass logic they gotta take on white trolls pretending to be black online as well.
Your Coon logic is something your bootlicking buffoon ass should be ashamed of. But its to be expected since I suspect your a anchor baby or a green card carrier. Your talking points are what white supremacist say when they want black Americans to shut up and fall in line. You blame the victims of white supremacy and not those who support them like the tethers sellouts I suspect you are.
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If the U.S. Federals were able to find out one of Epstein's victims reclused in the middle of the woods with a false I.D. for two or three years because she get tired that he and his then-girlfriend at that time were capable to track her anywhere she hid, then how many time while dealing with military intelligence and secret services?

I'm not saying the government can't find you if it wants. I'm saying that it won't be as simple as them pointing a space camera at you and pinpointing your location.
You're a fool if you think the Whiteman is gonna fix the problems in the Black community that he created in the first place.

No you're a fool if you believe it's appropriate to not fight against white supremacy by demanding what is owed to us. While building our own communities with like minded black Americans. If you're scared say you're scared. But a fool goes into political warfare without knowing how to fight and win against his opponent by implementing a clear agenda and firmly enforcing it.
You're a fool if you think the Whiteman is gonna fix the problems in the Black community that he created in the first place.

Truthfully, black people don't need white people to fix our problems. We need white people to stop preventing us from fixing our problems. Think about reconstruction. Black didn't need white people to build black communities following slavery. Blacks started to do that all on their own. The problem is that when Blacks managed to accomplish that, whites destroyed it. That's the crux of the matter. We need white people and more importantly the system to stop doing everything it can to keep blacks from moving forward.
Do you believe those groups deserve money and aid over black Americans?

Why are you entitled to expect money lending and land owning from the very people who regardless sees you as subhuman?

I understand that some group of African Americans feels frustrated that the government spent the last 155 years to fraud your community, but at some point you have to stop expecting any snippet of respect and recognition from thots, swallow the red pill and starting to pimp these flat-bottomed MOFOs. Asking for charity or help from white people is like asking the same to women: never ask anything to women that let you in position whereas you're owing her.

Y'all speak about race wars here, race wars there. I came here two months ago introducting myself with a lenghty verbiose about how the online porn industry is getting multibillionaire on the backs of black men in Americas and Africa by exploiting our culturally embedded favoritism toward women of the heavier side to maximize their profit: so efficiently that the BBW voyeurism/porn content has become the highest-earning segment of the adult entertainment industry over the last few years. And in the meantime, how many specialized niche online platforms are surfing on this market happens to be black-owned? How many are profiting to give a voice to women of color within the mainstream Plus Size/Body Positivity community?? None: because they are all white owned and increasingly expressive about their hostility toward POCs since the Trump years, especielly black people.

I approached people about these topics, whether about domestic Feederism within the black community or the main topic. We got very good conversations, good laughs and a few "WTF" , the casual thing. But that is not enough.
No one realized yet I was pointing my finger at the Eldorado and that the socalled Eldorado actually meant themselves.

You know why I'm quoting this? That's because like you, I used to be quite outspoken about black militantism too (although not exactly the same segment than yours) . And I used to voice many, bery easily accessible alternative and strategies.

At best, no one followed them and I get shadowbanned or bullied. At worst, there has some incompetent people around trying to lend money over some snippet of my ideas and knowledge. They were not African Americans: they were French-speaking black Canadians, Africans, Haitians, Martiniquans, black French, black Brittons, black Belgians and black Swissmen.

This is not just about your "tribe" , sir: the modern black man and black woman are pathologically half-deaf.
Truthfully, black people don't need white people to fix our problems. We need white people to stop preventing us from fixing our problems. Think about reconstruction. Black didn't need white people to build black communities following slavery. Blacks started to do that all on their own. The problem is that when Blacks managed to accomplish that, whites destroyed it. That's the crux of the matter. We need white people and more importantly the system to stop doing everything it can to keep blacks from moving forward.

What's really fucked up is too many black people willingly participate in that system to keep fucking over black people.
And before someone asks, we all know im not black, but theres no way a race war pops off and them white boys go after blacks and leave my middle eastern ass alone.

Soon as shit pops off, im shaving the beard, trimming the eyebrows and getting like 4 crosses tattooed on me. That might help me blend in for a few days while I try to dip out this bitch
Oh I’m snitching
There IS a race war going on right now as we speak (type).

White male police officers are shooting and killing unarmed Black men and getting exonerated by mostly White grand juries.

But Black men don't fight like White men. Black men fuck White girls and get them pregnant. As it stands the White race in America has a negative birth rate. White people are dying at a faster rate than they procreate. White people aren't killing Black men at the same rate that Black men get White girls pregnant.

The Black race in America is winning the race war!
So fuck white chicks for the brotherhood?
Truthfully, black people don't need white people to fix our problems. We need white people to stop preventing us from fixing our problems. Think about reconstruction. Black didn't need white people to build black communities following slavery. Blacks started to do that all on their own. The problem is that when Blacks managed to accomplish that, whites destroyed it. That's the crux of the matter. We need white people and more importantly the system to stop doing everything it can to keep blacks from moving forward.
Been saying this for ages. Fuck their hand outs and fuck them allowing more room under a glass ceiling.

Self hate and self love comes in more forms than one.
Why are you entitled to expect money lending and land owning from the very people who regardless sees you as subhuman?

I understand that some group of African Americans feels frustrated that the government spent the last 155 years to fraud your community, but at some point you have to stop expecting any snippet of respect and recognition from thots, swallow the red pill and starting to pimp these flat-bottomed MOFOs. Asking for charity or help from white people is like asking the same to women: never ask anything to women that let you in position whereas you're owing her.

Y'all speak about race wars here, race wars there. I came here two months ago introducting myself with a lenghty verbiose about how the online porn industry is getting multibillionaire on the backs of black men in Americas and Africa by exploiting our culturally embedded favoritism toward women of the heavier side to maximize their profit: so efficiently that the BBW voyeurism/porn content has become the highest-earning segment of the adult entertainment industry over the last few years. And in the meantime, how many specialized niche online platforms are surfing on this market happens to be black-owned? How many are profiting to give a voice to women of color within the mainstream Plus Size/Body Positivity community?? None: because they are all white owned and increasingly expressive about their hostility toward POCs since the Trump years, especielly black people.

I approached people about these topics, whether about domestic Feederism within the black community or the main topic. We got very good conversations, good laughs and a few "WTF" , the casual thing. But that is not enough.
No one realized yet I was pointing my finger at the Eldorado and that the socalled Eldorado actually meant themselves.

You know why I'm quoting this? That's because like you, I used to be quite outspoken about black militantism too (although not exactly the same segment than yours) . And I used to voice many, bery easily accessible alternative and strategies.

At best, no one followed them and I get shadowbanned or bullied. At worst, there has some incompetent people around trying to lend money over some snippet of my ideas and knowledge. They were not African Americans: they were French-speaking black Canadians, Africans, Haitians, Martiniquans, black French, black Brittons, black Belgians and black Swissmen.

This is not just about your "tribe" , sir: the modern black man and black woman are pathologically half-deaf.
Just to be clear you don't believe black Americans alone deserve money and aid in exchange for our vote, correct? Also are You white or black? Where are your parents from?
Just to be clear you don't believe black Americans alone deserve money and aid in exchange for our vote, correct? Also are You white or black? Where are your parents from?
I think he’s saying fuck wasting rain time demanding shit we are not in a position to take.

If deebo takes your bike . You gotta be ready to scrap for it if you demanding it back. You don’t demand unless you can back it up with consequence otherwise it’s just words and you sitting on the couch naked say “ you gonna get yours b”

With holding a vote is not a consequence if that person supports that same system but just word it different.

I can say ya breath stinks or I can offer you gum. Same thing either way.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. We have all we need. We just need better organization and less divisive agents who create chaos that keep getting passes.