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COMMUNITY ABW Oversight Commission

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We're just getting carried away and devolving back into the typical spectacle.

I'm not going for that shit.

So far

@Horsecock Williams

Have thrown their names into the hat to be on the commission. We'd ideally like for a female to throw her name into the hat but if race , Baldheadlogic, or @B_A or any other females I've missed are not interested we'll have to proceed with another male poster.

If there are more posters that are seriously interested in joining the commission we can either do a vote or add seats.

Let's try to stop fighting eachother and talk solutions.
I dont talk to her.

At the end of the day she violated a rule in the rulebook.
:js4:That’s my point u unbanned unconditionally and once u unbanned her....It signals a clean slate so then why would another mod ask her to clear her name months after u had already unbanned her...

Btw this ain’t about Love just making a point about the type of shit ppl are complaining about
I was on page 5 when I made that post. By the time I replied yall had jumped 2+ pages so I was a bit behind.. I was responding specifically to @Goldie ?? sayin he decides who is on his staff... so I figured de-modding or removing mod privileges was off the table.. That's why I asked what the oversight would look like....

Nigga please. Lol @ asking a fuckin question somehow equalling me being compromised.

Never said I didn't fuck with it... you just perceived it that way. I asked a legit question(that hadn't been answered when I posted).. and still to some extent hasn't been answered. If demodding or suspension of certain mod privileges is off the table... what is the committee overseeing exactly? If that's been answered as I type this up and the thread goes another couple pages then coo....

lol and @King Freeman just because I dont agree with you 100% doesn't mean I'm with them or against you. lol yall gotta fuckin relax
Niggas dont got time to take a mod to court for the whole site to see but for time for a secret committee

source (4).gif
Lol any particular reason why?
Because you shouldnt add ppl just to add them. What’s the point of adding ppl who don’t post or might not even be aware of the shit going on?

Honestly if any female besides race ain’t on it it’s a waste of a spot imo
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Smuts a dirty dirty buisness that you know of when you signed up

With that being said, how often do you use the report feature? I don't wade in yall lifestyle but I have gone in there and deleted and corrected posts that were rightfully flagged
We degenerates over there. But a Mod should be assigned to check posts, not come flying in like Superman when someone screams then go back to Tje Daily Planet (safe space). But what do I know, I'm just a comic book character.
Because you shouldnt add ppl just to add them. What’s the point of adding ppl who don’t post or might not even are aware of the shit going on?

Honestly if any female besides race ain’t on it it’s a waste of a spot imo
I honestly don't know about the women on here. I assumed all were pretty active since there aren't many to begin with
It might be better to get unbiased actions if it's from someone who wasn't apart of the transactions though
:js4:That’s my point u unbanned unconditionally and once u unbanned her....It signals a clean slate so then why would another mod ask her to clear her name months after u had already unbanned her...

Btw this ain’t about Love just making a point about the type of shit ppl are complaining about

This conversation starts and ends with her breaking a rule in the rulebook. If I wanted to bring her back every Kwanza it doesn't matter, she broke a rule and should be banned permanently.
We degenerates over there. But a Mod should be assigned to check posts, not come flying in like Superman when someone screams then go back to Tje Daily Planet (safe space). But what do I know, I'm just a comic book character.
Why not? Why must your hero live in squalor for you to respect them?

If shit getting handled whats the difference?

You want Batman to live on Arkham and that's asinine
We degenerates over there. But a Mod should be assigned to check posts, not come flying in like Superman when someone screams then go back to Tje Daily Planet (safe space). But what do I know, I'm just a comic book character.
That's what the reports are for, you doof. If we made "threats" for every report made, we'd be there all day "threatening" but we aren't, are we? We take care of it behind the scenes
:Pathetic:niggaz got me confused....
Don't be scared dude. You already said you've been in hostile environments. Now you acting like a punk. Big bad dude from Baltimore with cartoon characters on your profile.

See how quickly we can start violating cats just off public information?

You not really built for this.

Like Christians who don't want to acknowledge the iron fist rule of God from the Old Testament and instead spend all their time reading Psalms from the New Testament.

Let me stop egging ya'll on.

I support transparency in what the Mods do, but I see y'all don't want to cut the lights on.
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