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Would you let a trans queer be your child's teacher or baby-sitter

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My entire premise is based on a trans-queer is not fit to teach my child, and I made my points to why that they can't teach my child and others have expressed theirs too.
That's not a good look in my opinion.

You stated that a trans-queer has no bearing on children ability to learn, and I stated that when the questions starts to be asked in Sex Education about the teacher's gender and that teacher goes into detail because of the questions that could be asked, trying to explain the answer will cause confusion, why this don't work and that don't work, those answer can cause some confusion or can allow the child to check out, or explore on their own, that's affecting a child's learning, that's not normal behavior.

What kind of influence can a trans-queer teacher present to children?

What dude did is a derailment of what is being discussed, because he can't response like an adult because it goes against his stance and views, so he wanted to try and throw salt in the game as if he's trying to knock down my talking points which goes against his views. when niggas and chicks do personal attacks with no substance, they lack confidence to defend their belief. "You can't defeat logic and truth, so you attack the person"

So instead of trying to make a valid point, he says the goofy shit, didn't explain anything behind, just stated the goofy shit, other than what "he" wanted to state and viewed in his mind and what he took from that Boosie Thread

The Boosie thread, and what I stated, I stated that 13-17 year olds have sex and seek out sex, on their own and some even asked their parents about it, what Boosie did, was when his son asked him about whatever he asked him about, he hired strippers for his son, his son is 14 or 15, Boosie felt that he could give his son a stripper. I stated that most R&B singers and rappers were rapping about sex at a very young age, and most if not majority of the folks on this board were in school or on the play ground, lunch room talking about sex or having sex...
The conversation has nothing to do with having a trans-queer as a teacher, which is why it's dumb, but I see how stuff goes on around here"

You're also assuming that kids will outright ask a teacher "Hey are you a man or a woman"...i mean yeah kids are rude but to be that bold? That's highly unlikely and even more unlikely, due to current social stigmas which you're clearly exhibiting that puts their jobs in danger, that the teacher would even give a detailed response. You're once again assuming a response. You're also showing a clear lack of what trans people go through when they transition with your "lack of this and lack of that" and how it would even compare to once again teaching the basics of human biology which is what sex education is. Sex education is not about whether or not a person sees themselves as a man or a woman, it's about how the human body works and you can't give 1 legit reason why a person who is trans or gay can't also teach how the human body works simply because they are trans or gay because again whether they're a man or a woman has shit to do with how the human body works. You just keep launching into hypotheticals about what you assume kids will ask and what you assume they will be told when truth be told the hypotheticals you have posed have answers that are related to how any human body works regardless of how a person presents themselves. Like somebody said already it's amazing so many think you can be "turned" or influenced to be gay by other people simply by knowing they exist and/or being around them.

And no there actually is a correlation between your thoughts on Boosie and this because it has to do with child rearing and influences on children. You were gung ho in defense of what Boosie did as no big deal, yet see a problem with a problem with a trans or queer person being a teacher solely because they are trans. You defended Boosie yet are up in arms over this? According to your logic of exposing kids to things too soon, neither should get your seal of approval.
I never said kids don't talk about their teachers and i acknowledged that kids will naturally have questions about things they don't understand...but worrying about who their teacher is sleeping with is not something a child should be concerned with and if a child were to ask an adult that question it's the adult's job to let the child know that it's not of their concern.

I never stated that a kid should be worrying about who the teacher sleeps with, I stated that children will ask all type of questions about their trans teacher situation.

But I like the PC answer that you're giving. That's not reality though that's why I say you niggas live in a fantasy world and this aint Kansas, and it's not that simple, But it's nice to see that folks are trying to dress this situation up as if it's simple as A, B, C.
I’m a Christian and I’m no where near as concerned about homosexuals or transsexuals like some of those on here. This ain’t covid... it ain’t contagious. If they have questions, so what... my kids ask questions about ALL people. Fat people. Fit people. Old people. etc and no where in there has that ever made them fat, fit or old.

LOL @ being scared of questions
You're also assuming that kids will outright ask a teacher "Hey are you a man or a woman"...i mean yeah kids are rude but to be that bold? That's highly unlikely and even more unlikely, due to current social stigmas which you're clearly exhibiting that puts their jobs in danger, that the teacher would even give a detailed response. You're once again assuming a response. You're also showing a clear lack of what trans people go through when they transition with your "lack of this and lack of that" and how it would even compare to once again teaching the basics of human biology which is what sex education is. Sex education is not about whether or not a person sees themselves as a man or a woman, it's about how the human body works and you can't give 1 legit reason why a person who is trans or gay can't also teach how the human body works simply because they are trans or gay because again whether they're a man or a woman has shit to do with how the human body works. You just keep launching into hypotheticals about what you assume kids will ask and what you assume they will be told when truth be told the hypotheticals you have posed have answers that are related to how any human body works regardless of how a person presents themselves. Like somebody said already it's amazing so many think you can be "turned" or influenced to be gay by other people simply by knowing they exist and/or being around them.

And no there actually is a correlation between your thoughts on Boosie and this because it has to do with child rearing and influences on children. You were gung ho in defense of what Boosie did as no big deal, yet see a problem with a problem with a trans or queer person being a teacher solely because they are trans. You defended Boosie yet are up in arms over this? According to your logic of exposing kids to things too soon, neither should get your seal of approval.

Are you suggesting that it's highly unlikely for a kid to ask their trans teacher if they are man or woman? This what you suggesting? You really thinking kids out here will not address the elephant in the room.. The fact that you have this mind-set and think like this, I can't even have a normal serious debate with you breh, for you to think and suggest that it's highly unlikely for children to ask if their trans teacher is a man or woman.
That's why I say what I say, yall niggas living in a fantasy world, to even think like this.
You guys don't think it's fair to wonder if more normalisation of transgenderism would equal more transgenders?

I'm not askin' whether you agree with the statement just if you think it's fair to discuss
Never once because I didn't care about their personal lives so long as it didn't affect their ability to do their jobs affectively. I had a teacher caught doing coke in their classroom. They were far more of a worry to me than the gay teacher. The one teacher that I had that I knew was gay was only because he had a picture of his husband on his desk. Outside of that I would've never known nor cared to know. And so what if the kids ask, that's then on the adult to tell or not to tell. Of course kids have questions, but it's on the adults to give the right answers to those questions and certain shit you're saying kids would ask about has actual answers that can't be disputed. And unless a kid was already considering they didn't feel they were in the right body, simply knowing that people change their sex won't do shit but be another piece of information in their brain they learn. You're caught up in the idea that simply knowing about something will influence you to try it, yet don't see how that logic fails time after time when you apply it elsewhere

Edit: I also had a Western Civilization teacher who was also the Varsity basketball coach who got caught on multiple occassions with female students sitting on his lap in his classroom after school, and after he was finally fired two students flat out admitted to fucking him the entire previous year. But worry about the teacher that's gay or trans being bad for your kids....

thing is most kids ain’t even knowledgeable of tha
They are just as real as a man/woman believing they are meant to be the opposite sex when they are in fact not.

Come one come all.

Nope. Niggas invented Transracial to troll black people and transgender people. It’s real stupid to think otherwise Thor
You guys don't think it's fair to wonder if more normalisation of transgenderism would equal more transgenders?

I'm not askin' whether you agree with the statement just if you think it's fair to discuss

no. Just more transgenders not fearing for their lives
If a lil girl in the 90s or sutten saw one sized zero model it wouldn't cause her to become anorexic, but then no one would think or even argue that.
I offended some of my new orleans/Louisiana brothers on ABW months back saying some folks from our state have some wild ass thoughts that's dated and in reality should have never been wavy.

I stand behind that.

You was wrong as fuck with that becuase NOLA has a high rate of Gay folks their and they are accepted. From the music to everything else
I never stated that a kid should be worrying about who the teacher sleeps with, I stated that children will ask all type of questions about their trans teacher situation.

But I like the PC answer that you're giving. That's not reality though that's why I say you niggas live in a fantasy world and this aint Kansas, and it's not that simple, But it's nice to see that folks are trying to dress this situation up as if it's simple as A, B, C.

You seem to live in a world where everybody is entitled to other people business
If a lil girl in the 90s or sutten saw one sized zero model it wouldn't cause her to become anorexic, but then no one would think or even argue that.

Funny you say that because they have to make sure that all sizes get shine due to mental and unreal expectations.
To be real. How many of y’all had teachers that just taught and not all the extra shit about life?
Most of em until college. If any of my teachers talked to us about life it's cuz we asked or we went to them to kick it cuz they were cool.

Obviously in younger grades they try to sneak shit in about fairness and being nice to others and shit but I never got any personal beliefs from my teachers where it wasnt relevant to the subject (that I can think of) unless we were talking one on one. Didnt come up in regular class.
You was wrong as fuck with that becuase NOLA has a high rate of Gay folks their and they are accepted. From the music to everything else

New Orleans is one city in an entire state tho ain’t it? That’s like when ATL niggas said it was Wakanda. A state does have influe
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