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It Has Started: Africans Are Kicking Chinese Out Of Their Countries

Europe at the time was a broke continent, they had prolong periods of famine, diseases, crime and dire poverty before slavery powered this country this is why I am trying to understand how these Europeans have all of these "superior weaponry"

You have your timelines mixed up. Colonization took place AFTER Europe began enriching itself from the spoils of the new world and the start of the industrial revolution. The English, Portugese, Dutch, and Belgians were powerhouses by the time they started invading Africa. Again, I've told you the exact weapon that made a difference in the wars between Africa and Europe. If you don't believe me go look up the Gatling Gun and read about what a big difference it made on the battle field.
Bruh I gotta go and don't have time to dig into it now, but you have to look at the numbers. The Arab slave trade did not deplete the continent of people the way the European slave trade did.

But where is the unequal exchange? The African kingdoms and nations that traded resources and slaves got massively wealthy and powerful. There is a reason that Mansa Musa is to this day the wealthiest person to ever live. They had a huge gold, salt, and slave network going. Arabs didn't even try to fuck with the Ghana, Mali, or Songhai empires because they were that powerful. It wasn't until Songhai was in it's decline that the North Africans invaded, but even then North Africans =/= Arabs.

What did the Africans get from a broke Europe? That's the unequal exchange, Europe offered nothing at the time or any value, they were a broke continent.

Europe had no castles or buildings, hell they didn't even have running water before the Moors came into Europe. They didn't even know how to read or write, or bathe

They slept in barns, their kings and queens, slept in barns with their animals. Again I ask, what did the Europeans offer the Africans?
What did the Africans get from a broke Europe? That's the unequal exchange, Europe offered nothing at the time or any value, they were a broke continent.

Europe had no castles or buildings, hell they didn't even have running water before the Moors came into Europe. They didn't even know how to read or write, or bathe

They slept in barns, their kings and queens, slept in barns with their animals. Again I ask, what did the Europeans offer the Africans?

lol Bruh, what the fuck are you talking about? Either you're really mixed up on your timeline or you're trying to rewrite history. Either way, stop it. The African Slave trade began in the 15th century, Europeans had been building castles for hundreds of years before that. Here's a 13th century castle in England, a country that was never taken over by the Moors.


We've already established that Africans traded for guns, which Europeans had since the 14th century. There were other products that Europeans had that Africans didn't also. Plus, again, early on, Africans traded slaves to get rid of rivals, so that in itself was a service.

Bruh, let's not go down the road of acting like Europe never came out of the Dark Ages. I get it. We're all pro black people here, we don't have to make shit up about other people to up our own. Remember, the whole reason the Transatlantic Slave Trade started was because there were European forces that were powerful enough to fund voyages halfway across the world. If those countries were as backwards and destitute as you're implying, they wouldn't have needed or been able to afford slaves to begin with.
lol Bruh, what the fuck are you talking about? Either you're really mixed up on your timeline or you're trying to rewrite history. Either way, stop it. The African Slave trade began in the 15th century, Europeans had been building castles for hundreds of years before that. Here's a 13th century castle in England, a country that was never taken over by the Moors.


We've already established that Africans traded for guns, which Europeans had since the 14th century. There were other products that Europeans had that Africans didn't also. Plus, again, early on, Africans traded slaves to get rid of rivals, so that in itself was a service.

Bruh, let's not go down the road of acting like Europe never came out of the Dark Ages. I get it. We're all pro black people here, we don't have to make shit up about other people to up our own. Remember, the whole reason the Transatlantic Slave Trade started was because there were European forces that were powerful enough to fund voyages halfway across the world. If those countries were as backwards and destitute as you're implying, they wouldn't have needed or been able to afford slaves to begin with.

Let's just end the discussion here: Being "Pro-black" has nothing to do with nothing, having facts about history and the precise timing with the details is what I am concerning myself with.

You made a statement earlier in this thread that I read, which stated that you don't think the wealth gap between whites and blacks is not as wide as people make it out to be, that type of mind-thinking and rhetoric being projected is not true and it casts a perception to those reading your statements to think that black people are not struggling and not at the bottom of the barrel. The wealth gap between the average black man and woman is not even close compared to an Asian, white woman, or man, etc. I gave you raw numbers to debunk your statement. When you make a statement like that, please explain to us what it is meant or have raw data/sources to be looked at.

Now you are talking about the slave trade and posting on what you may think, instead of actual facts that's listed. You made a statement about the Arabs and their control in Africa, Busta had to inject that they owned slaves in Africa, which is a slave trade and the market. I stated to you that Europe was a broke continent and the moors came with all types of things to enhance their society, You stated that Africa was unable to fight back because of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade which makes no sense, when a slave trade was already happening in the continent, been going on

You said that Europe made money with iron, and I asked you what was being built with iron before slavery? Where did they even get iron from? Who was buying up all this iron to make Europe this wealthy country before slavery? Now you stated that they were in the dark ages, after I stated that they were a broke infested, illiterate nasty ass group of people, being in the dark ages, Dark ages, is a white soft term that they use, instead of telling it like it is, which is Europeans were dumb, broke, poverty, sick, diseased infested etc people

You are all over the place and now you post a picture of a castle, not understanding that the kings and queens use to live in barns (as I posted) before they were living in castles, where do you think they got the idea to live in Castles come from? Who do you think built/designed the buildings and structures over there in Europe? Where do you think all of that came from?? If Europe was not a broke continent, why were many of their kings and queens living in barns sleeping with animals, Why was feces all over the streets, no sewer system in place whatsoever, why there were many famines, why was there no street lights or running water, why was the literacy rate so low, why were there hardly any universities in Europe before the Moors got there. Again, if Europe had money, all of these things wouldn't be happening, why was there even a dark age period if Europe wasn't broke?? Again let's look at logic and be precise about history instead of playing this guessing game

Most if not 90-95% of those structures come from the structural contents of Africa

Washington DC whole structure is of Africa content/design, The Lincoln Memorial, who is he sitting like that has a statue in Africa which was built thousands of years before DC was even thought of?

The Washington Monument looks like a what that's in Africa? That whole city structural content is a replica of Africa structural content and you're trying to project that Europe was this thriving continent before slavery, that is completely false. Europe was a broke, cold, dirty continent.

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lol Bruh, what the fuck are you talking about? Either you're really mixed up on your timeline or you're trying to rewrite history. Either way, stop it. The African Slave trade began in the 15th century, Europeans had been building castles for hundreds of years before that. Here's a 13th century castle in England, a country that was never taken over by the Moors.


We've already established that Africans traded for guns, which Europeans had since the 14th century. There were other products that Europeans had that Africans didn't also. Plus, again, early on, Africans traded slaves to get rid of rivals, so that in itself was a service.

Bruh, let's not go down the road of acting like Europe never came out of the Dark Ages. I get it. We're all pro black people here, we don't have to make shit up about other people to up our own. Remember, the whole reason the Transatlantic Slave Trade started was because there were European forces that were powerful enough to fund voyages halfway across the world. If those countries were as backwards and destitute as you're implying, they wouldn't have needed or been able to afford slaves to begin with.

List these many castles with dates that these Europeans (not Moorish castles, but Europeans ones in its original state, ) that were built hundred(s) of years. List the persons as well. I wanna fact check you on that statement and also list your facts on your statement about the wealth gap closing with blacks and all of the other races, particularly whites. I wanna fact check you on that statement. I may need to alter my thought process once I read the facts of what you produce that backs up your statement

We gotta stop throwing out statements with no real context behind that.
List these many castles with dates that these Europeans (not Moorish castles, but Europeans ones in its original state, ) that were built hundred(s) of years. List the persons as well. I wanna fact check you on that statement and also list your facts on your statement about the wealth gap closing with blacks and all of the other races, particularly whites. I wanna fact check you on that statement. I may need to alter my thought process once I read the facts of what you produce that backs up your statement

We gotta stop throwing out statements with no real context behind that.

Bruh, I gave you a picture of Dover Castle in England. That was built in late 13th century which was before the slave trade began. England was not taken over by the moors and that castle clearly isn't of a moorish style. That is enough to refute your claim that Europeans didn't have castles at the time of the slave trade. If you want to see more castles in Europe before the 15th century, Google them. They aren't hard to find.

Also, I never said the wealth gap was closing. You completely misunderstood the point I was making. I said, I'm not sure how large the wealth gap between the average black and white citizens are. What people do is the exact thing you did, they post average numbers for each race. I pointed out that on the white side there are some super duper extreme outliers that may skew those numbers a bit. I was not saying the gap didn't exist. I was not saying that we are catching up. My point was that those numbers may not be completely accurate when you're talking about a typical black family vs a typical white family. You just have to be a little careful when throwing numbers around. Another point I've never really seen addressed is the fact that whites are widely distributed throughout the country. Blacks are heavily concentrated in the Southeast. That makes a difference when you're talking about wealth because the cost of living is a lot lower in general in the Southeast, so the wealth you can amass and need is lower. A person with 20k in savings in Jackson, MS may be better off than someone with 50k in savings living in San Francisico, CA.
Timeline 711 from 1492 The Moorish ruled Europe
Bruh, I gave you a picture of Dover Castle in England. That was built in late 13th century which was before the slave trade began. England was not taken over by the moors and that castle clearly isn't of a moorish style. That is enough to refute your claim that Europeans didn't have castles at the time of the slave trade. If you want to see more castles in Europe before the 15th century, Google them. They aren't hard to find.

Also, I never said the wealth gap was closing. You completely misunderstood the point I was making. I said, I'm not sure how large the wealth gap between the average black and white citizens are. What people do is the exact thing you did, they post average numbers for each race. I pointed out that on the white side there are some super duper extreme outliers that may skew those numbers a bit. I was not saying the gap didn't exist. I was not saying that we are catching up. My point was that those numbers may not be completely accurate when you're talking about a typical black family vs a typical white family. You just have to be a little careful when throwing numbers around. Another point I've never really seen addressed is the fact that whites are pretty evenly distributed throughout the country. Blacks are heavily concentrated in the Southeast. That makes a difference when you're talking about wealth because the cost of living is a lot lower in general in the Southeast, so the wealth you can amass and need is lower. A person with 20k in savings in Jackson, MS may be better off than someone with 50k in savings living in San Francisico, CA.

You make a statement about many castles being built hundreds of years ago, I said provide facts, and you tell me to google it these many castles when you can just list them yourself behind that statement? that's an empty statement you made, can't you list your source or did you just make that statement to try and convince the reader that what you stated are hard cold facts. Googled them, they are hard to find
I thought we was having a discussion Monk man,

And again, I asked you to explain yourself or provided facts, a source so that I don't get the whole "you miss" my point comeback. We can't keep stating things without proper context, making empty statements with no context to what you're talking about, when having a discussion like them folks on The Great Debaters stated I got that raw data from the U.S. Census Chart Income and Poverty in the United States 2014 Appendix D, it's a full report. I am not throwing numbers around, this comes from your gov't that collects the data.

Again what information do you have that state Blacks are catching up in the wealth gap with white or Asians or is this just a personal feeling? Who are hiring these black folks and giving them these high paying jobs, Silicon Valley? The 500 Fortune Company's? The oil and gas industry?
How are we catching up when again, the politicians, Bernie Sanders, Kamala, Andrew, Trump etc, all have said how much there is a wealth gap between the black community and other races.

Again, what facts do you have that blacks are heavily concentrated in the Southeast? I know plenty of black people on the East and West Coast, and Midwest, you're sounding like a 60 minutes reporter Monk, come on with these statements/excuses breh that means nothing.

Would a person in Jackson MS, have to make a good salary to have a savings of up to 20K?? cost of living may be low compared to a San Fran but you still have blacks that are just getting by, Do you think the majority of blacks down south have 20k saved in their savings with college debt, kids, car notes, etc but they have 20k saved up from off of their salaries

If whites, Asians, other groups that are distributed throughout the country means what when it comes to having a higher salary than blacks?

How many affluent all black neighborhoods, all black gated communities are in the South but a logical question to ask, do you think there are more white affluent neighborhoods throughout the south? All white Gated communities throughout the south than blacks or vice versa?
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The Moors were in England, ruling as I stated, your timeline is inaccurate and you are putting out mis-information in this thread instead of the actual facts

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It may be a surprised to some who may think the gap isn't wide. I wanted to put more pop and shine more light with real data on how far Blacks are behind with other races in this country

Point me to an all affluent black neighborhood in the U.S., There may be 3 and I'm guessing on that
In Maryland and Atlanta and most likely Jersey or NY
It may be a surprised to some who may think the gap isn't wide. I wanted to put more pop and shine more light with real data on how far Blacks are behind with other races in this country

Point me to an all affluent black neighborhood in the U.S., There may be 3 and I'm guessing on that
And let me add....I have been saying this. But if you only stay or visit certain areas you won't see it fully.

Shit...Try seeing it on international levels
I disagree about the"superior weaponry",

What "superior weaponry" weapons did the Africans not have? Those guns and gun powder at the time were also in the hands of Africans (via trade)

Europeans would align themselves with a tribe (through religion or by capital) to get rid of another African tribe who were in war with that tribe or controlled something that could benefit both the tribe and the Europeans, take over the land, then take over the land/people of the tribe that they helped fight with

Deception was a key part in how Europeans stole most of the land in Africa. You just couldn't just walk into an African territory and break bread

When did "superior weaponry" come into existence with Europeans?

What do you mean when you say Africans couldn't fight back because they were hampered by the slave trade? I need you if you can, explain this statement

I think by superior weaponry he is talking about in the mid 1800s and forward. Scramble for Africa happened in the Industrial Age so mass producing guns and rifles and cannons did matter. But it wasn’t like it helped them fight disease or anything. Everything else you said is right too tho all these things combined. Slave trade weakened some groups but not all of them.
What did the Africans get from a broke Europe? That's the unequal exchange, Europe offered nothing at the time or any value, they were a broke continent.

Europe had no castles or buildings, hell they didn't even have running water before the Moors came into Europe. They didn't even know how to read or write, or bathe

They slept in barns, their kings and queens, slept in barns with their animals. Again I ask, what did the Europeans offer the Africans?

Which time frame you working with Moors were in Spain from like 700 ad to 1453. And it ebbed and flowed on how much Moorish influence was there by 1453 they had one city. So Spain kicked them out and took what they learned and spread it either through Pope or trade with other Euro cultures.

With slavery tho Europeans did have resources that Africans didn’t have and in reverse. If I got something you can’t get why not trade commodities for it. Vikings did it all the time. Like yea I can get salt and gold and slaves from africa and you can trade me a certain type of lumber or metals or whatever
Timeline 711 from 1492 The Moorish ruled Europe

You make a statement about many castles being built hundreds of years ago, I said provide facts, and you tell me to google it these many castles when you can just list them yourself behind that statement? that's an empty statement you made, can't you list your source or did you just make that statement to try and convince the reader that what you stated are hard cold facts. Googled them, they are hard to find
I thought we was having a discussion Monk man,

And again, I asked you to explain yourself or provided facts, a source so that I don't get the whole "you miss" my point comeback. We can't keep stating things without proper context, making empty statements with no context to what you're talking about, when having a discussion like them folks on The Great Debaters stated I got that raw data from the U.S. Census Chart Income and Poverty in the United States 2014 Appendix D, it's a full report. I am not throwing numbers around, this comes from your gov't that collects the data.

Again what information do you have that state Blacks are catching up in the wealth gap with white or Asians or is this just a personal feeling? Who are hiring these black folks and giving them these high paying jobs, Silicon Valley? The 500 Fortune Company's? The oil and gas industry?
How are we catching up when again, the politicians, Bernie Sanders, Kamala, Andrew, Trump etc, all have said how much there is a wealth gap between the black community and other races.

Again, what facts do you have that blacks are heavily concentrated in the Southeast? I know plenty of black people on the East and West Coast, and Midwest, you're sounding like a 60 minutes reporter Monk, come on with these statements/excuses breh that means nothing.

Would a person in Jackson MS, have to make a good salary to have a savings of up to 20K?? cost of living may be low compared to a San Fran but you still have blacks that are just getting by, Do you think the majority of blacks down south have 20k saved in their savings with college debt, kids, car notes, etc but they have 20k saved up from off of their salaries

If whites, Asians, other groups that are distributed throughout the country means what when it comes to having a higher salary than blacks?

How many affluent all black neighborhoods, all black gated communities are in the South but logical question to ask, do you think there are more white affluent neighborhoods throughout the south? All white Gated communities throughout the south than blacks or vice versa?

You start off wrong. I made the statement that many castles were built before the 15th century. That's true. If you want to verify it, do so on your own time. My actual response to you was that you were incorrect about Europeans not having castles at the time. I only needed one example to prove you wrong and I gave you Dover Castle as an example. The Moors had a presence in England but they never ruled there. If you say they do, then you're going to need to show and prove.

We can have a scholarly debate where we're both digging up sources to back our claims or we can have a casual discussion where we drop the knowledge we have. My issue with you is that you're making and have been making all these wild claims (like saying the moors ruled England) and you've never posted any proof, but when I disagree with you, then all of a sudden my claims are invalid because I'm not posting sources. Here's a paper about how the Slave Trade weakened Africa while simultaneously empowering Europe opening the way for colonization. Now you start proving some of the stuff you said. Show me your paper that proves that Europe didn't have any castles not built by Moors when the Slave Trade started.

The Atlantic slave trade had drastic impacts on African societies. Initially conceived by both Europeans and Africans as a small-scale enterprise for the exchange of goods and a few slaves, it later became a ruthless and demonic machine that drained Africa's human and economic resources. By massively responding to Europe's growing demand for slaves, African societies started up a commercial process that progressively hampered their economic, political and social developments.

For the second time, I never said we were catching up to whites or Asians. If I sound like a 60 minutes reporter then you sound like someone on FOXNews with your need to mischaracterize the opposing viewpoint. Those numbers I threw out were never meant to be taken literally. They were presented for the sake of argument. The average income in Jackson is around 19K. The Jackson cost of living index is 82% of the national average (https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/mississippi/jackson). The average income in San Francisco is around 61K. The cost of living is 269% of the national average (https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/california/sanfrancisco). So, you make a hell of a lot more money in San Fran, but the cost of living is a hell of a lot higher so the average person in San Fran isn't necessarily doing better.

This what a population map for African Americans looks like:


This is how white people are distributed


Here are Asian people:


Look at Asians, they are clustered in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles where both the pay and cost of living are high. Blacks are clustered in the southeast. So if you just do a rough average for each race, you're going to expect that Asians have a higher income per captia, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the average Asian is doing better. Again, I'm not saying blacks are doing as well as Asians. I'm just saying that the issue is more complicated than just putting some averages and calling it a day.
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I think by superior weaponry he is talking about in the mid 1800s and forward. Scramble for Africa happened in the Industrial Age so mass producing guns and rifles and cannons did matter. But it wasn’t like it helped them fight disease or anything. Everything else you said is right too tho all these things combined. Slave trade weakened some groups but not all of them.

I disagree, the conquests were happening in Africa before the 1800s, as I stated to Monk and Thor, Africa was getting invaded before guns were even invented.
Which time frame you working with Moors were in Spain from like 700 ad to 1453. And it ebbed and flowed on how much Moorish influence was there by 1453 they had one city. So Spain kicked them out and took what they learned and spread it either through Pope or trade with other Euro cultures.

With slavery tho Europeans did have resources that Africans didn’t have and in reverse. If I got something you can’t get why not trade commodities for it. Vikings did it all the time. Like yea I can get salt and gold and slaves from africa and you can trade me a certain type of lumber or metals or whatever

The Moors conquered Europe 619 some say 711 to 1492, all throughout the continent and before then Europe was a dirty, cold, disease infested no resource having continent. They were broke, no money or anything. When the Moors came in to rule they brought in civilization, brought running water, colleges, doctors, herbs, literacy, street lights, soap, a water sewerage system, taught them how to eat meals, how to eat a 4 to 5 course meal, how to domesticate their animals, these people were sleeping with their animals, that's why white folks are like that today, dress/style.
You had kings that went a whole year that didn't take baths, King Louis or King Henry, one of them. Cannibals were something in Europe heavy
That's why I am concerning myself with the timeline to find out what my guy Monk is talking about, he's all over the place with his statements.

What resources did Europe have? Other than guns? Africa had every mineral, resource, fruit, vegetable, gold ect. Metals and those you are saying were in Africa, That's why I brought up the Doctrine Unequal Exchange, If Europe had things as such, they wouldn't have been broke and in those living conditions before the Moors came in. Europe was a dirty ass place.
You start off wrong. I made the statement that many castles were built before the 15th century. That's true. If you want to verify it, do so on your own time. My actual response to you was that you were incorrect about Europeans not having castles at the time. I only needed one example to prove you wrong and I gave you Dover Castle as an example. The Moors had a presence in England but they never ruled there. If you say they do, then you're going to need to show and prove.

We can have a scholarly debate where we're both digging up sources to back our claims or we can have a casual discussion where we drop the knowledge we have. My issue with you is that you're making and have been making all these wild claims (like saying the moors ruled England) and you've never posted any proof, but when I disagree with you, then all of a sudden my claims are invalid because I'm not posting sources. Here's a paper about how the Slave Trade weakened Africa while simultaneously empowering Europe opening the way for colonization. Now you start proving some of the stuff you said. Show me your paper that proves that Europe didn't have any castles not built by Moors when the Slave Trade started.

For the second time, I never said we were catching up to whites or Asians. If I sound like a 60 minutes reporter then you sound like someone on FOXNews with your need to mischaracterize the opposing viewpoint. Those numbers I threw out were never meant to be taken literally. They were presented for the sake of argument. The average income in Jackson is around 19K. The Jackson cost of living index is 82% of the national average (https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/mississippi/jackson). The average income in San Francisco is around 61K. The cost of living is 269% of the national average (https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/california/sanfrancisco). So, you make a hell of a lot more money in San Fran, but the cost of living is a hell of a lot higher so the average person in San Fran isn't necessarily doing better.

This what a population map for African Americans looks like:


This is how white people are distributed


Here are Asian people:


Look at Asians, they are clustered in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles where both the pay and cost of living are high. Blacks are clustered in the southeast. So if you just do a rough average for each race, you're going to expect that Asians have a higher income per captia, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the average Asian is doing better. Again, I'm not saying blacks are doing as well as Asians. I'm just saying that the issue is more complicated than just putting some averages and calling it a day.

Monk, many castles were built, and many, 90 - 95% were built by Moors in which I stated. That's why I asked you to list these many castles that the Europeans built and add the year. I back up my statement by giving you facts that the kings and queen before the Moors came were living in barns and sleeping with animals. Who do you think they got the idea from to build castles and live in them?? You think the Europeans thought of this themselves??

I even said Europe's whole structural built is like Africa's structural built, I even said Washington DC was built off of Africa's constructional context, so why would I say that there were no castles in Europe?

I gave you many sources on the Moors ruling England and Europe, I even gave you a time frame/time line to follow, you are the one in denial about the information Monk

You have plenty sense, you are moving away from what we are talking about, to say what I'm saying in so many words or to pull out something that we are not even talking about