Coronavirus Conspiracy Thread

These large numbers of black folks dying from the virus.
I see blacks blaming stuff like our diet and lifestyle.
We are not doing anything others haven't done during this virus.
The virus has not shown to genetically target any race thus far.
So for us to be in the majority in certain areas logically is not specific to our cultural diet or lifestyle.

Either our population numbers are higher than what's listed...
There is discrimination of treatment/acts of malpractice going on...
Or all the above.
And if it is our diet and lifestyle, specifically state what it is we're eating that's the trigger.
What is it that's specific to black people that's leading to these results?

Otherwise, it ain't making sense as people try to explain it.
There have to be other factors at play here.
These large numbers of black folks dying from the virus.
I see blacks blaming stuff like our diet and lifestyle.
We are not doing anything others haven't done during this virus.
The virus has not shown to genetically target any race thus far.
So for us to be in the majority in certain areas logically is not specific to our cultural diet or lifestyle.

Either our population numbers are higher than what's listed...
There is discrimination of treatment/acts of malpractice going on...
Or all the above.
And if it is our diet and lifestyle, specifically state what it is we're eating that's the trigger.
What is it that's specific to black people that's leading to these results?

Otherwise, it ain't making sense as people try to explain it.
There have to be other factors at play here.

Niggas still congregating
Niggas still smashin' randoms
Niggas still crewed up
Niggas still doing what niggas do.

Muhfucka across the way from here pulled the grill out every other day last week and every time he pulled it out they had a group of folks over.
The broads that stay directly upstairs from them had the hood titty bar going in their apartment until it got shut down.
These kids from all these different apartments runnin' around in the courtyard playing together
I'm still seeing niggas dap each other up when they see each other on the block
Niggas is out there sellin hand-to-hand on the block then coming back here to lay their head
Hoes still on the stroll and niggas still pickin' 'em up.

I can't speak on YT 'cause my neighborhood is majority Black and Mexican, but if this shit picks up steam and runs rampant through this apt complex, this is why.
These large numbers of black folks dying from the virus.
I see blacks blaming stuff like our diet and lifestyle.
We are not doing anything others haven't done during this virus.
The virus has not shown to genetically target any race thus far.
So for us to be in the majority in certain areas logically is not specific to our cultural diet or lifestyle.

Either our population numbers are higher than what's listed...
There is discrimination of treatment/acts of malpractice going on...
Or all the above.
And if it is our diet and lifestyle, specifically state what it is we're eating that's the trigger.
What is it that's specific to black people that's leading to these results?

Otherwise, it ain't making sense as people try to explain it.
There have to be other factors at play here.
lets not act like this stop with just them

im sure blackpeople are in this too

So, they're really going on record that it's underlying health issues leading to more deaths among Blacks.
CDC stats do show that we are higher in specific health issues mentioned here.
Black numbers are shown in the highest three of conditions he mentioned.
Hispanics or Native Americans are closer or higher in some areas.

And there are many recent articles reporting on Blacks and Hispanics getting hit harder.
Referring to similar points that Konceptjones made.

Diet and lifestyle as others had already suspected, for now, anyway.
I'd go in to add access to health coverage may be another factor.
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So, they're really going on record that it's underlying health issues leading to more deaths among Blacks.
CDC stats do show that we are higher in specific health issues mentioned here.
Black numbers are shown in the highest three of conditions he mentioned.
Hispanics or Native Americans are closer or higher in some areas.

And there are many recent articles reporting on Blacks and Hispanics getting hit harder.
Referring to similar points that Konceptjones made.

Diet and lifestyle as others had already suspected, for now, anyway.
I'd go in to add access to health coverage may be another factor.

Doc told my moms that she has to go three days without symptoms to come out of quarantine, but they tellin YT you gotta quarantine for 14 days mandatory. So Black folks go back to their routine and prolly spreading it or getting re-infected while YT gettin better.
Doc told my moms that she has to go three days without symptoms to come out of quarantine, but they tellin YT you gotta quarantine for 14 days mandatory. So Black folks go back to their routine and prolly spreading it or getting re-infected while YT gettin better.

Even here, the state told us moderate symptoms weren't given much, if any, concern.
3 days is new to me, though.
And 14 days has been said to be too short, at least a month is suggested.

The possibility of malicious acts is always there.
Access to healthcare and the disease itself could all be weaponized against blacks.
But I've nothing to argue Fauci and CDC stats, just some healthy paranoia towards that information.
Even stats can be manipulated.
New one:
Trump created the virus to sabotage the election.

First he took USPS out the stimulus relief fund.
Now Dems trying to add mail in ballots to next stimulus bill since we may not be able to quarantine AND vote in public.

& Then this:

& This....


Idk if this should go here or in the original thread lmao
  • Ether
Reactions: Freshb651
All the bkack people getting killed in Chicago
All the black people mostly girls missing in Chicago

Now 70% of viruses are black people

Organ harvesting is big business
So is sex trafficking.

But if you kill the men in a community. One man can still seed the next generation.
But if you kill or remove the women.....The community will die out.
They running the okie doke on niggas with 5g. It's flat earth all over again. Laugh at people trying to figure out if the earth is flat or not while not focusing on the fact we can't actually leave earth's atmosphere.

5g isn't making people sick. It's the beginning of human to industry to government iot (internet of things).

Picture minority report.
  • Ether
Reactions: ChicagoFigure
These large numbers of black folks dying from the virus.
I see blacks blaming stuff like our diet and lifestyle.
We are not doing anything others haven't done during this virus.
The virus has not shown to genetically target any race thus far.
So for us to be in the majority in certain areas logically is not specific to our cultural diet or lifestyle.

Either our population numbers are higher than what's listed...
There is discrimination of treatment/acts of malpractice going on...
Or all the above.
And if it is our diet and lifestyle, specifically state what it is we're eating that's the trigger.
What is it that's specific to black people that's leading to these results?

Otherwise, it ain't making sense as people try to explain it.
There have to be other factors at play here.

@Golan thinks its because of blacks being poor, lazy having bad eating habits and listening to dr. Sebi.