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"You Gon Have To Shoot Me N*gga!"

So cops do not have the right to survive? FOH. If you so good become a cop and pretend it’s true crime ny shooting people in their shoulders or using martial arts to disarm. She literally breaking the law and threatening an officer of the law and you’re defending her. Would never live in a nation being run by y’all. The criminal has more rights than the police

Of course they do. When did I say otherwise? Point it out.

Listen to yourself. In your mind, me saying 'Cops should do all they can to NOT kill people' is me thinking I'm 'so good'. NOT killing people makes me self-righteous in your mind. If that's not an indictment of the bullshit, I dunno what it.

When did you hear me defend her at all? All my statements were about how the officer should have reacted, not the morality of what SHE was doing.

What else you got?
No I'm not, you're deflecting because again you know that there are circumstances where police could have apprehended a person another way but chose not to - this is literally the source of what is called POLICE BRUTALITY. They told Philando Castile 3 times not to reach for his firearm before killing him in front of his 4 year old daughter, they told Amadou Diallo to stop and put his hands up, Diallo scoffed and continued up his steps before being shot 41 times, Sean Bell crashed a car into another officer's cruiser (toxicology reports said he was legally intoxicated before officers both on and off duty, opened fire). The argument here is that police officers have options but elect not to use them and abuse their power, this is why police brutality is such a problem in America and has made it's way to an election issue people keep bringing up.

And again Laquan McDonald was given 3 warnings to put down the knife before walking away and then he was gunned down. You can actually wiki the case and watch the video on CNN video page. Out of 7 officers one chose to pick up a gun and gunned him down, there are a lot of instances like that but one person goes home without a loved one.

My dude this my last post on the subject, I strongly encourage you read up on these social issues and think twice.

I"ve read up on everything. You're still comparing apples to nectarines here.

Did this cop have another option? My reading says "no" because that city hasn't deployed non-lethal options to their officers.

Philando's situation was completely different. Although he had a legit weapon in his possession, he had not drawn that weapon; he never reached for it at all. The cop in that situation was basically a scary ass bitch. He was terrified that a Black man even possessed a weapon in his vicinity. Never mind that he hadn't even seen the damned thing 'cause it was still stored.

Sean Bell's murder is even more different. Him and his boys were murdered by plainclothes cops that never identified themselves as police and simply came at them with guns out (witnesses corroborate this version of events). How is this even close to being the same dawg???

Amadou Diallo had no gun and posed no threat to the cops. He was murdered in cold blood.

While Laquan McDonald actually had a knife, he was walking AWAY from the police, not advancing towards them or threatening them. Again, this is a whole different scenario.

This woman had a weapon in her hand, actively made threats against the cop, repeatedly ignored commands to drop the weapon, and charged the cop resulting in her getting slugged up. Not one of these other incidents is the same and the only one that's even remotely similar (Laquan's), you don't have a suspect charging at the cops, you have the exact opposite.

Again, you're trying to manipulate the narrative to fit your view but you picked the worst possible examples.
Yes dummy...that’s when you’re in danger...he made tha situation a deadly encounter by staying close enough to need deadly force

And what did I make up?! Either tha cop shot center mass to not hit anybody standing in her direction or there wasn’t anybody in danger in her direction?! Which is it?!

But you right...tha only way that situation could and should have been handled was with her taking 4 to tha chest smh

I should have followed @Goldie and left y’all fake tuff killers to have at it...I’m out

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The situation could have been handled by her by dropping the scissors not approaching the cop. It’s that simple. How she got to that age and can’t compute those simple instructions defies Darwinism. She’s accountable for her own death. You wanted the cop to retreat while a civilian is in the room? She crazy enough to start pushing a cop with a gun it’s not that crazy she would stab somebody else? You wanted him to juggle focus of getting the civilian out and maintaining distance between himself and the woman? A lot of things can go wrong when shooting her was the safest solution. Maybe you wanted him to Call the entire the precinct to get riot gear to take Her down
GNS since the IC you've been one of the dumbest posters who ever posted. People like you are why America is fucked up.

Before apprehending an elderly lady with mental health issues who held a pair of scissors by shooting her in the leg or somewhere else you'd just kill her ? Bet you when they made tribute threads to the victims you're prolly the cunt on the sidelines saying "they deserved it" SMMFH so I know not to expect much from you. Police officers abuse their power and you're ok with it until your dumbass or someone you know ends up in the crosshairs. Then you sing a whole different tune.

What elderly lady??? Were you watching the same video???

"Edmonds went to the hotel in response to a disorderly person call and encountered 45-year-old Shannon Rupert of Shreveport.

Rupert was allegedly waving around a pair of scissors while on a phone in the lobby of the hotel, the city stated in a previous news release.

"The officer gave multiple verbal commands to Rupert to put down the weapon. Rupert then aggressively approached the officer with scissors in hand. The officer fired two rounds from his department issued handgun striking Rupert in the upper torso," the previous news release read."
So if this cop was in such “imminent” danger why not remove yourself from tha situation and wait for back up?! Or better yet get tha innocent bystanders out of tha situation?! I mean he did fire his weapon at her in tha direction of people standing behind her...Pepper spray?! Those faggots always got that shit on deck...

Now if he came into tha room and that woman rushed him with tha scissors...by all means...light her ass up...

But he was literally behind a desk while she was on tha phone going back and forth into a room further away...yet he waits until she comes around tha counter before taking action...

Face it...he wanted to shoot her for calling him a nigger...same as a white cop getting emotional if a black person calls him a pussy ass cracker...

Point is fuck tha police because they always doin’ more than Just “protecting and serving” and I’m not championing any of their fucked up actions just because tha person getting shot didn’t look like me...because tha other 999 times outta 1000 they will look just like me, my son, my nephews, my pops and all my homies....

Rules of engagement homie... She wasn't a real threat until she came around the corner and came at him. A civilian is expected to do the exact same thing. Had a civilian shot her while she was behind the desk it's a minimum manslaughter case, possible 2nd degree murder. But once she comes around the corner and charges at you it becomes self defense.
You can always spot out a couple of things from threads like this:

-people who have little to no experience with guns
-people who watch too much tv/movies
-people who don’t know how adrenaline works
-people who haven’t seen how things can play out in self-defense situations
Rules of engagement homie... She wasn't a real threat until she came around the corner and came at him. A civilian is expected to do the exact same thing. Had a civilian shot her while she was behind the desk it's a minimum manslaughter case, possible 2nd degree murder. But once she comes around the corner and charges at you it becomes self defense.

I agree...that’s my point tho...seems like things could have been done a lot differently before she came around that desk....why doesn’t tha cop get tha people out of tha lobby leading up to that point?! Why not, you being that trained professional and all, don’t YOU keep a safer distance than what he did?! Was he worried she was gonna stab whoever she was on tha phone with?? I mean cops are trained, paid and more importantly they CHOOSE to be in an occupation that has you dealing with certain safety issues...as far as I know tha police dept isn’t a draft based job...these pussies chose to be cops
there’s a video of someone being attacked by someone with a knife and the defending person shot the knife attacker 11 times and the knife attacker kept coming at them.

I say that to say....you never know what could happen. All that “just aim at the leg” shit sounds cool and all but that don’t always work nor is it always an option.
Man... I’m not gonna celebrate a cop taking a life especially in those circumstances. If this was a sista no one would be laughing. By law yes he did everything he was supposed to do. It’s unfortunate. However I can’t see why anyone would want to run up on someone with a gun pointed at them unless they either mentally unstable &/or want to hurt said person with the gun. Granted I feel like there should of been more than one cop there trying to defuse the situation. Maybe it would of went a lot better who knows. At the end of the day it’s a cold world out here.
there’s a video of someone being attacked by someone with a knife and the defending person shot the knife attacker 11 times and the knife attacker kept coming at them.

I say that to say....you never know what could happen. All that “just aim at the leg” shit sounds cool and all but that don’t always work nor is it always an option.

People get all that.

Point is that from the very beginning of the video untill the end that this shit could and should have been prevented if the cop was a professional.

In the past few weeks we've seen videos of a cop killing an unarmed woman that was gaming with her nephew in her own house, we've seen an unarmed dude get shot cause he did not comply - fam was literally walking forward with his hands up lol smh - on this site...

Cops out there just screaming their lungs out with guns drawn without proper assessing wtf is going....escalating situations and murking people like its all normal...

This vid in particular literally starts with the bitch being on the phone standing behind a counter not being a threat to anyone but her gottdamn self...
Man... I’m not gonna celebrate a cop taking a life especially in those circumstances. If this was a sista no one would be laughing. By law yes he did everything he was supposed to do. It’s unfortunate. However I can’t see why anyone would want to run up on someone with a gun pointed at them unless they either mentally unstable &/or want to hurt said person with the gun. Granted I feel like there should of been more than one cop there trying to defuse the situation. Maybe it would of went a lot better who knows. At the end of the day it’s a cold world out here.

Bossier City is a lil backwoods spot right next to Shreveport, I've been there years ago while visiting family in Shreveport. It's prolly a little bigger than Flint, MI but not by much. It's small enough that I would expect a single cop to be dispatched to take care of a "disorderly person", which is what the call was when it went out according to the news reports I've read.
I dont have to kill somebody in order for me to be safe. Had bruh been issued a taser hed still be protected and shed be alive.

Not necessarily.

"An APM Reports investigation finds that officers in some big cities rated Tasers as unreliable up to 40 percent of the time, and in three large departments, newer models were less effective than older ones. In 258 cases over three years, a Taser failed to subdue someone who was then shot and killed by police. "
Not necessarily.

"An APM Reports investigation finds that officers in some big cities rated Tasers as unreliable up to 40 percent of the time, and in three large departments, newer models were less effective than older ones. In 258 cases over three years, a Taser failed to subdue someone who was then shot and killed by police. "
Killing somebody was the last resort then, which was my original point.
I'm pretty sure ever branch of the military is taught non lethal ways to disarm a person in that exact scenario...

The police don't explore non lethal options. Nor do they care to.

It just says something that we're less hesitant to kill people in other countries than we are our own.

The fact that police do not respect human life at all is a serious seriousn problem.

Like I said earlier... That should be something that is heavily practiced. But it's the exact opposite.

Shit is crazy how people just don't even care
Yall know a taser can kill you right?

Rhetorical question. I already know the answer.
Not necessarily.

"An APM Reports investigation finds that officers in some big cities rated Tasers as unreliable up to 40 percent of the time, and in three large departments, newer models were less effective than older ones. In 258 cases over three years, a Taser failed to subdue someone who was then shot and killed by police. "
Lol holy shit was is the point
Stop moving the goalposts.

1. Who said NOT to shoot them? I said they're trying to catch a body. You said yourself they are trained to catch a body. Yet you're arguing that point for some reason.

2. Nothing after the underlined matters really. Apples and oranges. As a civilian, my duty is't to protect and serve. It's so survive and protect.

3. To answer the question, if a middle-aged white woman is coming towards me with a pair of scissors, I can think of 43 different ways to protect myself besides popping her in the chest. I honestly don't view that as a 'me or you' situation. But that's just me, bro.

I wouldn't argue with an individual who did shoot to kill. But it just seems like these police don't really care about the lives of any citizen that they deem it to be too much trouble or risk to try not NOT kill.
1. Aren’t people in here saying they should have shot her in the leg? I’m trying to explain to you and others that they are trained to shoot center mass like civilians. Giving yourself a smaller moving target while under stress is stupid. They are trained to neutralized their target. Not miss and get stabbed. If you wanna act childish and call it catching a body go ahead.

2. It’s not apples and orange in a situation of self defense. Well unless you live in a pussified state where you’re not allowed to defend yourself with guns. you’re arguing that he doesn’t have the right to effectively defend himself because he’s a cop

3. Go ahead tell me how you would handled the situation
I'm pretty sure ever branch of the military is taught non lethal ways to disarm a person in that exact scenario...

The police don't explore non lethal options. Nor do they care to.

It just says something that we're less hesitant to kill people in other countries than we are our own.

The fact that police do not respect human life at all is a serious seriousn problem.

Like I said earlier... That should be something that is heavily practiced. But it's the exact opposite.

Shit is crazy how people just don't even care

Most, if not all, police academies teach cadets how to disarm an attacker. But... there's no requirement to continue that training at all, so after those lessons are over they're forgotten. It's not like they're getting up every day practicing forms/katas or one-on-one sparring every day before their shift starts so it never becomes second nature to them and it never becomes something they can rely on when the situation arises.

And even if the situation arises, that person can still end up stabbed. When it happened to me, I had every single advantage over that nigga you could think of and I STILL got stabbed and sliced before disarming the nigga and folding him up.