Is the person a how if you don't know the number. Because plenty of people have met people they thought were almost saints but was a hoe in a different town, country, area. I have never in my life asked a woman how many men have you slept with. What good is that knowledge. Are you clean is more of a concern. So you guys would rather date a woman that has only been with 1 R. Kelly than 3 normal dudes. Kelly could have been doing all type of @BNE knowledged stuff. (Not saying you do those things just saying you know about them)
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Is the person a how if you don't know the number. Because plenty of people have met people they thought were almost saints but was a hoe in a different town, country, area. I have never in my life asked a woman how many men have you slept with. What good is that knowledge. Are you clean is more of a concern. So you guys would rather date a woman that has only been with 1 R. Kelly than 3 normal dudes. Kelly could have been doing all type of @BNE knowledged stuff. (Not saying you do those things just saying you know about them)
you make a good point. even more than the sexual health angle is the messiness one, for me.

was that body count accrued through grimy means? did the cheat on someone or help someone cheat? did they sexually take advantage of anyone?

all things that are hard to know and can't be gathered from body count.
nah man...these cats in here thinking that they the only person that has made their girl cum

let em keep thinking it
There are people that will date and marry porn stars. It is not something I would do but I would not have married a virgin either.
There are people that will date and marry porn stars. It is not something I would do but I would not have married a virgin either.

dread...let me get these jokes off mayne
I didn't get any alert for this mention. I have noticed I dont get an alert if the mention come from the VIP section.

Maybe the @TheMasterKey can look into it? First of all, do you get this mention alert?
This not in that section though

You sure your settings are good?

Edit: just remembered Trini said that if you notify more than 6 people in the same post, it doesn't work. I thought by me just cutting then pasting to another post would do it but it doesn't look like it did. That may have been the issue
This not in that section though

You sure your settings are good?

Edit: just remembered Trini said that if you notify more than 6 people in the same post, it doesn't work. I thought by me just cutting then pasting to another post would do it but it doesn't look like it did. That may have been the issue

I don't think I ever changed anything since day one.
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Anything over 1 and I say that because no man I don't give a fuck what none of the faux feminist niggas in here going to say want their potential wifey,jump off, shooting guard and side chick to be deemed a ho.

Our egos (men) don't want to believe that women are out there putting up numbers like men. Which that all goes back to what I've been saying from day one on here............ WOMEN CAN'T DO WHAT MEN CAN DO
Ditto I can say the same about men...
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Damn I forgot about azlyn

What's your opinion @Azlyn
I think for those that say 1-3 makes you a hoe by 25 is harsh and that's cause I haven't had sex in a long time. Most loose there virginity in high school so there's your high school sweetheart the guy you meet in college and maybe it didn't work out? So you dated someone else.
I don't think it's on the number so much as it is on the choices a girl makes...
If she going out and sex'n dude first night she meet him then she a hoe but if you take the time to get to know someone and think they can be a potential partner then how could that make you a hoe?
I could see if she keep making the same mistakes over and over then she a dumb hoe.