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Same here.
I was very religious
i suffered from anxiety....

i would see naked breast and be like

I would have defended you.
yea, that woulda made it only worse....


you people have no idea the humiliations i've been through.....

i can laugh about all of it now, cuz looking back it was quite funny.....

but i used to be hurting as a youngster......

when 40 year old virgin came out ...i was no longer a virgin, but i swear i related to like 90% of that movie...

and evvvvvvvvvry body reminded me of it the entire time....

like for the longest i didn't know if the movie was really that funny or everyone was just hyping it to make fun of me.....
i'm prolly like at like 27% when it comes to sexua cnquests....i'm like the king of fucking things up when it comes to chicks.......it was a running gag most of my life....

people are like legit surprised i got married and had kids and all that shit....

the probability had to be in the billions
yea, that woulda made it only worse....


you people have no idea the humiliations i've been through.....

i can laugh about all of it now, cuz looking back it was quite funny.....

but i used to be hurting as a youngster......

when 40 year old virgin came out ...i was no longer a virgin, but i swear i related to like 90% of that movie...

and evvvvvvvvvry body reminded me of it the entire time....

like for the longest i didn't know if the movie was really that funny or everyone was just hyping it to make fun of me.....
u shlda been more private b. I just didn't participate in convos or let ppl reach their own conclusions. worst I got was a few condescending jokes about not being a woman yet.
u shlda been more private b. I just didn't participate in convos or let ppl reach their own conclusions. worst I got was a few condescending jokes about not being a woman yet.
i was a teenage boy.....

those were the things we joked and talked about......

i mean i've always been me, i could typically out joke most of my friends....and i was always the fighter of the groups....so i mean it wasn't like i was bullied, but it was one of those things i used to be insecure about.....

i think the insecurity and the anxiety, and my friends joking me, made it more and more difficult for me to relax enough to really talk to a girl smoothly, let alone get in a bed with one....

but once i got a little more mature, and learned how to chill the fuck out (mostly through drinking and smoking) i realized the shit wasn't as bad as i thought it would be....

i was so excited when it finally went down, i think my numbers from about age 20-24 got way outta control....so i slowed myself down and started really looking for more than just quick validation.....

i met the wife at 25.....

all in all, i think i did well,

prolly dropped the ball a lot being either too eager, or too hesitant....

but once i found a balance i was good
lol, i remember at least 4 chicks who liked me but said they wouldn't have sex cuz they didn't feel they were worthy of being my first...

i was like

that year was so reckless....i lost my shit in april, and i was already over 10 by my birthday in august...