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OPINION You get two choices...

Stringer on the team for his business sense and Walter White will make sure that product right. They'll make sure my drug empire will be top notch.
Ghost and Avon.

Both respect the streets and keep balance.

They have unmatched loyalty to a fault.

Both would still be in top if not for partner IQ.

While my post may sound crazy....it's not

Ghost wanted to go legit because he had a goal and family. And he proved he can run a business. Fuck dat copier front.ghost had the wash and folds and the club.

Stringer was selfish and thought kinda like ghost. He sent Avon to jail to go legit ....ghost sent kanaan to jail to grow.

Thing is...ghosts loyalty to have it all running smooth for everyone else once he left is admirable. Ghost ain't fuck Holly or Keisha....

Stringer killed Avon's family....THEN fucked his girl. I can understand protecting from snitching...but stringer went too far.
Just like killing Omar's bf like that over a few dollars.

Avon respected his streetcode and stringer until he could have lost it all due to stringers constant fuck ups.

Who want smoke?
This is difficult cause most of the reasons these dudes didn't last(other than them fucking up) is because of the people they decided to trust. That's a huge flaw in the drug game. Gotta be able to be a good judge of character

I like gus and frank
What's the problem?

We got a problem here?

Explain how a certified snitch 2 times respects the streets and has unmatched loyalty.

You trying to make that make sense is going to be some fantastical bullshit. Please explain!
Gus and Walter would have worked fine, but there a Lot if old beef be with the cartel. And Gus hated Jesse.

Stringer wouldn't give a fuck. As long as the streets getting good product, he can care less about vendettas.

Walter White and Stringer work the longest the best because they both are thinkers first. I feel like they're business plan would have been the strongest
Gus and Walter would have worked fine, but there a Lot if old beef be with the cartel. And Gus hated Jesse.

Stringer wouldn't give a fuck. As long as the streets getting good product, he can care less about vendettas.

Walter White and Stringer work the longest the best because they both are thinkers first. I feel like they're business plan would have been the strongest
Stringer in his lust for something he didn't understand and underestimation of others....damn near gave everything to Marlo.