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"You Can't Date White Women and Be Pro Black", but I bet you'll smash Candace Owens though.

Not really. It comes down to intent. These dudes are marrying white chicks because they think white women are the best way to improve their stations in life. You can't claim that every dude that dates outside of his race is doing it for that reason.
Well who marries a woman with the intention of her not making his life better? Isn’t that intentional? Thats why I say potato, potato.
lol Sure, but what makes them coons is the fact they they think the chick's whiteness is what will make their life better.

But Whiteness does make your life better...

The most coveted resource in the world after oil, water and natural minerals is a White spouse.

I don't know why we gotta deny that a White spouse of a certain class is a way to increase your own social status.
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Most Black men that marry white women also live in white neighborhoods.

You can’t be pro “X” while engaging in behavior that if everybody did would result in the extinction of “X”. If a generation of “pro-Black” men went out and married white women, moved to the white/“diverse” suburbs, and raised their kids that would most likely go on to marry white people, there would be no more Black people in a generation or two.

You can be a great human being, a great friend, and marrying/dating a white person doesn’t necessarily make you a coon. But you can’t be pro-Black if you do it and that’s okay because most Black people aren’t pro-Black anyway.
Candace look like she let you hit doggy style while she know she ain’t washed her ass and let like 4 bowel movements roll by.

Ain’t even wet the toilet paper or nothing.

Just straight fecal matter and booty mucus.

And a big ass white ass pimple right there looking up at you………..shining thru the dark of night illuminated by the pilot light of your water heater (cause you know she wanted every light in the building off)that you can’t stop running your thumb across.
Most Black men that marry white women also live in white neighborhoods.

You can’t be pro “X” while engaging in behavior that if everybody did would result in the extinction of “X”. If a generation of “pro-Black” men went out and married white women, moved to the white/“diverse” suburbs, and raised their kids that would most likely go on to marry white people, there would be no more Black people in a generation or two.

You can be a great human being, a great friend, and marrying/dating a white person doesn’t necessarily make you a coon. But you can’t be pro-Black if you do it and that’s okay because most Black people aren’t pro-Black anyway.

Say you had someone, call him Jim, who devotes his whole life to promoting the well-being of blacks, and who thought of little else but what can be done to improve the lives of black people. He also has a black wife and black kids.

However, Jim has suffered from depression his whole life, and eventually it gets the better of him and he takes his own life.

If every black people did what Jim did, black people would eventually go extinct.

But surely, despite his suicide, Jim was pro-black.

Your principle -- "you can’t be pro “X” while engaging in behavior that if everybody did would result in the extinction of “X” -- is quite simply wrong.

Your argument is a bad argument.
Say you had someone, call him Jim, who devotes his whole life to promoting the well-being of blacks, and who thought of little else but what can be done to improve the lives of black people. He also has a black wife and black kids.

However, Jim has suffered from depression his whole life, and eventually it gets the better of him and he takes his own life.

If every black people did what Jim did, black people would eventually go extinct.

But surely, despite his suicide, Jim was pro-black.

Your principle -- "you can’t be pro “X” while engaging in behavior that if everybody did would result in the extinction of “X” -- is quite simply wrong.

Your argument is a bad argument.

You’re comparing a single act(taking your own life) to a series of related lifestyle choices that have ramifications on your legacy(who you marry/procreate with, which community you live in, where your kids are raised etc.)

The analogy doesn’t stick and it’s ironic you would have to compare marrying/dating outside your race to literal suicide to try to make the point.
You’re comparing a single act(taking your own life) to a series of related lifestyle choices that have ramifications on your legacy(who you marry/procreate with, which community you live in, where your kids are raised etc.)

The analogy doesn’t stick and it’s ironic you would have to compare marrying/dating outside your race to literal suicide to try to make the point.

I am putting your stated principle to the test. If it a defensible principle, it would work for the case of suicide, and not just marrying interracially. But it doesn't.

I thought we are primarily talking about who a person marries. And if you really believe in your stated position, you would deny that a black person can be pro-black and marry white even if he or she lives in a black community, raises his/her kids in a black community, etc.