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Yeezy a Billionaire?

Care to expound on this. I'm a bit lost on how it relates.
We like to hate on people for their accomplishments. Hate brings on jealousy jealousy brings on niggas plotting. When niggas start plotting other niggas die.

All I see in this thread is jealousy and hate. O don't fuck with Kanye never been a fan of his music and don't like his shoes BUT a Black man getting money without hurting the next man to get it gets an applaud by me.
you want that type of smoke?

do we really want to speak on the things you posted?
Go ahead. In one thread yall saying we need to get Trump outa office because of all the people dying solely, because of policies and blunders hes made with this pandemic. Most of those being black people. A bunch of these deaths could of been prevented, instead we're on track to have the highest death toll (behind china because im sure theyre lying).

Then yall come over to this thread and shout out a nigga thats boldly gone on record during this, to say hes definitely voting this time and its going to be Trump. His profound reasoning, he says real estate is better now than when Obama was in office. Thats all it took to sell yall out.

Yall really turning a blind eye to shit cuz hes gotten richer. But I'll never salute some puss ass nigga thats cool with a bunch of us dying if he thinks it will get him a slightly better real estate deal. If that makes me a hater than so be it.

Go ahead. In one thread yall saying we need to get Trump outa office because of all the people dying solely, because of policies and blunders hes made with this pandemic. Most of those being black people. A bunch of these deaths could of been prevented, instead we're on track to have the highest death toll (behind china because im sure theyre lying).

Then yall come over to this thread and shout out a nigga thats boldly gone on record during this, to say hes definitely voting this time and its going to be Trump. His profound reasoning, he says real estate is better now than when Obama was in office. Thats all it took to sell yall out.

Yall really turning a blind eye to shit cuz hes gotten richer. But I'll never salute some puss ass nigga thats cool with a bunch of us dying if he thinks it will get him a slightly better real estate deal. If that makes me a hater than so be it.

Oh shit.
You brought heat.
That's what I'm talking about. Call me out.
I got you......Give me a bit.
Go ahead. In one thread yall saying we need to get Trump outa office because of all the people dying solely, because of policies and blunders hes made with this pandemic. Most of those being black people. A bunch of these deaths could of been prevented, instead we're on track to have the highest death toll (behind china because im sure theyre lying).

Then yall come over to this thread and shout out a nigga thats boldly gone on record during this, to say hes definitely voting this time and its going to be Trump. His profound reasoning, he says real estate is better now than when Obama was in office. Thats all it took to sell yall out.

Yall really turning a blind eye to shit cuz hes gotten richer. But I'll never salute some puss ass nigga thats cool with a bunch of us dying if he thinks it will get him a slightly better real estate deal. If that makes me a hater than so be it.

I read both articles....He didn't say who he's going to vote for...But we can assume it trump. I don't agree with some of his points but I can also agree with some.

I see where you coming from. But this man is not stupid. His views are jaded and stuck between what he knows and what he thinks he needs to do.

And it's all fueled in arrogance and his vision.

This comvo is very interesting tho I must say.

Lastly, where did he say he was OK with people dying?
The thing about voting for Trump is that he's a Republican. For those that don't know the difference, I'll explain it.

Democrats - Believe that the government should provide jobs, maintain roads, provide welfare and supplemental security income for those that need it, increase funding for schools, and increase taxes so they can provide better services for the community.

Republicans - Believe that the government should reduce taxes and reduce government programs, and ultimately reduce government programs. Republicans believe that the nation should be a free market economy where private companies should fix roads and provide jobs. Republicans believe that the government is inherently inefficient and that private companies can do a better job.

So if you support Trump, or any other Republican, it doesn't necessarily mean you like Trump, it just means that you think the government is inefficient and private companies should do whatever needs to be done with less government interference.

The Republican ideology makes sense. I mean, how foolish is it for Black people to sit around and wait for the government to solve our problems? The government created the problems in the Black community in the first place. When you vote Democrat you're basically saying that you want the government to fix what's wrong in society, whereas Republicans think the government itself is what's wrong with society.

If you vote Democrat you'll pay higher taxes for more government programs.

If you vote Republican you'll pay less taxes and there will be less government programs.

If you go to college, get a degree, and work a 9-5 you should have no problem finding a decent job. A person that follows that path has less reason to vote Democrat because he can take care of himself. But poor people that drop out of high school (or college) and can't find work are more likely to rely on government programs (food stamps, SSI/SSD/Section 8, etc.) and would be more likely to vote Democrat.

Although I've always voted Democrat, it's because of the candidate's personality, not because I believe in the Democratic philosophy (technically I'm a registered independent). I think the Republican ideology and I can see why a billionaire would want less government programs, and want to pay less taxes. A billionaire like Kanye can donate to the charities that he thinks should receive money rather than pay taxes for government programs that have no effect on, well, the Black community.

If you were a billionaire, would you want to pay a lot of money in taxes so the government can create programs, or would you rather pay less money in taxes and donate to the programs/charities that you believe in?
The thing about voting for Trump is that he's a Republican. For those that don't know the difference, I'll explain it.

Democrats - Believe that the government should provide jobs, maintain roads, provide welfare and supplemental security income for those that need it, increase funding for schools, and increase taxes so they can provide better services for the community.

Republicans - Believe that the government should reduce taxes and reduce government programs, and ultimately reduce government programs. Republicans believe that the nation should be a free market economy where private companies should fix roads and provide jobs. Republicans believe that the government is inherently inefficient and that private companies can do a better job.

So if you support Trump, or any other Republican, it doesn't necessarily mean you like Trump, it just means that you think the government is inefficient and private companies should do whatever needs to be done with less government interference.

The Republican ideology makes sense. I mean, how foolish is it for Black people to sit around and wait for the government to solve our problems? The government created the problems in the Black community in the first place. When you vote Democrat you're basically saying that you want the government to fix what's wrong in society, whereas Republicans think the government itself is what's wrong with society.

If you vote Democrat you'll pay higher taxes for more government programs.

If you vote Republican you'll pay less taxes and there will be less government programs.

If you go to college, get a degree, and work a 9-5 you should have no problem finding a decent job. A person that follows that path has less reason to vote Democrat because he can take care of himself. But poor people that drop out of high school (or college) and can't find work are more likely to rely on government programs (food stamps, SSI/SSD/Section 8, etc.) and would be more likely to vote Democrat.

Although I've always voted Democrat, it's because of the candidate's personality, not because I believe in the Democratic philosophy (technically I'm a registered independent). I think the Republican ideology and I can see why a billionaire would want less government programs, and want to pay less taxes. A billionaire like Kanye can donate to the charities that he thinks should receive money rather than pay taxes for government programs that have no effect on, well, the Black community.

If you were a billionaire, would you want to pay a lot of money in taxes so the government can create programs, or would you rather pay less money in taxes and donate to the programs/charities that you believe in?
I don't think people understand why they vote for people.
No person will help black people like that. Democrat or Republican.
But to be Democrat because your black without substance is stupid.
And people vote against their own interests all the time.

Shit Trump's tax laws saved us a shitload of money. That don't mean I'll vote for him.
I read both articles....He didn't say who he's going to vote for...But we can assume it trump. I don't agree with some of his points but I can also agree with some.

I see where you coming from. But this man is not stupid. His views are jaded and stuck between what he knows and what he thinks he needs to do.

And it's all fueled in arrogance and his vision.

This comvo is very interesting tho I must say.

Lastly, where did he say he was OK with people dying?
Hes not stupid, but hes attributing the current good real estate market to Trump and the previous economic crash to Obama. And you dont see where hes ok with people dying, even tho hes supporting the guy thats telling people to inject disinfectant and break social distancing? You got it bro.
We like to hate on people for their accomplishments. Hate brings on jealousy jealousy brings on niggas plotting. When niggas start plotting other niggas die.

All I see in this thread is jealousy and hate. O don't fuck with Kanye never been a fan of his music and don't like his shoes BUT a Black man getting money without hurting the next man to get it gets an applaud by me.

So cooning is cool?
I don’t get it he was cooning and we wrong for bringing it up but whenever Oprah get brought up we bring up Russel Simmons and how she do black men. Why one get to slide but not the other?
Hes not stupid, but hes attributing the current good real estate market to Trump and the previous economic crash to Obama. And you dont see where hes ok with people dying, even tho hes supporting the guy thats telling people to inject disinfectant and break social distancing? You got it bro.
I see him gaming a man who can't see shit you doing as long as you stroke his ego.
Kanye does it an he's people look at him like a coon who sold out to be a billionaire.
Putin does it he's celebrated by his people and now basically runs two of the most countries. China called...Stroked his ego and got him to stop calling it the Chinese virus.

I see a man who stood up for black people at one time but he's cancelled for going against the grain another time. Could be nothing else but cooning? How easy for one to cancel out the other.

Could easily say him blurting out bush don't like black people as a stupid move...Gambled his career to make a point. But that's celebrated.

He jumped on stage an basically shitted on Taylor Swift the WS princess in favor of Beyonce......Again crazy. Stupid move.

But go against black people an you cancelled....Couldn't be a mistake or playing the long game?

Can we talk critically? Just for a second.
This ain't about defending. And I'm not cosigning just cuz.

Let's look at it holistically.

Or is it....He did this and he did that. He's a coon. Nothing more?
I see him gaming a man who can't see shit you doing as long as you stroke his ego.
Kanye does it an he's people look at him like a coon who sold out to be a billionaire.
Putin does it he's celebrated by his people and now basically runs two of the most countries. China called...Stroked his ego and got him to stop calling it the Chinese virus.

I see a man who stood up for black people at one time but he's cancelled for going against the grain another time. Could be nothing else but cooning? How easy for one to cancel out the other.

Could easily say him blurting out bush don't like black people as a stupid move...Gambled his career to make a point. But that's celebrated.

He jumped on stage an basically shitted on Taylor Swift the WS princess in favor of Beyonce......Again crazy. Stupid move.

But go against black people an you cancelled....Couldn't be a mistake or playing the long game?

Can we talk critically? Just for a second.
This ain't about defending. And I'm not cosigning just cuz.

Let's look at it holistically.

Or is it....He did this and he did that. He's a coon. Nothing more?

But Kanye is not the leader of a country Putin didn’t do what Kanye did I don’t even know how you got that comparison
It's not surprising Kanye West and a lot of Millionaires became Billionaires since Trump got in office.

It found that the combined wealth of America's 565 billionaires in 2017 stood at $2.7 trillion, according to that year's Forbes Global Billionaires list. By 2020, the number of America's billionaires had increased to 614 and their collective wealth to $2.9 trillion, based on Forbes' most recent list calculated on March 18, 2020.

But by April 10, according to the Billionaire Bonanza report's analysis of Forbes' daily net worth updates, the number of American billionaires had increased by another 15 people to 629, surging their overall net worth up to $3.2 trillion — a gain that occurred over the course of 23 days during the coronavirus pandemic.
What funny is people do it everyday for less.

I could never suck up like many did. But that don't mean I didn't understand his move.

It's about perspective. A lot of the people in office now suck up to trump. He makes them money. So I get kanye....I just don't agree.
And yes...I saw coon first too. But since this thread and what I've seen. I get it now. Can't correct that slavery shit.....But from his perspective....A dude who won't take no and wants to bust thru the door....He had a mental lapse on some other shit. I see his point but don't agree with the statement.

Does anyone talk about all the shit he does for black people? All the people he helped or gave a chance or break too?
That don't matter I guess. Yet...We are OK with black women selling their dignity because...Get the bag.

So if a onlyfans chick became a billionaire because she held her pussy open for 7hours while doing a handstand....It will be celebrated I bet any amount of money. 10 to 1. Cuz she did what she had to get the money.

Is it oochie wally or one mic?

I think I'm done.
Not to change the subject, but remember when 50 Cent and Kanye had that contest to see who would sell more records in their first week?

At the time 50 Cent was doing his Vitamin Water thing and made between $200-$500 Million (depending on your source). Not only did Kanye's album sold more than 50's, but now Kanye's a billionaire.

Who would have thought that Kanye would surpass 50 Cent and become a billionaire?