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Yeezy a Billionaire?

See, I just want him to have an easy life, not like Yeezy life
Just want him to be someone people like
Don't want him to be hated, all the time, judged
Don't be like your daddy that would never budge.....

Anything taken outta context can sound crazy

Btw, he was spitting on the whole album
It wasn't taken out of context. He was on wax teaching his son to be an ass kisser. What kinda coon logic is that tho?

A black Republican kid who loves white ppl = easy life???

How sway?
Usual posters posting the usual takes

"Must be a day that ends in y"
as i go back and do my research.....
i got a question.

putin, china and other world leaders know how to get to trump and get him to listen. by stroking his ego.

but kanye does it and hes a coon.

i dont agree with compromising yourself for shit. especially not to trump or any white person or anyone.

but maybe he was trying to do the same shit others do to get to trump...thru his ego and as kanye does....he takes it too fucking far.

maybe it was genius in his sucking up but it went to far and in the wrong arena.

just a thought.

unlike some people i like to understand how people do shit, why they do shit, how they go to that point and other shit. so im just talking it out.
Dre became a billionaire and kept his integrity. Why celebrate this unapologetic houseboy when we've seen it done better before him?
dre became a billionaire by allowing his likeness to be attached to something mediocre to give it credibility.
i give dre props for the same journey but his was a bit different. but props to him regardless.
shit now that i think about it...is any black billionaire still married to a black person?
It wasn't taken out of context. He was on wax teaching his son to be an ass kisser. What kinda coon logic is that tho?

A black Republican kid who loves white ppl = easy life???

How sway?
manipulating the system maybe?

cant agree......but i see his point.
what guidance or blueprint is it for a son of a famously outspoken black man?
shit might even be why he married becky colored.......

man just all around confused and lost.
This funny cuz Cory Holcomn on his show once said Kanye not even from Chicago, and didnt even hang in the city. Said hes from somewhere just outside of it, but just claimed it.

But its really sad the way some of you worship wealth. A nigga can rob 100k poor people, but if yall hear he/she super rich, its an instant "salute" this and "black excellence" that. It instantly doesnt mean shit if someone black got a lot of money, but they fuck with the enemy. That means they're gunna make sure only them and their kids are the only POC at the party.

Its 2020 and yall still acting so damn slave, like you never seen a nigga with money before. Want everyone black int he country to pause and cry into their bible because you heard a nigga made some money or got into a good school. How much longer till some of you stop acting like we're inferior to white people? Cant keep preacher black power this and that but are shocked and amazed that one of us got into Harvard like some white racists.

Niggas rich af braggin about how much of a boss they are, till you press them on what they doing to help POC in America. Then all of a sudden they got their hat in their hand telling us we gotta understand that they're trying, but theres only so much they can do, because they dont have as much power and influence as we think. FOH
you want that type of smoke?

do we really want to speak on the things you posted?

if you dont invest in your mate...you can not complain about them being a bum.

if you dont see potential in your mate and/or challenge them to rise to their potential...you wasting time just fucking a live in random.

you only as great as your mate. if they aint shit they will pull you down.
hence ....why stack said " a bitter woman can destroy a successful man."