OPINION WWYD: If your child was about to be jumped?

Would you be ok if they killed someone if they were about to be jumped?

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I was gonna say this, but I opted not to because I know the ABW tough guys/e-gangstas woulda started clowning.

But, for real.. Ain’t nothing wrong with running if the cards are stacked against you.

My name ain’t Tony Stark (The Invincible Iron Man) so I ain’t trying to fight a gang of motherfuckers.

If you got a gun and you’re getting pummeled by a gang of dudes and there’s no escape, then yeah, start blasting.. Fuck it.

But, if you can escape without hurting somebody, run like hell.

Ain’t no shame in that.

I place a REALLY high value each and every human life. So if niggas jumping on me and I got a pistol on me, but I'm reasonably sure I can get away if I run...nigga, I'm OUT. I'll take that L so you can go home to your stupid ass family, instead of me blowing your stupid ass head off.
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I was gonna say this, but I opted not to because I know the ABW tough guys/e-gangstas woulda started clowning.

But, for real.. Ain’t nothing wrong with running if the cards are stacked against you.

My name ain’t Tony Stark (The Invincible Iron Man) so I ain’t trying to fight a gang of motherfuckers.

If you got a gun and you’re getting pummeled by a gang of dudes and there’s no escape, then yeah, start blasting.. Fuck it.

But, if you can escape without hurting somebody, run like hell.

Ain’t no shame in that.
Running away from a gang of people though ..if im going to get got i want to have a fighting chance 🥴
I'm not teaching my children to be shooters....

I mean I would hate for them to get jumped.... But I'm not pushing or preparing my children to take a life
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Yea, I'm not Blade like some of yall, I'm telling my kid to be aware and leave if shit look like its going left. Yall making it seem like taking a life/ doing a prison bid for murder is not that big of a deal.

In this case, he could of left or alerted staff/ police. Seems like homie wanted them to come out to the parking lot, so he could pull a pistol out on them. Too much pride made him take an unnecessary L.
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Yea, I'm not Blade like some of yall, I'm telling my kid to be aware and leave if shit look like its going left. Yall making it seem like taking a life/ doing a prison bid for murder is not that big of a deal.

In this case, he could of left or alerted staff/ police. Seems like homie wanted them to come out to the parking lot, so he could pull a pistol out on them. Too much pride made him take an unnecessary L.
I didnt even see the vid im talking about being in the mix of being jumped.. i assure you im not thinking of consequences... of self defense im trying to live it not bout being tough macho it's about survival
Yea, I'm not Blade like some of yall, I'm telling my kid to be aware and leave if shit look like its going left. Yall making it seem like taking a life/ doing a prison bid for murder is not that big of a deal.

In this case, he could of left or alerted staff/ police. Seems like homie wanted them to come out to the parking lot, so he could pull a pistol out on them. Too much pride made him take an unnecessary L.

Nah that's not it at all. The responses are about responding in the midst of being jumped not what could be done to avoid it.
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Yea, I'm not Blade like some of yall, I'm telling my kid to be aware and leave if shit look like its going left. Yall making it seem like taking a life/ doing a prison bid for murder is not that big of a deal.

In this case, he could of left or alerted staff/ police. Seems like homie wanted them to come out to the parking lot, so he could pull a pistol out on them. Too much pride made him take an unnecessary L.
He left the altercation, they shouldn't have followed him to the parking lot.
Yea, I'm not Blade like some of yall, I'm telling my kid to be aware and leave if shit look like its going left. Yall making it seem like taking a life/ doing a prison bid for murder is not that big of a deal.

In this case, he could of left or alerted staff/ police. Seems like homie wanted them to come out to the parking lot, so he could pull a pistol out on them. Too much pride made him take an unnecessary L.
What article did you read? Words were exchanged in the gym. The kid left by himself to his friend's car. He was standing outside of it when he was approached by kids he had beef with. He tried to get inside the car and lock it but they held the door opened. He was getting hit and that is when he reached for the gun.
Running is a rare option when you are about to get jumped.

Usually you are ambushed before you get a chance to make a move. Or they surround you and close off your escape.

%99 of people are going to run if they could. The 1% of people who want to fight usually dont have anything to lose and have a death wish.

Lol no cap… me and 2 of my cousins and a friend against the 60s in some apartments on 61st and 10th ave. Even they’ll tell you what happened. They was running through the gates like the Agent Smiths on Matrix reloaded. They was throwin bikes and all kinda silly shit.
Not one of us got dropped or come out with so much as a busted lip

Matter fact back on the Old IC one of them niggas from 60s came on and vouched. His name was “Trainwreck” or some stupid shit like that
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How is leave an option when he's getting in the car and they're going in the car with him?

It isn't. Lol.

All that shit @LurkerSix talking is irrelevant to the actual situation. The question wasn't 'WWYD if you're child is somewhere and sees some niggas he got static with?'. Yeah, I'm assuming we'd ALL be like 'Observe the situation and bounce, if you can do so safely.'.

But...that ain't what happened. That boy found himself face to face with 4 niggas who had a problem with him and tried to put hands and feet on him. I'm sure his parents would have rathered he NOT find himself in that situation. But he did. So that's the situation that he had to handle.

Fucked up all around.
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Getting jumped can get you killed.

So, if someone is getting or about to get jumped.........it's a life or death situation.

If anyone is in a life or death situation, you can't fault them for how they choose to protect themselves.

Therefore, if the shooter's account of the incident is accurate..............then he was well within his rights to defend himself.
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One on one fight if you lose you lose. But if niggas jump you and you have no other means to get them off you....... Let the steel talk to them

In the same breath tho if my son is jumping someone and I find out about I'm going to fuck his ass up. 🤷🏾‍♂️
This.. aint no ridin and dying on my watch fucknigganess need not be a team sport
Lol no cap… me and 2 of my cousins and a friend against the 60s in some apartments on 61st and 10th ave. Even they’ll tell you what happened. They was running through the gates like the Agent Smiths on Matrix reloaded. They was throwin bikes and all kinda silly shit.
Not one of us got dropped or come out with so much as a busted lip

Matter fact back on the Old IC one of them niggas from 60s came on and vouched. His name was “Trainwreck” or some stupid shit like that
So you was on some Neo shit

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