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WWE PPV Thread - SummerSlam/NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV

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Auska not winning was trash...that kinda set the whole tone for me

And no matter how you feel

Roman not winning was trash...
Lol@roman not getting an ovation when he was leaving, i dunno im glad roman didnt win but i aint with that part time champ shit anymore
Impossible situation.

That's why Seth winning last time was so awesome
Impossible situation.

That's why Seth winning last time was so awesome

Its not impossible

Have Roman win

On Raw the next night

Have Roman come out embrace that hate...throw the birds to the shithead fans and leave...

Boom...you got a nuclear heel champ

Shit is way too easy to “fix”

Instead of embracing that shit WWE keeps chosing to ignore and troll. Then you get shit like what we just saw.

Roman could be the best heel champ since HHH

But Vince refuses to let it happen

Would work out perfectly especially now that DB is back

You got your suoer over face in DB

And super over heel in Roman

Its not impossible

Have Roman win

On Raw the next night

Have Roman come out embrace that hate...throw the birds to the shithead fans and leave...

Boom...you got a nuclear heel champ

Shit is way too easy to “fix”

Instead of embracing that shit WWE keeps chosing to ignore and troll. Then you get shit like what we just saw.

It seemed like a shitty WM at first but it turned out really well.. even w the finishes, although, Asuka should’ve won..

That kid had to be a make-a-wish kid.... couldn’t see this any other way as to why...

I’m good w Nak and Roman losing. Right choices imo.
Wwe don’t do smart booking only smart move they made in 15 years was rocket DB and they only did that because fans were legit going to trash shows
This mania sucked boxes of dick looking back wasn’t any memorable moment no big spot wasn’t shit .. but Rousey showing some ass in them shorts and giving HHH his best mania match
Yall know Lashley supposedly signed right? What if they bring Lashley in on some "Save us Lashley" shit and u have him vs Brock.. two mma guys fighting for the title. One fighting to keep it with him when he runs off to UFC and the other called in to bring it back home
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