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Would you buy your son a play kitchen set?

I would buy my son a set if he wanted one. I mean, there are male chefs, and we are the best cooks (haha) . I think ppl may question it bc traditionally( especially in my family) the girls always wanted a kitchen set. The boys wanted cars bikes and video games. But of course having a sister we played in her kitchen all of time

I'm sure most understand what you're sayin here but sum will take it the wrong way

While I get many chefs are male. Even that is evidence of how limited society is in female/Male roles. Society pushes that males can be professional cooks and females are cooks for the home. This made up rule that its more acceptable to be a male cook if it looks manly. Men shouldn't be baking, baking is feminine...etc etc

I challenge myself on the thought that " its ok because it can lead to him being a chef." Not saying wrong or right. Just why is that the justifying statement or belief.

My thought is it's ok because It will spark creativity and imagination. Or that's what he wanted. If you ever actually watch a kid play on one of these...its all imagination. They don't put everything where it "supposed" to go. They don't care bout all of that...they just doing whatever they have seen or random ass shit.

I had a easy bake oven as a child.i loved that shit and my brother was on that thing too. But I had no desire to cook beyond just the playing element. Cooking as a child was alot of following directions and listening to the adult. On my easy bake I did what I wanted 😏. All kids want that in some way.
Only kinda related, but fuck it...

In my opinion, every child - boy or girl - should be able to make themselves a few meals but the time they leave home and strike out on their own. Stupid shit like asking whether or not it's OK for a little boy to have a kitchen set lends itself to the phenomenon of grown ass niggas not knowing how to feed themselves.
Only kinda related, but fuck it...

In my opinion, every child - boy or girl - should be able to make themselves a few meals but the time they leave home and strike out on their own. Stupid shit like asking whether or not it's OK for a little boy to have a kitchen set lends itself to the phenomenon of grown ass niggas not knowing how to feed themselves.

Lmaooo. This shit reminded me.

Back in the day like 10 years ago I went over to my boys house and literally watched this mfer cook chicken with a microwave.

Mfer put the chicken in the microwave, took it out after a bunch of minutes, seasoned it up, and put it back in.

I refused to eat that bitch and he went on and on telling me how its safe and he does it all the time.

Moral of the story, teach your kids to cook properly.
,Crazy thing is if u see this set in a store or online they have two different ones

one is obviously made with little boys in mind (the 1 in OP) and then theres one with a little girl on the box with lighter colors.

was looking into getting one last year for my nephew but he ended up getting something similar to it before I could
Lmaooo. This shit reminded me.

Back in the day like 10 years ago I went over to my boys house and literally watched this mfer cook chicken with a microwave.

Mfer put the chicken in the microwave, took it out after a bunch of minutes, seasoned it up, and put it back in.

I refused to eat that bitch and he went on and on telling me how its safe and he does it all the time.

Moral of the story, teach your kids to cook properly.

That might've been the last day that we were friends. Lol. That's WILD. I wouldn't have been able to just sit there watching the shit. You mean to tell me that at NO point did you say, 'Family...what the fuck are you doing?'?!?!?!

I prolly would’ve walked over and punched that nigga in the stomach on general principle and then went home. Lol.
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Lmaooo. This shit reminded me.

Back in the day like 10 years ago I went over to my boys house and literally watched this mfer cook chicken with a microwave.

Mfer put the chicken in the microwave, took it out after a bunch of minutes, seasoned it up, and put it back in.

I refused to eat that bitch and he went on and on telling me how its safe and he does it all the time.

Moral of the story, teach your kids to cook properly.

lmao I dont fuck with microwaves like that..Dunno how tf someone could cook chicken in there. bet that shit was rubbery as fuck.

At most i'll use a microwave every now and again to soften some butter if I forget to let it get to room temp.

Other than that the shit is just taking up space
Lmaooo. This shit reminded me.

Back in the day like 10 years ago I went over to my boys house and literally watched this mfer cook chicken with a microwave.

Mfer put the chicken in the microwave, took it out after a bunch of minutes, seasoned it up, and put it back in.

I refused to eat that bitch and he went on and on telling me how its safe and he does it all the time.

Moral of the story, teach your kids to cook properly.

Muthafucca got salmonella all thru his blood stream. Lol