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COMMUNITY Working with white folks

I can see that coming to be real....we got a whole social committee now lol

Every other Friday they got some party in the training room, equipped with email invitations and rsvp's and guess who's at the barber shop err time?
Brother be careful man. That's all I'm saying.
I can see that coming to be real....we got a whole social committee now lol

Every other Friday they got some party in the training room, equipped with email invitations and rsvp's and guess who's at the barber shop err time?

They gotta understand haircut day
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Rockstar is one of the better joints out there, truth be told.

It's also one of the few remaining energy drinks that doesn't contain artificial sweeteners in it's basic form. Aside from being nasty as fuck, sucralose, aspartame, neotame, and acesulfame potassium are all toxic and cause some pretty nasty reactions with me.

What's your 2¢ on Stevia?
What's your 2¢ on Stevia?

If it's natural stevia extract it's fine, but a tad nasty tasting. It was in use for years until the FDA banned it in the 80's. This was around the same time that there was a huge push for Aspartame aka NutraSweet which, of course, was GD Searle's doing. Celstial Seasonings used Stevia in their teas until the mid 80's when the FDA came through Celestial's warehouses and confiscated everything they made with stevia in it. The FDA issued a formal ban on stevia in '91, this happened in order to keep the market clear for aspartame.

Rebiana is the synthesized version of the compound in stevia that makes it sweet; it's not actually stevia. Rebiana was shown to cause DNA damage, which can lead to cancers in the human body. Natural stevia doesn't do this and has a perfectly clean record going back as long as it's been used. What you get from Truvia and in pop and drinks that claim to contain stevia is actually rebiana.
Just be yourself. There is no reason to try to switch up. The people that will dislike you for being black will dislike no matter how you behave. We had this chick in my office that was your stereotypical loud black woman, and all the CaCs loved her. They were crying and shit when the chick got a new job. At the end of the day, a lot of black people stress themselves out too much worrying about what white people say and do.
i knew where i stood with this one white dude when he said "why couldnt they pick another way to protest", when talking about kneeling during the anthem

I got triggered and against my better judgement, proceeded to rip him a new one. It's been Hey/Bye AP ever since.