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COMMUNITY Women can be pedophiles too- Official "Teacher assaults student" thread v2

Mate, you can tell she's the type of regular looking middle-aged Becky who wasn't used to be this regular.

Women who "glow down" because of age and other factors has all some notable traits in common. Particularly the white ones. Picture her without the wrinkles, the swollen thyroid gland, the puffy cheeks, the pendulous mandibles and 29 years of alcohol abuse and junk food removed, and you got what?
Man, they out here assaulting kids b. Why does it matter how they look?
Given the context of this thread yall aren't talking about pedophilia but actually ephebophila which is when you're attracted to minors/teens typically between 15-19. So yes all the "can't wait til insert girl turns 18" or "Damn she 17 but built like a grown woman" is still some creepy shit that if you're trying to justify you are fucked up
Given the context of this thread yall aren't talking about pedophilia but actually ephebophila which is when you're attracted to minors/teens typically between 15-19. So yes all the "can't wait til insert girl turns 18" or "Damn she 17 but built like a grown woman" is still some creepy shit that if you're trying to justify you are fucked up

Thank you for your straight moral compass and I hope you're not going to get bullied into silence too.
I'd punch a chick dead in her mouth for fucking my under aged son.... Like hard. Knock her clean the fuck out. Might even spit on her while she out

I feel like I said this before 🤔

I think all these mfers here who say they would be proud of their son in 8th grade fucking a bad 35 year old teacher dont have sons.

They might need to have a son and realize just how innocent and naive them mfers are at 12, 13 and 14 to realize why this shit is wrong.

I dont got a son myself, but I have cousins around that age, and I can tell yall right now that a grown ass woman fucking any of them aint something to be proud of.

Ill fuck a chick up. No ifs ands or buts.
I think all these mfers here who say they would be proud of their son in 8th grade fucking a bad 35 year old teacher dont have sons.

They might need to have a son and realize just how innocent and naive them mfers are at 12, 13 and 14 to realize why this shit is wrong.

I dont got a son myself, but I have cousins around that age, and I can tell yall right now that a grown ass woman fucking any of them aint something to be proud of.

Ill fuck a chick up. No ifs ands or buts.
Someone said they ok with it?
I think all these mfers here who say they would be proud of their son in 8th grade fucking a bad 35 year old teacher dont have sons.

They might need to have a son and realize just how innocent and naive them mfers are at 12, 13 and 14 to realize why this shit is wrong.

I dont got a son myself, but I have cousins around that age, and I can tell yall right now that a grown ass woman fucking any of them aint something to be proud of.

Ill fuck a chick up. No ifs ands or buts.
I'm 100% sure I'd lose my shit.

It's my fucking kid.... Like....I can't even express the level of instant anger and rage I would feel if some woman sexually took advantage of him. I don't give af how she looks.

And as someone who was molested by a woman when I was like 4-5 ish....I guess it's a trigger for me.... But yeah... There's a high probability that woman won't make it to court or jail if I get her first
I don't have kids but if something happened to my lil cuzzo I'm decapitating someone there's no other option.
I'm 100% sure I'd lose my shit.

It's my fucking kid.... Like....I can't even express the level of instant anger and rage I would feel if some woman sexually took advantage of him. I don't give af how she looks.

And as someone who was molested by a woman when I was like 4-5 ish....I guess it's a trigger for me.... But yeah... There's a high probability that woman won't make it to court or jail if I get her first

yeah, shit like this is definitely a trigger.

The older I get, the more I understand about it, the more pissed off I get. For the time I was in therapy last year and the 2nd half of 2019 a lotta shit came back to the surface about my similar situations. It wasn't even that long ago that I was one of them "where were these teachers when I was in school"-type cats. These days I'm like you; liable to sock a grown ass broad straight in the mouth for fuckin with my son. Once you grasp the impact of your own trauma and the way it's fucked with your life, you tend to see things very differently.
These female teachers can't seem to help themselves.

Paul Mooney clip.gif

Plus they're getting less and less attractive on top of that.

Just going by their eyes and mannerisms, they seem like some sick women.

Feel bad for the kids.