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Why do we as a society enjoy the negative side of media so much.

It’s just different levels and stakes

Today if you offend people you could get cancelled and ostracized

In other periods of history you’d pay for that with your life

Today if you can have 1 bad moment you think is private but ends up to where millions of people can play it on an endless loop and you can be known the rest of your life for one moment.

In other periods one moment didn't always brand you forever. You could just go somewhere else and start brand new.

So yeah it's levels to it which is why I said some aspects are harder while others aren't.
Today if you can have 1 bad moment you think is private but ends up to where millions of people can play it on an endless loop and you can be known the rest of your life for one moment.

In other periods one moment didn't always brand you forever. You could just go somewhere else and start brand new.

So yeah it's levels to it which is why I said some aspects are harder while others aren't.

I think the number of people that’s happened to in the grand scheme is pretty insignificant, but point taken
Personally seeing negative shit all the time is exhausting. I rather see more uplifting in the community in the news than hearing about the bad shit, especially since half the time they never find whoever does it. The type of coverage now makes people lose hope and inspiration.

One change I made was turning off all news notifications. It got very draining when the USA Today, AP news, etc would always send me a notification about something terrible happening, especially to black people. I got so sick of it. I maybe check those apps once a week now. Best decision I’ve made in years
Personally seeing negative shit all the time is exhausting. I rather see more uplifting in the community in the news than hearing about the bad shit, especially since half the time they never find whoever does it. The type of coverage now makes people lose hope and inspiration.

Yeah people who engage in recreational sadness is something I can't understand. There's a point where taking in so much bad news affects a person more than they realize
Yeah like women who get addicted to murder podcasts

Me and a dude I worked with used to carpool to work cause we lived close to each other and everytime he was driving he'd just be listening to podcasts about serial killers not saying shit lol. I hope he aight.
It’s access to all type of mental health.

Life is easier than ever before and you can’t refute that
Has negativity in our culture taken over our everyday lives so much so that everything that is "bad" is the go to selling point in social media, cinema, sports and music? As a society it has got to the point that we have been programmed or being programmed to like the negative.

For instance cinema, take a show like Power it has it's own universe basically built around drugs, dealers and killers. The entire series doesn't have one redeeming character on the show's and the one character that was "good" was shot and killed off.

Music: drugs and violence has been the go to form in hip-hop for sometime but now it's got to the point now that a positive artist or song can't even hit the airways. If one does the majority of fans of the music would call the artist soft or the song wack. When a young Cain was coming up I had a NWA but I also had A Tribe Called Quest to balance the two forms of music out.

BTW I've been guilty of liking all of this as well so I'm not judging just making an observation.

i mean outlaws and negative shows are fun to watch cause most people don’t live it it’s a fantasy. Same reason we liked westerns back in the day and mafia movies
I think people like the negative to feel better about their decisions or like to look down on someone or to point out someone is not perfect.

to me it’s corny.
Why is it so hard to celebrate someone?
Regardless of small accomplishments or steps, why can’t people be happy?

I think the number of people that’s happened to in the grand scheme is pretty insignificant, but point taken

the sheer number of people who's mishaps are on Youtube alone says otherwise.

Back inna day, if you and your boys were jumping home made ramps in a dirt lot, and one of y'all landed wrong and crushed ya nuts y'all would clown him. Maybe word got out of your circle, maybe it didn't. Even if it did, it prolly didn't get far.

Today, they're shooting video of it happening, if not live streaming it. Crush your nuts today and there the potential for millions to see it after the fact.

^^^ This video is 4 years old, there are others out there from 00's. That's the other problem here is that the shit tends to stick around forever so while today the video may not do numbers, it only takes some intern at MTV looking for some shit to find it and have you trending after they show it on tv.
the sheer number of people who's mishaps are on Youtube alone says otherwise.

Back inna day, if you and your boys were jumping home made ramps in a dirt lot, and one of y'all landed wrong and crushed ya nuts y'all would clown him. Maybe word got out of your circle, maybe it didn't. Even if it did, it prolly didn't get far.

Today, they're shooting video of it happening, if not live streaming it. Crush your nuts today and there the potential for millions to see it after the fact.

^^^ This video is 4 years old, there are others out there from 00's. That's the other problem here is that the shit tends to stick around forever so while today the video may not do numbers, it only takes some intern at MTV looking for some shit to find it and have you trending after they show it on tv.

But does that follow the person for life? Nobody would recognize that guy walking into a grocery store
Y’all really think the lives we live now is not easier than any time before as a whole

Yes or no?
But does that follow the person for life? Nobody would recognize that guy walking into a grocery store

The problem is that the potential is there. Especially when you have some jackass in the comments talmbout "I was there when this happened, it was my buddy Winthorp Aristotle VanHiggenbottom III, good times!". You never know how far down the line some shit will pop up with your name attached to it.
The problem is that the potential is there. Especially when you have some jackass in the comments talmbout "I was there when this happened, it was my buddy Winthorp Aristotle VanHiggenbottom III, good times!". You never know how far down the line some shit will pop up with your name attached to it.

That doesn’t sound harder than what our predecessors dealt with

Without the Internet ppl were confined to their close knit communities, and word would spread about what they did just the same