Why do we as a society enjoy the negative side of media so much.

Jan 19, 2017
Has negativity in our culture taken over our everyday lives so much so that everything that is "bad" is the go to selling point in social media, cinema, sports and music? As a society it has got to the point that we have been programmed or being programmed to like the negative.

For instance cinema, take a show like Power it has it's own universe basically built around drugs, dealers and killers. The entire series doesn't have one redeeming character on the show's and the one character that was "good" was shot and killed off.

Music: drugs and violence has been the go to form in hip-hop for sometime but now it's got to the point now that a positive artist or song can't even hit the airways. If one does the majority of fans of the music would call the artist soft or the song wack. When a young Cain was coming up I had a NWA but I also had A Tribe Called Quest to balance the two forms of music out.

BTW I've been guilty of liking all of this as well so I'm not judging just making an observation.
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Lol it’s definitely been much harder in the past in every aspect

In some areas yes...in others, especially socially, things are harder because we're exposed to so much more than I truly think our brains were meant to handle. I don't think people are equipped to be as connected as the media and social media has made us. And we're seeing the bad results of that in real time.
Has negativity in our culture taken over our everyday lives so much so that everything that is "bad" is the go to selling point in social media, cinema, sports and music? As a society it has got to the point that we have been programmed or being programmed to like the negative.

For instance cinema, take a show like Power it has it's own universe basically built around drugs, dealers and killers. The entire series doesn't have one redeeming character on the show's and the one character that was "good" was shot and killed off.

Music: drugs and violence has been the go to form in hip-hop for sometime but now it's got to the point now that a positive artist or song can't even hit the airways. If one does the majority of fans of the music would call the artist soft or the song wack. When a young Cain was coming up I had a NWA but I also had A Tribe Called Quest to balance the two forms of music out.

BTW I've been guilty of liking all of this as well so I'm not judging just making an observation.

To answer the actual question though being obsessed with negative shit in media isn't a new thing. People have always had this weird fascination with things society deemed as wrong or bad. Its why people talk about shit like old mob mass murders with such odd glee as part of history. We just are exposed to much more of the bad.
I think people like the negative to feel better about their decisions or like to look down on someone or to point out someone is not perfect.

to me it’s corny.
Why is it so hard to celebrate someone?
Regardless of small accomplishments or steps, why can’t people be happy?
In some areas yes...in others, especially socially, things are harder because we're exposed to so much more than I truly think our brains were meant to handle. I don't think people are equipped to be as connected as the media and social media has made us. And we're seeing the bad results of that in real time.

I still think social life has been much harder before
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Anyone can find good and bad in the next person.
focusing on only the negative is a terrible character trait and shows weakness.
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sometimes, i think i know what you are saying...other times...i dont

this is one of those times, so i'm asking you to elaborate because I may have a different interpretation of what "golden" means in regards to this particular conversation topic

sometimes, i think i know what you are saying...other times...i dont

this is one of those times, so i'm asking you to elaborate because I may have a different interpretation of what "golden" means in regards to this particular conversation topic

just life is easier than any time before and by a large margin
just life is easier than any time before and by a large margin
ahhh ok

see, i did have a different definition of golden age but you cleared it up for me

preciate it