Sometimes you mods be playing favorites
which is fucking amazing cuz you're still hereSometimes you mods be playing favorites
which is fucking amazing cuz you're still here
I don't do nothing wrong, I get provoked and the other party turn into victims. Who have I started an altercation with
Go into detailSometimes you mods be playing favorites
Go into detail
Example?Mods taking sides in verbal altercations cause they're cool with one of the parties.
cuz you're an agitator. you purposely try to fuck with me personally all the fucking time, i've just been ignoring you lately....Stop lying nigga, you stay jumping in and not minding yours when it concern me
The jungleI dont really care, but do ya'll really be mad you cant argue wit niggas in peace?
like would ya'll be interested in a sub forum for that? call that shit "The cut" or some shit
no mod interference, anything call your "opponent" in there to hash it out and the choice is on them....but once you enter its all fair game so you cant call quits or request bans
This is a great questionWhat were the reasons the users were banned for?