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Who’s in the wrong?

Who’s in the wrong?

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The customer. Anyone who walks into a place, especially a food establishment minutes before closing are idiots. Then to take it as far as to physically threaten a teenager over some ice cream? Buddy got anger problems he need to sort out

He got that 'roid rage.
And some owners tell employees to lock the doors 5 minutes before closing. The employee doesn't really have my say in the matter. And in some counties, you can't lock a business while there are still customer's inside without posting an employee by the door with a key, because it's viewed as a fire hazard.

Lots of different factors.

I prefer the lock the doors 10 minutes or so before actual closing time. Because as has been mentioned many customers don't consider the closing process isn't just cutting off the lights and heading home. Closing itself can take 30 minutes or more sometimes. Especially if you're dealing with a restaurant where all sorts of cleaning has to be done. Or even a clothing store where employees have to make sure everything is folded and back in its right place from a day of customers leaving shit all over
Instead of arguing just scoop some ice cream and keep it pushing why argue with customers. Granted the way the customers were carrying on was entitled but still.
Nah the shift over. When you leave your job do you work to the exact quitting time?
Shit like this ain’t about the food, it’s about flexing and feeling like you have dominion over others..like..fuck when they close..right there the person knows they are in the wrong..but it’s like..”fuck when they close, they gone serve me”. Too many people out here deep down feel like nothing, that they gotta put themselves in situations where they can feel like something
The only problem with the bold is if you keep the doors open til the last person leaves then people will continue to come in because they're gonna assume you're still open when they see people in. So at some point there has to be a cutoff time on when customers are allowed to come in expecting service.

I've seen establishment lock the doors while customer(s) are inside, but unlock it to let them out. And if someone outside tries to come in, they'll tell them they're closed.
Who you telling..I know for a fact when I was a teenager working at Wendy’s, you show up at 10:55 and we close at eleven. I done got soap on this grill, you get soap run off burgers. And the doors locked so I dare you try to get in, we kids and we batshit crazy

I worked at McDonalds my senior year in HS and this is true. The grill team would start cleaning and getting shit ready for the morning shift 15 minutes or so before closing so if someone came through the drive through we would straight up tell them "Whatever you're ordering now isn't being freshly cooked because the grill has been closed down"
Ima say this.

Of course if a store business hours is 9am to 9pm and I walk in at 8:58 they should serve me. But I will say its unwritten rules when it comes to the food industry on shit like that and EVERYBODY knows.

If its like walgreens or walmart oh well. But food places, I will never

I can see this.

Only time I ever step foot inside an establishment with only a few minutes left is if it's an absolute emergency and I can't get whatever it is at another spot near by. I worked retail for a number of years and that last minute shit was always irritating as fuck so I try not to be "that guy".
I prefer the lock the doors 10 minutes or so before actual closing time. Because as has been mentioned many customers don't consider the closing process isn't just cutting off the lights and heading home. Closing itself can take 30 minutes or more sometimes. Especially if you're dealing with a restaurant where all sorts of cleaning has to be done. Or even a clothing store where employees have to make sure everything is folded and back in its right place from a day of customers leaving shit all over

Lol. Nor should the customer have to consider the the closing time procedure is and he long it takes.

If a place is claiming to be open from 9 to 9…the customer should be able to get begin a service from 9 to 9.
Nah the shift over. When you leave your job do you work to the exact quitting time?
The store time and shift time aren’t the same. Don’t they clean up after the close time? If you want to clean up early you’re gambling on no more customers showing up and some times your gamble fails….