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White man knocks out little black girl

It's not that hard. Killing someone from the actual strike is hard. The dangerous part is how they fall. If a person falls unchecked onto a hard surface like concrete, it's pretty easy for them to be seriously injured and actually die.

I know a guy who accidentally killed someone like that. He didn't even hit the dude. He choked him out from behind and then let the guy fall. The guy hit the back of his head on the sidewalk and died as a result. I ain't saying it happens often, but it's not exactly improbable either.

Y’all keep saying it’s “easy” but compared to how many times I done seen niggas get knocked on they back or knocked out and I’ve only ever HEARD of the “landed wrong” scenario once. Generally the human skull is a lot tougher than you realize. I seen my cousin slip in a puddle in his garage and land right on the back of his dome hard af. Knock him out cold for about a 15 minutes. And he wasn’t all the way back for damn near an hour. Didn’t die.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. Just doesn’t happen near enough for it to be a real concern. The rare occasion it does is an extreme outlier.
Fatherless homes (or homes where the father is viewed as weak)

The matriarchal structure of these homes often lead to a total disregard for male figures. The young girls act out from a learned pattern of disrespect and a deep rooted anger of being failed by the men in their lives.

Not always of course, but a lot more than we admit and discuss.
Y’all keep saying it’s “easy” but compared to how many times I done seen niggas get knocked on they back or knocked out and I’ve only ever HEARD of the “landed wrong” scenario once. Generally the human skull is a lot tougher than you realize. I seen my cousin slip in a puddle in his garage and land right on the back of his dome hard af. Knock him out cold for about a 15 minutes. And he wasn’t all the way back for damn near an hour. Didn’t die.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. Just doesn’t happen near enough for it to be a real concern. The rare occasion it does is an extreme outlier.
Honestly....why chance it.
If a niggas ain't yrynna hurt you...font fight...an even then..if you have to...just beat a nigga up.

Even had the chance to ko a dude but hit him on the body do much...the fact the nigga walk away holding his side with the u gotta shit face is enough
You are actually right this time. Some of these kids are out of control and they have beaten up several people in Baltimore. I am knocking all of them bad ass kids out if they surround me because I will not allow them to take an opportunity to harm me. They could have weapons too. This man should not be charged with anything. Stay in a child's place and show some respect.

Its groups of girls running around Baltimore jumping niggas?

I'll wait.

Tell that to the people that have been getting beaten and killed by kids in Baltimore. Fuck them kids b.

Damn you got beat up by the powerpuff girls huh?
She probably didnt deserve a punch but If they was fucking with him being extra he should of peppered sprayed her ass.
Y’all keep saying it’s “easy” but compared to how many times I done seen niggas get knocked on they back or knocked out and I’ve only ever HEARD of the “landed wrong” scenario once. Generally the human skull is a lot tougher than you realize. I seen my cousin slip in a puddle in his garage and land right on the back of his dome hard af. Knock him out cold for about a 15 minutes. And he wasn’t all the way back for damn near an hour. Didn’t die.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. Just doesn’t happen near enough for it to be a real concern. The rare occasion it does is an extreme outlier.

I didn't say it was easy. I'm just saying it's not flukey either. It depends on how a person lands and that person's resilience. The issue isn't really the skull. It's the brain. You've probably seen a lot of people hit their heads and not get concussed. That doesn't mean concussions are hard to get or rare .
And you niggas are a trip. These white folks rarely make excuses for black people that do stuff to one of their own, but you can always find black people rationalizing stuff they do to one of our own.
Corey Holcombe and his Twitter followers were literally celebrating and cheerleading that white man KOing an 11 year old black girl. Them niggas were ecstatic, no exaggeration.
Corey Holcombe and his Twitter followers were literally celebrating and cheerleading that white man KOing an 11 year old black girl. Them niggas were ecstatic, no exaggeration.

Corey Holcombe be on some woman hating shit on his show sometimes so that's not surprising.

That said, a lot of people are tired of these young niglets and their behavior. Where I live, there has been a rash of kids attacking teachers in the classroom and shit like that. I don't know what's wrong with them, but I guess some feel they need to be taught a lesson even if it is by a CaC that may or may not be racist.
The real question is if this would have been done if alone.

All these kids are outta pocket.
Black and White.

None of them mind jumping an adult.

Honestly....dude held it to long....I woulda came out the door snuffing.
First off, stop saying woman. That’s clearly a child. No grown ass man should be hitting a young girl like that.

Oh...I can’t wait to get me a gun, I’m definitely willing to learn how to shoot it because someone’s dying behind mine.

But what if you was the woman and child being surrounded and hubby came out a socked the chick to protect you?

I don't want no smoke?
Corey Holcombe and his Twitter followers were literally celebrating and cheerleading that white man KOing an 11 year old black girl. Them niggas were ecstatic, no exaggeration.
I cant speak on his twitter followers because I dont have twitter. But I saw the episode of his show, and i definitely wouldnt call that cheerleading and celebrating. He basically said this is what could happen when you have aint shit parents raising aint shit kids that fuck with strangers. Which is true.
Heres the video for you guys to watch and make your own judgments

A point comes up that all of us missed. How are 11 year old at the malls by themselves.
Obviously poor home life and thats the real issue and no punch will fix that. Barbaric motherfuckers but if that happened to my daughter I'm spraying that Krakkka. Fuck that shit. Dgaf if you wanna argue than you wanna get sprayed on too.

I aint touching no eleven year old girl if she ain't got no heat. Just move them out the way easy as shit.
Corey Holcombe be on some woman hating shit on his show sometimes so that's not surprising.

That said, a lot of people are tired of these young niglets and their behavior. Where I live, there has been a rash of kids attacking teachers in the classroom and shit like that. I don't know what's wrong with them, but I guess some feel they need to be taught a lesson even if it is by a CaC that may or may not be racist.

11 year olds tho? I can see if it was a group of 16 year olds but this was 11 year old girls at most weigh 80 lbs. Just people just liokung to be extreme for no reason
11 year olds tho? I can see if it was a group of 16 year olds but this was 11 year old girls at most weigh 80 lbs. Just people just liokung to be extreme for no reason

Bruh, I don't know what would possess him to hit a little girl like that, but I do understand the frustration he might have felt that made him want to hit a little girl like that.
He's not a coon. I don't even understand where that would come from. When it comes to black shit, he's almost ridiculously hardlined in his opinions. Now if you called him a misogynist, that would probably be closer to right.