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Which pill would you take??

Everyone under 35 picking the future is making a poor decision imo. Remember in Forrest Gump when he makes all that money off Apple stocks? Remember we thought "oh we missed it"? Well we didnt. Go back in time and you slowly accumulate that shit and make bank. You could foresee the housing crash, Katrina, 9/11. You could probably become a God among men. Plus, you don't have to lose out on any living years
Blue Pill

I agree with the 90s being both dope and trash. The culture end of it can't be recreated, but all the baseheads and gang banging wasWOAT
My 90's was awesome

For everyone that goes back, go to the low end of Chicago

It's worth it
With the knowledge I have now @ 10?

I'll go back to 10.

I almost guarantee I could dwarf $50 mill with the knowledge I have e now.

I'd finish and publish a few games for the Atari 8-bit computers. That should put a few grand in my pocket by the time I hit 14-15
The S&L crash of the 80's had the exact same effect on the housing market as we had 10 years ago. I'd take the money from games and flip houses.
I'd be paid as fuck by 18. Not in the millions, but sittin nice as hell for an 18 year old in 1990.
I could turn that money into millions with one stock transaction in June of 1993 as long as I remember to catch it for 12 cents a share.
... and turn that into tens of millions by '96-97, possibly over $100M
By the time 2000 rolls around I could easily be sitting on well over a billion dollars as long as I cashed out of everything before the bubble bursts.
I'd finish and publish a few games for the Atari 8-bit computers. That should put a few grand in my pocket by the time I hit 14-15
The S&L crash of the 80's had the exact same effect on the housing market as we had 10 years ago. I'd take the money from games and flip houses.
I'd be paid as fuck by 18. Not in the millions, but sittin nice as hell for an 18 year old in 1990.
I could turn that money into millions with one stock transaction in June of 1993 as long as I remember to catch it for 12 cents a share.
... and turn that into tens of millions by '96-97, possibly over $100M
By the time 2000 rolls around I could easily be sitting on well over a billion dollars as long as I cashed out of everything before the bubble bursts.
Crazy thing...

I was smart ass hell at 10. In middle school I came in second in a citywide stock market game.
I was talked out of alot of shit and wasted time fucking with rats and child support.

It's funny how as soon as I got them rats outta my life and stopped the child support...my life took off.
The biggest negative of going back to being 10 is im gonna have the brain and experiences of a 29 year old but expected and forced to go to elementary school and be around a bunch of 10 year olds. Parents not gonna let me stay up past 10 and shit. I would wanna hook off like yo im a grown ass man but nah ill be 10. Multiply that for atleast 5 years till im 15 and I got a bit more freedom but itll still be trash till im atleast 18.

The positive though is id get a scholarship to the best schools and be rich as fuck at 20.

Being filthy rich at the prime age 20 >>>> being rich at 45.

Negative is id be bored as fuck with life cause I would have did everything by the time I turned 45. In a way being new to money at 45 and travelling and experiencing everything for the first time with like 25 years to go in life would save the fall off when theres nothing new left.

All things considered id still pick being 10 but I would doing knowing that shit aint all gonna be fun and games like ima be 10 fucking the baddest 20+ year old bitches on day 1.
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The biggest negative of going back to being 10 is im gonna have the brain and experiences of a 29 year old but expected and forced to go to elementary school and be around a bunch of 10 years. Parents not gonna let me stay up past. I would wanna hook off like yo im a grown ass man but nah ill be 10. Multiply that for atleast 5 years till im 15 and I got a bit more freedom but itll still be trash till im atleast 18.

The positive though is id get a scholarship to the best schools and be rich as fuck at 20.

Being filthy rich at the prime age 20 >>>> being rich at 45.

Negative is id be bored as fuck with life cause I would have did everything by the time I turned 45. In a way being new to money at 45 and travelling and experiencing everything for the first time with like 25 years to go in life would save the fall off when theres nothing new left.

All things considered id still pick being 10 but I would doing knowing that shit aint all gonna be fun and games like ima be 10 fucking the baddest 20+ year old bitches on day 1.
Nigga gonna be like pio
The biggest negative of going back to being 10 is im gonna have the brain and experiences of a 29 year old but expected and forced to go to elementary school and be around a bunch of 10 year olds. Parents not gonna let me stay up past 10 and shit. I would wanna hook off like yo im a grown ass man but nah ill be 10. Multiply that for atleast 5 years till im 15 and I got a bit more freedom but itll still be trash till im atleast 18.

The positive though is id get a scholarship to the best schools and be rich as fuck at 20.

Being filthy rich at the prime age 20 >>>> being rich at 45.

Negative is id be bored as fuck with life cause I would have did everything by the time I turned 45. In a way being new to money at 45 and travelling and experiencing everything for the first time with like 25 years to go in life would save the fall off when theres nothing new left.

All things considered id still pick being 10 but I would doing knowing that shit aint all gonna be fun and games like ima be 10 fucking the baddest 20+ year old bitches on day 1.
Nah b, with the knowledge you have, they gonna be skipping you like crazy

Graduate HS at 14, get ya first degree by 17
Man I made my first mill after 2-3 yrs in business.
If I had this knowledge at 10. By 19-20 I would have my first mill an use that to get real estate and stocks. By the time I'm 30 I would be at at least $100 mill.
By 45....$250mil easy.
I've seen Back To The Future, what you know now when you go back and change one thing everything else you know might not happen and you end up broke and homeless. I'll take the 50 mil to age some years and go about my life
I've seen Back To The Future, what you know now when you go back and change one thing everything else you know might not happen and you end up broke and homeless. I'll take the 50 mil to age some years and go about my life
That was a movie....we talking real life shit