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Which driver was in the wrong?

Which driver was in the wrong?

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The truck saw the Honda starting a lane change maneuver and accelerated as a direct response

Does anyone disagree with that statement? If you don’t then it’s end of discussion
Which one of you are the truck driver? Lol

Do you speed up when someone is trying to pass? Do you slow down near another car to block the way?

Which one of you are the assholes on the road lol
Morally both. Truck should have got in the right lane to let the car pass

Car fucked up by going in the emergency lane to pass

Car is probably paying for it all now

Having a hard time digesting this one.

What did the driver of the Honda do that was morally wrong?
Agreed. But he didn't do that and instead sped up and drove like an idiot. But the question wasn't about who was responsible for the Honda driving like an idiot, was it? We all know he was responsible for choosing to drive like an idiot.

Cool. Now that he is driving like an idiot, that has unfortunately worked and now he has found an open angle to get where he needs to go. In that moment, his idiot driving has sadly paid off. Then...the guy in the truck decides to PURPOSELY POSITION HIMSELF IN SUCH A WAY TO NOT LET THE HONDA OVER.

See what I mean?

We can talk about the Honda guy driving like an idiot. But this isn't a referendum on that, because him driving like an idiot would've been fine had the driver of the truck not just decided to do what he did.

Two things can be true. The driver of the Honda is an idiot and was driving like an idiot...and the truck purposely didn't let him over, causing the wreck.

All of that is irrelevant.

Nobody is responsible for YOUR actions except YOU. How YOU respond to something is 100% your action and you are 100% responsible for it's outcome.

The truck got in the way... cool... I'll sit here and wait until I can safely pass.


The truck got in the way... aaaarrrggable!!! Fuckin ASSHOLE!!! Lemme swerve back and forth in traffic to try to pass, fuck... nah, lemme get up on his ass... brake check??? Bitch ass!!! I'mm get around him one way or anothe... AAAAAGGGGHFUCKDAMMITJESUSCHRISTIMMADIEBLLAAAARGBLE!!!

Both are your decisions and only yours.
The truck got in the way... cool... I'll sit here and wait until I can safely pass.

Somehow you made my point stronger than I did.

Sitting there and waiting to safely pass wasn't an option when the truck decided to get in the way and prevent him from making the merge that he had already started.

The car put itself in a position to either merge or get into an accident. He was merging. As he was merging, the truck decided to speed up to stop him, seeing that he had nowhere else to go.

What else you got, OG?
Somehow you made my point stronger than I did.

Sitting there and waiting to safely pass wasn't an option when the truck decided to get in the way and prevent him from making the merge that he had already started.

The car put itself in a position to either merge or get into an accident. Her was merging. As he was merging, the truck decided to speed up to stop him, seeing that he had nowhere else to go.

What else you got, OG?

It 100% WAS an option; the Honda simply didn't do it.

Honda could have slowed the fuck down, waited, and when it was clear to pass he could have done so. He didn't and everything past that point is on him.
Irrelevant though.

Right. The car swerved behind the truck and tailed it and that didn't cause an accident. He was perfectly fine after that. The accident happened when the truck decided to not let the car merge.

There really isn't a way around that.