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Which driver was in the wrong?

Which driver was in the wrong?

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Doesn’t matter

All of that could have happened and there’s still no accident if the truck doesn’t accelerate

Fault is based on proximate cause, not what happened leading up to that point

There's no accident if the Honda drives like they got some fuckin' sense.

The cause is 100% the Honda's maniac driving, nothing more, nothing less. I get that everybody wants the truck to get out of the way, but if he doesn't then you gotta wait until it's safe to pass him on the right. There's no two ways about it, there was a 100% safe way to pass the truck and that was patiently waiting until you could do so.

Trust me, slow drivers in the left lane makes my blood boil, but the moment I act like the Honda driver, everything is on me.
Doesn’t matter

All of that could have happened and there’s still no accident if the truck doesn’t accelerate

Fault is based on proximate cause, not what happened leading up to that point
Nothing happens if the truck just gets in the right lane
There's no accident if the Honda drives like they got some fuckin' sense.

The cause is 100% the Honda's maniac driving, nothing more, nothing less. I get that everybody wants the truck to get out of the way, but if he doesn't then you gotta wait until it's safe to pass him on the right. There's no two ways about it, there was a 100% safe way to pass the truck and that was patiently waiting until you could do so.

Trust me, slow drivers in the left lane makes my blood boil, but the moment I act like the Honda driver, everything is on me.

There's no accident if the Honda drives like they got some fuckin' sense.

The cause is 100% the Honda's maniac driving, nothing more, nothing less. I get that everybody wants the truck to get out of the way, but if he doesn't then you gotta wait until it's safe to pass him on the right. There's no two ways about it, there was a 100% safe way to pass the truck and that was patiently waiting until you could do so.

Trust me, slow drivers in the left lane makes my blood boil, but the moment I act like the Honda driver, everything is on me.

So what was the reason truck had to accelerate to to try and stop the car from getting over?
The Honda caused their own accident. The truck ain't have shit to do with that idiot driving like that. Honda ain't have to be all up on the truck's bumper nor swerving back and forth like a dumb ass.

There was nothing preventing the Honda from getting over in time to avoid any sort of accident...except the truck purposely preventing it. This is pretty cut and dry.
There was nothing preventing the Honda from getting over in time to avoid any sort of accident...except the truck purposely preventing it. This is pretty cut and dry.

Also nothing from stopping the Honda from slowing down. The truck was simply doing what you do in the left lane....drive fast

Honda wasn't fast enough. Should have pumped his brakes and waited. Truck doesn't have to yield to the Honda.

The Honda is merging into the lane where the truck is.
Also nothing from stopping the Honda from slowing down. The truck was simply doing what you do in the left lane....drive fast

Honda wasn't fast enough. Should have pumped his brakes and waited. Truck doesn't have to yield to the Honda.

The Honda is merging into the lane where the truck is.

You're better than this. Lol. This is a lie.

He wasn't just driving fast. I know that. You know that. The driver knows that.

He was purposely driving slow to prevent the other car from passing. And brake checking. And then when the other car DID find a way to pass him...then he decided to try to speed up with the expressed purpose of NOT letting the Honda through.

Don't do this, Royal. I beg of you.
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The white truck sped up to prevent from being cut off and was the catalyst for the crash. Should have maintained his/her current rate of speed

Had he/she stayed at his/her speed and the Honda lost control trying to get over then it'll be a different conversation but that didn't happen
The white truck sped up to prevent from being cut off and was the catalyst for the crash. Should have maintained his/her current rate of speed

Had he/she stayed at his/her speed and the Honda lost control trying to get over then it'll be a different conversation but that didn't happen

Nope. The catalyst for the crash was the Honda driver's idiotic behavior.
It's the Honda fault.

It don't look like the truck was driving slow or below the speed limit. Seems like the Honda wanted to go well over the speed limit. The truck don't have to do shit especially if they doing a little over the limit.

Fucked up but the Honda played a dumb ass game and got a dumb ass prize!
There was nothing preventing the Honda from patiently waiting until the coast was clear.

Agreed. But he didn't do that and instead sped up and drove like an idiot. But the question wasn't about who was responsible for the Honda driving like an idiot, was it? We all know he was responsible for choosing to drive like an idiot.

Cool. Now that he is driving like an idiot, that has unfortunately worked and now he has found an open angle to get where he needs to go. In that moment, his idiot driving has sadly paid off. Then...the guy in the truck decides to PURPOSELY POSITION HIMSELF IN SUCH A WAY TO NOT LET THE HONDA OVER.

See what I mean?

We can talk about the Honda guy driving like an idiot. But this isn't a referendum on that, because him driving like an idiot would've been fine had the driver of the truck not just decided to do what he did.

Two things can be true. The driver of the Honda is an idiot and was driving like an idiot...and the truck purposely didn't let him over, causing the wreck.