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"where does the fall of our community begin?"

It's sad that so many black people try to blame other black people for the plight of black people in this country. This country has a system that is basically dedicated to scapegoating blacks for the problems in the country and that has led to the acceptance of blacks being mistreated for centuries now. Whether its slavery, Jim Crow, or the corrupt justice systems, with the exception of the small window during Reconstruction, there hasn't been a time when the system hasn't had a boot on our necks. No group could withstand that kind of pressure. I brought up Reconstruction because during that short period of time, blacks were actually free to make their way and many thrived. That's pretty much proof that if it wasn't for the country making an active effort to keep blacks down, we'd be doing a lot better.

There are certainly things we as a people could start doing better. We could stop being so quick to kill each other for example, but we'd still have the problem of the racist system doing whatever it could to keep us down.

I was watching an interview with Wood Harris and they brought up how the black British actors come over here and are so far ahead of the black american actors in terms of being more confident and willing to take on certain roles, getting into character, etc

Wood said that they grow up knowing "more truth" and it empowers them. It was one of those things where I knew what he was saying, but I didnt.

I understand because of our history a lot of us are confused and misguided about everything....but I wanted to know specifically what "truth" he meant

what truth allows those men to be and feel like men, without the need for the tough shit?

them niggas can fly kites and wear cardigans and have a rock collection and still be the man lmao

HOW wood??

Different cultures. The macho man thing is on this side of the world. I think I’m other parts if you work take care of family and etc that’s all you need
Different cultures. The macho man thing is on this side of the world. I think I’m other parts if you work take care of family and etc that’s all you need

Other parts of the world expect a man to be a man and not be confused on that fact. What we call "macho" is the standard elsewhere. It's only here where being a manly man is perceived as a problem.
Other parts of the world expect a man to be a man and not be confused on that fact. What we call "macho" is the standard elsewhere. It's only here where being a manly man is perceived as a problem.

thats the exact opposite of where this convo came from but ya'll got it
To me other generations gave us the blueprint, but we didn’t fulfill the promise of “keeping our eyes on the prize” collectively.

For instance almost every other group has a lobby going to bat for them in Washington. Why, after all of these years, don’t black people have one? This is how Asians get over; Jews get over—-and now Latinos. And ya’ll gonna be mad as fuck once Latinos start flexing on you in a major way, politically, in your neighborhoods, and in the work-place. They will soon be the majority of educators in the schools.

Meanwhile, whitey has purposely elevated the worse demographic in our community: gangbangers, drug dealers, hoochie mama’s, hoes, and black men called rappers who willingly play the minstrel show around the world portraying black people as bitches, niggas, and hoes.

You can argue with me if you want to—-but this is why rap music is such a phenomenon with white youth—-who actually over threw their cultures music (white rock) for black music. They get to say nigga as many times and as creatively as they can. Won’t black people do it? Deliver to massa on a platter exactly what they want? Your ongoing willingness to be exactly what their forefathers told your ancestors you were? A nigga, a bitch, and a hoe?

Notice ONLY black people fell for this and accepted it? Little Latino, Asian, and white kids grow up listening to you call yourself and your progeny niggas. Their parents no longer have to preach it, because lots of black people label themselves as being the white man’s dog. No other culture or race has done this to themselves.

Moving along—black people refuse to come together and form neighborhood watches, defense groups, or build security teams for their communities. They cry on television about how the police are killing them, sing some hymns, fist pump, and go home. It’s as if black people do not want to get the message White society is sending us: You have no rights. White society will not protect you. No matter; Black people will keep calling white supremacist to their houses to kill them, and act surprised when they do.

Whites know the jig is up for them in a few short years; so they’ve elected a racist crook to rob and upend the country; they’ve given police the right to shoot on sight; they’re Closing down your schools, and privatizing just about everything that makes living in the U.S. unique. And they are going to use Latino’s to keep us in line, because many of them think of themselves as “Europeans” because of the Spanish blood they have in them.

Meanwhile, black people are celebrating gang culture in music, movies, and in their hoods. They are singing and rapping about the glories of being a nigga. They are allowing and celebrating sneaky coons, like Jay-Z to sell them out just because he is a former drug dealer with some money. Jay-z told ya’ll a long time ago, that the shoes on his baby’s feet shits on ya’lls lives. He told Oprah that white people yelling and rhyming nigga at his concerts was progress.

The ball was dropped. And we went right back to niggering and cooning. This time on a worldwide platform. The tide has turned once again for us, and sadly.....once again, after everything our grandparents and ancestors went through to humanize us and lift us up.....we’re still not ready.
It’s not macho but rather perfectly normal to embrace your natural masculinity. Not everyone is moist and sexually confused like your fat gay ass.

why the hostility bitch? @konceptjones when I speaking of macho I don’t mean the basic shit like providing and protecting that’s regular man shit that we all do. I was talking about the extra shit that I think 1/2 and Dos we’re talking about. They were saying in other countries men don’t have to do as much for as long to prove their manhood

I think y’all two took that as I mean niggas need to wear dresses or something way left
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