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When’s the last time you’ve been horny?

SCs finest...
I have far more to be ashamed of than to feel ashamed of that interaction, so…


Chuck Tooooowwwwnnnnnnnaaaaa!!!!
I'm pretty much a social loner under most aspects of my life lately, and even prior that I never liked the prospect of adhering into team centered sports as I entered into adulthood-- much for the exact same reasons I am often in friction with people on any forum: I am either too much or not enough. I like training myself alone and not being judged by anyone for being too slow, too fast, too weak, too strong, ungifted, overly gifted or whatever whim they fancy in mind some days, to make me understand what they barely comprehend about me.

Running on a treadmill, biking and lifting weights are pretty much my sole physical activities. I liked to go strolling and browsing windows at any interestingly crowded spot from whatever popular borough or downtown every once and again prior you-know-what. I used to meditate and do some basic yoga, but it's been a very long I procastinate about the latter ones. Years, to be honest.

I also aim, when I would get enough finances of my own, to be versed into some martial arts and fighting styles, parkour, horseriding, camping, rockclimbing, archery, civil air piloting, navigation and all that crap: but for now these are pretty much but far echoing side ambitions I had in a corner of my mind. Just honing my body, mind and spirit. Constantly... improving myself. Thriving. Self-actualizing.

Otherwise, I set my mind into nothing but myself when I am between the walls of a gym center. I try not focusing on the littliest womanly curve, roll, breast or cheek coming along and prospect instead on the actuality of my training. That's quite self-therapeutic.
silly ass thread but this post is fucking ridiculous
just limit the man word count