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When’s the last time you’ve been horny?

Looking is hella different from approaching.

In the gym, I’m LOCKED IN. I don’t say a soul to anyone past “what’s up” or “you done with that machine/weight/etc?”

But, if you’re going to pretend there’s no women in the gym that look curvaceous, you’re lying to yourself.

My focus at the moment I enter a gym is entirely dedicated to how good, how long and how better I hone my physique and my mind on any treadmill, ergonomic bike or weight room-- and how far whatever frustration or anger I had this day has been washed away.

I don't care if Persephani, Leslie Sidora or even Iman Hamman in person walks in the gym and decides to hump on me: when I am into a gym, I'm not in a mood to distract myself in useless once-overs. And I often take female employees who does think this way when I approach them like having serious lack of self-discipline: you're not going to see me approach you a second or third time. I hate people who flirts in gyms.
That's a great fuckin question, I've been aroused, I've been enticed, but I havent been horny in months it seems like

It's funny that you distinguish being sexually enticed or aroused at time with being horny.

I actually do the same. I can clearly note a difference both physiologically, behaviorally and psychologically wise between when I have been sexually enticed, feel aroused, starts talking about sexual matters, and downright feels in mating mode.

The latter one is a very, extremely primal sentiment that echoes to our most animalistic instincts: you feel hot in various areas of your body anytime, you sweat a little too often, your Mini-Self in flaccid state is less smaller than the usual (so you feel uncomfortable wearing tight panties, skinny jeans and form fitting trousers, out of fear someone just drools over the disturbing outline of your groin-- and when you're a black, IT is more obvious than some others) , you can somehow "smell" every wet women and hypersexual head-turners miles away (no joke. It is scientifically proven that men's olfactory senses are highly sensitive to women's pheronomal emanations, especially when they are ovulating) and unlikely arousal that may overwhelms you with erotic thoughts and daydream, being horny make you every thought imbued by these.
looks like the settlers from the Mega continent really started influencing y’all with these threads n reactions smh
It's funny that you distinguish being sexually enticed or aroused at time with being horny.

I actually do the same. I can clearly note a difference both physiologically, behaviorally and psychologically wise between when I have been sexually enticed, feel aroused, starts talking about sexual matters, and downright feels in mating mode.

The latter one is a very, extremely primal sentiment that echoes to our most animalistic instincts: you feel hot in various areas of your body anytime, you sweat a little too often, your Mini-Self in flaccid state is less smaller than the usual (so you feel uncomfortable wearing tight panties, skinny jeans and form fitting trousers, out of fear someone just drools over the disturbing outline of your groin-- and when you're a black, IT is more obvious than some others) , you can somehow "smell" every wet women and hypersexual head-turners miles away (no joke. It is scientifically proven that men's olfactory senses are highly sensitive to women's pheronomal emanations, especially when they are ovulating) and unlikely arousal that may overwhelms you with erotic thoughts and daydream, being horny make you every thought imbued by these.
I've always looked at more of..

Enticed---a woman has done something to make me think of her in a sexual manner

Aroused--now that I'm thinking in a sexual manner, I want sex

Horny---there are no triggers, I wanna fuck just cause and now I'm seeking to be enticed and aroused
I've always looked at more of..

Enticed---a woman has done something to make me think of her in a sexual manner

Aroused--now that I'm thinking in a sexual manner, I want sex

Horny---there are no triggers, I wanna fuck just cause and now I'm seeking to be enticed and aroused

It makes sense.
My horniness is fickle. I'll be ready for it one moment only for my sex drive to drop to zero in a matter of hours. It's become like use it or lose it sometimes.

I recently went through a 2 week stretch with barely a desire for sex. Is it stress? Sleep deprivation? Diet? Hormones? No clue.

I so don't give a fuck about women when I go to any gym.

I hate being approached or lusted after when I work out and I hate even much when a female employee cannot tell someone who ask for some tips or compliments her physique from an amateur gym-goer view and not because he want to hit on her.
I can't take these people any seriously: I am very no-bullshit minded when it comes about training. I left a Gold Gym full of douches from the first day and never came back after I've seen their lady manager was a 400-lbs woman. Nigga struggled to waddle down from her office to the counter located ten feet frontward (and y'all know how open minded I am about fat people) .

I'm with u 100% on the gym douche thing.

My training since childhood has been sport oriented. Track and field centres servicing athletes striving for functional physical ability. NOT overly intense steroid junkies, narcissistic self ogglers, weak cunts shuffled in corners waiting timidly for their go on a machine and incompetent thotianas incessantly posing in mirrors for the gram (the type who think squatting with a 10lb kettle bell will suffice for growing an ass, lest they go for broke with two 45lb plates and become Arnold Schwarzenegger over night ?).

Douche gym culture is vapid asf.

As for the women.. I mean, if I'm inbetween sets taking a recovery break, it's fair game for peeping a phat azz. But when it's go time, nothing else matters but the self.
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