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When’s the last time you’ve been horny?

My horniness is fickle. I'll be ready for it one moment only for my sex drive to drop to zero in a matter of hours. It's become like use it or lose it sometimes.

I recently went through a 2 week stretch with barely a desire for sex. Is it stress? Sleep deprivation? Diet? Hormones? No clue.

I'm with u 100% on the gym douche thing.

My training since childhood has been sport oriented. Track and field centres servicing athletes striving for functional physical ability. NOT overly intense steroid junkies, narcissistic self ogglers, weak cunts shuffled in corners waiting timidly for their go on a machine and incompetent thotianas incessantly posing in mirrors for the gram (the type who think squatting with a 10lb kettle bell will suffice for growing an ass, lest they go for broke with two 45lb plates and become Arnold Schwarzenegger over night ?).

Douche gym culture is vapid asf.

As for the women.. I mean, if I'm inbetween sets taking a recovery break, it's fair game for peeping a phat azz. But when it's go time, nothing else matters but the self.

I'm pretty much a social loner under most aspects of my life lately, and even prior that I never liked the prospect of adhering into team centered sports as I entered into adulthood-- much for the exact same reasons I am often in friction with people on any forum: I am either too much or not enough. I like training myself alone and not being judged by anyone for being too slow, too fast, too weak, too strong, ungifted, overly gifted or whatever whim they fancy in mind some days, to make me understand what they barely comprehend about me.

Running on a treadmill, biking and lifting weights are pretty much my sole physical activities. I liked to go strolling and browsing windows at any interestingly crowded spot from whatever popular borough or downtown every once and again prior you-know-what. I used to meditate and do some basic yoga, but it's been a very long I procastinate about the latter ones. Years, to be honest.

I also aim, when I would get enough finances of my own, to be versed into some martial arts and fighting styles, parkour, horseriding, camping, rockclimbing, archery, civil air piloting, navigation and all that crap: but for now these are pretty much but far echoing side ambitions I had in a corner of my mind. Just honing my body, mind and spirit. Constantly... improving myself. Thriving. Self-actualizing.

Otherwise, I set my mind into nothing but myself when I am between the walls of a gym center. I try not focusing on the littliest womanly curve, roll, breast or cheek coming along and prospect instead on the actuality of my training. That's quite self-therapeutic.
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I'm pretty much a social loner under most aspects of my life lately, and even prior that I never liked the prospect of adhering into team centered sports as I entered into adulthood-- much for the exact same reasons I am often in friction with people on any forum: I am either too much or not enough. I like training myself alone and not being judged by anyone for being too slow, too fast, too weak, too strong, ungifted, overly gifted or whatever whim they fancy in mind some days, to make me understand what they barely comprehend about me.

Running on a treadmill, biking and lifting weights are pretty much my sole physical activities. I liked to go strolling and browsing windows at any interestingly crowded spot from whatever popular borough or downtown every once and again prior you-know-what. I used to meditate and do some basic yoga, but it's been a very long I procastinate about the latter ones. Years, to be honest.

I also aim, when I would get enough finances of my own, to be versed into some martial arts and fighting styles, parkour, horseriding, camping, rockclimbing, archery, civil air piloting, navigation and all that crap: but for now these are pretty much but far echoing side ambitions I had in a corner of my mind. Just honing my body, mind and spirit. Constantly... improving myself. Thriving. Self-actualizing.

Otherwise, I set my mind into nothing but myself when I am between the walls of a gym center. I try not focusing on the littliest womanly curve, roll, breast or cheek coming along and prospect instead on the actuality of my training. That's quite self-therapeutic.

as am i. solitary to an extreme. but not averse to company as long as the people, setting and mood are right.
imo, nothing's better at shutting out the outside world than having some music in ur ear. i never exercise without it. it cuts out distractions and adds a ton of energy and vigour to a workout. ive gotten so conditioned to high effort training with music that i'll now listen to said music at regular sedentary times of the day and get an instantaneous urge to start working out. if u haven't tried it, i highly recommend it.
as am i. solitary to an extreme. but not averse to company as long as the people, setting and mood are right.
imo, nothing's better at shutting out the outside world than having some music in ur ear. i never exercise without it. it cuts out distractions and adds a ton of energy and vigour to a workout. ive gotten so conditioned to high effort training with music that i'll now listen to said music at regular sedentary times of the day and get an instantaneous urge to start working out. if u haven't tried it, i highly recommend it.

I greatly enjoy working out while having my earphones and my playlist on. It's so relaxing and invigorating. Training up two hours a day for five to six days a week has proven to be monotonous without any compelling rythmical song music.
Man these niggas in here writing dissertations...
Someday, our grandchildren will overlook at early 21st century digital content like archeologists does over antiquated manuscript.

And the first thing they are going to say while reading the matureless retard-ness of some many comments made in the post-911 era is "no wonder why our planet got screwed up... the fool started to be entitled at the idea the wise was a fool, and the normies let the former ones hoe-ing his way around for power" .
You know sign me @Scandalust313 u stay dropping memes about being completely satisfied in the bedroom. Shit just the other day I said “orgasm?” To which you replied “always”

Call the men you deal with “Chris Jericho”..cause they break the walls down