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What's the deal with Benjamin Crump?

Weird thread. Could've just hit Google.

I did. Here's what I got...

The shit looks like ambulance chaser to me.
I did. Here's what I got...

The shit looks like ambulance chaser to me.

So thats all you read?

Just say you started the thread to shit on dude. It's okay.
If there's a profit to be made..... somebody gonna eventually extort it 🤷🏿‍♂️
How many cases has he been involved with where justice was served?

And before you say "but but well well he's a civil attorney" - why the fuck is he always there the day of the crime? To me that shit fucks up the criminal case in multiple ways. He's out here competing for witnesses and evidence and press before a jury is even selected for a criminal trial just to get paid. Who does that serve?
Say what? I looked at that after I started the thread. But now I'm shitting on the guy because I started skeptical and nobody has offered any kind of opposing viewpoint.

I personally don't care about dude one way or the other. Just thought the thread was weird. Like you know what it is.

Just say you wanted to shit on dude instead of looking for explanations you will just dismiss regardless.
I personally don't care about dude one way or the other. Just thought the thread was weird. Like you know what it is.

Just say you wanted to shit on dude instead of looking for explanations you will just dismiss regardless.

lol i can't say this enough... i was really looking for a different perspective. Dude seems a little craven and oppotunistic to me but maybe somebody had some other insight to offer.
lol i can't say this enough... i was really looking for a different perspective. Dude seems a little craven and oppotunistic to me but maybe somebody had some other insight to offer.

He's a high profile civil justice lawyer whose main goal is to get his clients the largest sum of money possible. That's what it takes.

If you got a bone to pick it's with the families. It's clear what he's trying to do.
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Crump personifies "don't hate the player hate the game"

If justice was served automatically and naturally Crump would be out of work, so..

I hear that but I feel like maybe he's part of the game at this point.

I'm just waiting for the commercial during jerry springer... "have you been hit by a car? had a slip and fall accident? got cancer from asbestos on the job? Shot the fuck up by police? call 1-900-Crump"

I get what the point of a civil lawyer is but if he's going to keep being billed as a civil rights lawyer I need to know what the fuck he's doing to give back? We have a whole thread about a BLM lady buying a house so I don't think it should be controversial to ask about this guy and his intentions
I'm just wondering if getting the bag is the face we want to put on this. Cities have been paying out millions to victims of police violence since the Reagan years. I'm no lawyer but ambulance chasers are a thing for a reason. It seems like in any situation doling out money is way easier than serving up justice because the same system prints their own money.

I guess I'm saying I would be pissed if I got murdered by police and my family was like "let's get this bag" instead of "let's put this nigga's head on a fucking pike"

criminal cases have a higher burden of proof (beyond a reasonable doubt), while civil cases burden is jus a preponderance of evidence (more than likely) which is way easier
I cant speak to his intentions but his reputation and likely media connections damn near guarantees the families he's representing national media coverage.

So while it might seem crass and ambulance chasy.. like folks have said already he's likely gonna get the family some monetary compensation out of it.. ALONG with the national media coverage that might spark further outrage and attention on the case which MAY result in actual criminal charges/guilty verdicts etc... even though thats rarer...

His media connects and the attention he can put on shit is prolly his hook honestly
lol ok. are any of those things related to white supremacists murdering unarmed black people and other people making an industry out of it while not doing anything to stop it?
He's a black lawyer who has vested his career in seeking justice for black people murdered by police...

And you're asking why you only hear from him after black people are murdered by the police...

I could see if this thread was about Al Sharpton or Tamika Mallory. But Crump is literally a lawyer. Ambulance chaser or not, a lawyer is going to be hired whether it's Crump or anyone else.

If you have a problem with a black man making money practicing law for black people, just say that.
I'm gonna need you to be more clear
Your words were, "let's put this nigga's head on a fucking pike"

Name a time in American history where the family of a black person, unjustly murdered by the police, got the killer's head on a pike. Literally or metaphorically.
He's a black lawyer who has vested his career in seeking justice for black people murdered by police...

And you're asking why you only hear from him after black people are murdered by the police...

I could see if this thread was about Al Sharpton or Tamika Mallory. But Crump is literally a lawyer. Ambulance chaser or not, a lawyer is going to be hired whether it's Crump or anyone else.

If you have a problem with a black man making money practicing law for black people, just say that.

Crab mentality.

If he wasn't successful no one would even care.
He's a black lawyer who has vested his career in seeking justice for black people murdered by police...

And you're asking why you only hear from him after black people are murdered by the police...

I could see if this thread was about Al Sharpton or Tamika Mallory. But Crump is literally a lawyer. Ambulance chaser or not, a lawyer is going to be hired whether it's Crump or anyone else.

If you have a problem with a black man making money practicing law for black people, just say that.

So "justice" is a paycheck? Last time I checked dude never got anybody put behind bars.

And again... is it normal for a civil case to begin the day of the crime?

also... i dont like your tone. At what point did i imply I have a problem with a black man making money practicing law, bitch nigga? Don't put words in my mouth.