Whatever Happened To.....

Yeah, "Whoot/Whoomp There It Is"was a popular chant in Atlanta. When the DJ would put on certain records the people in the club would chant along with the record.

So neither 95 South nor Tag Team made up that chorus .
What happened to everybody on No Limit?

I've heard that Beats By The Pound left and they went downhill. But it seems that by 2001 No Limit was extinct.

How could they release that many albums between 97-99 and then disappear into thin air?
Oh shit!!

3 classic examples of artists who were all over the radio one minute...

And then they dropped the face of the earth.

Another prime example..

I heard stories about this chick getting exposed as a total fake and she soon disappeared when it was revealed that she wasn't really from the streets and this was all just a big act.

I don't know if that's true or not, but that's what I heard years ago.

Pretending to be gangsta when in reality, she came from a good family and went to private school.

Maybe some of y'all know the real story.

This right here...



I truly believe this dude was a huge inspiration for DMX.

Their voices are very similar.

I'm not saying DMX bit his style, I'm sayin' X was probably a fan of this dude.