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OPINION What zodiac sign do you avoid?

Sag and Scorpios >>>>>>

Bittersweet, they gonna be the death of me....

Libras are the best
Leo's and Gemini's

Leo's cause Leo woman and Alpha males butt heads, it always ends really bad.

Gemini's are just,...a gemini woman will think a full day of nothing. Then want to talk to you about it, again, and again, and again. But if you ask them something substantive, they will tell you. "Oh, I don't think that deep"

:smh:yea, I know
Ive nevee purposely avooded someone based off of their sign.

Scorpios be lion tho and Gemini more often than not have displayed crazy tendencies.
@Remedy , I see you nosign me, ion know if you are a gemini or leo..but to prove my point.

Gemini women lack emotional depth, Leo women have multiple and very public Rocky relationships with alpha males

Now, Google famous Gemini women, and ask yourself if they are known for emotional depth.

Then Google famous Leo women think about the amount of public relatioships they've had with alpha male types that ended badly.

I got some for you right now, Leo..Halle Berry, Jenifier Lopez, Whitney Houston, Vivaca Fox

Gemini, Maryln Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman

:js4:thats not to say these women are bad women or bad people. There are positive traits there too.

Leo women are extremely driven and strong willed.

Gemini women are extremely smart and strategic.

:Pathetic:them and Capricorn don't mix tho
Just cause the capricorn in me loves to boast.

Google famous Capricorn men

Nic Cage
Jim Carrey
D Wade
Anthony Hopkins
Stephen Hawkings

Depth, Leadership,Work Ethic,Strength, Incite, Ladies Men