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what was your toughest subject in high school?

Hotep jokes are corny yo........
Even worst when black folks imitate racist white people that like to mock black people and say "We were Kangs"

I don't joke when it comes to History.
I take it very serious.
Word. My bad.

You ever done ancestry or 23andme?
i Hated english. dont ask me to write a 5 page essay bout some old history figure. Ill give you a good 3 1/2 B+. hey bender where is the rest of the report... ehh
Took AP Calculus and Physics in high school. Didn’t do well in either. But then I wasn’t serious about it cause it didn’t have any effect on my credits. Took Calculus again in college and pass with A’s. If I bcwas to take Physics again it would probably be same outcome