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What was your first console growing up

Sega Master System or NES. I was quite young so I can’t remember. Both were hand-me-downs. Then I had the SNES, also at a young age.

First one I really remember opening on Christmas Day was the PS1.
There was a NES, Master System and Commodore 64 (if that counts, dad found it in a bus and gave it too my big bro. He's a software developer now). First one I remember bought was the Mega Drive, you guys call it Genesis.
Anybody had the 3DO?

My then-girlfriend at the time was dead-set on buying me one for xmas in '94. Them muhfuckas cost $500 or some silly shit like that back then. I told her to get me a Genesis and I'd be cool with that, so that xmas I got a Genesis with Sonic 2 included.
Nope those along with TG-16 was too expensive.

You must be thinking of Neo Geo. I copped my TG16 for $100 in '91 brand new from EB or Babbages, can't remember which but it was out at Oakland Mall. NeoGeo was something like $700. I had one briefly but that $200 per game had me like "Fuck this" and I sold it with the few games I had and the memory cards.
What kinda bullshit ass list is this??? How, exactly the fuck, is the Atari VCS/2600, 5200, 7800, XE GS, Colecovision, Intellevision, Odyssey 2, AND Vectrex all missing???

For the record, my first console was an Atari VCS.


Six switches with wood grain... OG Bobby Johnson.

This was my first system.