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What makes someone an alcoholic?

I have a drink on my own on average 3x a week (2 glasses). Maybe once a week with others where ill drink slightly more. Never drunk, sometimes pre tipsy.

To non drinkers im an alcoholic.

To heavier drinkers im a casual.

I dont drink for anything other than leisure nor to cope or help with anything in my life.

If u NEED a drink to do anything ur either an alcoholic or should seek professional help for whatever ur dealing with.
im aware I have a bit of a problem....

but what makes you say therapist

I mean, it's pretty clear. Pretty much everything you mentioned was a red flag.

You naturally have an unpleasant 'feeling' that you keep at bay with drugs. Sounds like everything could be great and you'll still have a negative outlook and mood. That obviously comes from somewhere. You say you have OCD-type behaviors that are kept in check by drugs. Sounds like a pretty classic example of a nigga who is holding onto some shit that prolly needs to be let go of.

Go talk to somebody, my nigga. Figure out why you can't regulate your mood and outlook without drugs. Find out why your so neurotic about certain things unless drugs are involved.
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I mean, it's pretty clear. Pretty much everything you mentioned was a red flag.

You naturally have an unpleasant 'feeling' that you keep at bay with drugs. Sounds like everything could be great and you'll still have a negative outlook and mood. That obviously comes from somewhere. You say you have OCD-type behaviors that are kept in check by drugs. Sounds like a pretty classic example of a nigga who is holding onto some shit that prolly needs to be let go of.

Go talk to somebody, my nigga. Figure out why you can't regulate your mood and outlook without drugs. Find out why your so neurotic about certain things unless drugs are involved.

can we stop saying drugs tho?

You're right either way. I've looked into it but never followed through.

One of the biggest reasons is I still smoke for enjoyment outside of those reasons. Driving, movies, games, cooking, etc I love to smoke and do all of those.

I feel like the first part of any type of therapy would be quitting completely. And I still gotta work and live life during that time I cant just chill at some pretty inpatient facility and hit the gym 3 times a day.

I realize I'll have to break all that up one day. May have to take a leave or something.
Weed kills the boredom. Could sit and watch the leaves for an hour and call it a good time. My old boss said only unbusy people do drugs.
can we stop saying drugs tho?

You're right either way. I've looked into it but never followed through.

One of the biggest reasons is I still smoke for enjoyment outside of those reasons. Driving, movies, games, cooking, etc I love to smoke and do all of those.

I feel like the first part of any type of therapy would be quitting completely. And I still gotta work and live life during that time I cant just chill at some pretty inpatient facility and hit the gym 3 times a day.

I realize I'll have to break all that up one day. May have to take a leave or something.

1. Why you wanna refer to drugs as something other than drugs? Why can't we call it what it is?

2. You can STILL smoke during all those times. I said therapy, not rehab. And I dunno why you'd think a therapist would suggest that you quit completely. Maybe they would, I dunno. But if you actually can't FUNCTION without drugs, it's prolly best to quit altogether for a while. Just to see if you can and set a baseline for your own regulation of shit without drugs.

But do what you feel. I just hate to see niggas NOT seek therapy for shit that could be resolved via therapy. Niggas look at it like therapy is for crazy people. As black people, we prolly ALL need therapy, to be 100% honest.
Is it simply drinking a lot or is it drinking a lot and not being able to control yourself?

I know people who drink every day but say they’re not alcoholics.

I think one would be a straight up alcoholic... and the other would be what they call a functional alcoholic
1. Why you wanna refer to drugs as something other than drugs? Why can't we call it what it is?

2. You can STILL smoke during all those times. I said therapy, not rehab. And I dunno why you'd think a therapist would suggest that you quit completely. Maybe they would, I dunno. But if you actually can't FUNCTION without drugs, it's prolly best to quit altogether for a while. Just to see if you can and set a baseline for your own regulation of shit without drugs.

But do what you feel. I just hate to see niggas NOT seek therapy for shit that could be resolved via therapy. Niggas look at it like therapy is for crazy people. As black people, we prolly ALL need therapy, to be 100% honest.

you know weeders dont like calling weed a drug mane, thought u picked the joke up

I got explanations for days so I'll spare you lol. I know I need to check it out bro. Appreciate it.
If you cant not partake in something, you are addicted. Could be buying shoes, alcohol, weed, cars... whatever it may be. If you cant stop yourself from doing it, you're a junkie to it. And we're all addicted to something.
I would wake up 6am, have 2-3 shots, a nice fat bowl and be good until 12, repeat, then repeat @5pm then around 10pm I would have more than 3 shots and smoke quite a bit.

I was absolutely dependent on it to be functional throughout my day and dependent on it to even get to sleep.

Thankfully, that ain’t a thing anymore. But I was absolutely addicted, an alcoholic and weedoholic. Didn’t like being without, even if I wasn’t using it for the day, If I knew it wasn’t in my house, my day was screwed.
Now you're a housewife