1. Go to college (at least get an Associate's degree before you pursue your dreams)
2. Learn how the stock market works and how to trade yourself without the "help" of a stockbroker. They'll just take your money.
3. Refined social skills. Don't talk about people behind their back, or, don't say anything about somebody that you wouldn't say to their face.
4. Success = Hard Work + Righteous Living + Good Fortune
I'd like to amend my answer
1a. Go to college (at least get an Associate's degree before you pursue your dreams).
1b. Go to the military, if you don't spend any money, you'll have a big, fat, lump sum after 4 years.
1c. Join a union.
The reason I amended this answer is because college isn't for everybody. Many of our (meaning Black but also White for that matter) people can't read. People's brains are wired differently and some people can pop the hood of a car and it makes perfect sense, but they can't read well enough to get a college degree without cheating in all of the classes that require a written essay. Some people are good with their hands and can fix a leaky faucet just by looking at it. Other people would make good carpenters or stone masons. Also electricians. There's a lot of money to be made in construction. And you don't need a college degree, but you need to work for a union to get to the top (building 60-70 story buildings).
Elijah Muhammad said, "Don't join the Whiteman's army and don't fight in the Whiteman's wars". While this point of view is logical, it's been 40+ years since Elijah Muhammed died. Perhaps it's time to consider joining the military as a way out of the condition we're in.
For example, a kid grows up in a two bedroom apartment with his three siblings and his mother. If he goes to the local Community College he'll have to live at home, which is unbearable. Joining the military is a reasonable thing to do. The military also guarantees you a paycheck, living quarters, food, clothing, medical and dental care, and training.
2. Learn how the stock market works and how to trade yourself without the "help" of a stockbroker. They'll just take your money.
This is extremely important. A day trader can make $1 Million+ per day if he/she knows what they're doing. The Black Community can't organize itself because there's too many sellouts and Uncle Toms (under cover cops and paid informants). But what we can do is form small day trading clubs and keep the money within the family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.). When I start making money day trading I'm going to pay off all my family's debts.
3. Refined social skills.
3a. Don't talk about people behind their back, or, don't say anything about somebody that you wouldn't say to their face.
3b. Don't look down on people. On your worst day, would you want people looking down on you, thinking they're better?
3.c It goes without saying that you have to be educated and speak clearly. But also STOP WALKING AROUND WITH YOUR ASS HANGING OUT! Walking around with your underwear showing and your jeans down by your thighs looks so stupid the Black community should charge you with treason and/or mutiny.
4. Success = Hard Work + Righteous Living + Good Fortune
You can control how hard you work. You can even work two jobs.
You can control your living. Meaning; you can eat healthy/ier like eating a salad once per day, drinking lots of water, getting up at 5:30 every day to jog a few miles. Doing yoga, etc. Also keep your word. Don't lie cheat or steal.
Good fortune is out of your control, but if people see you living a righteous life and working hard, good things should happen to you.
That's what I believe.