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What if you got paralyzed

being married, this is the natural "correct" response.......

but for the rest of your life?.....we aint 50......at 50, yeah sit your ass down somewhere and find us a movie

but 30 until..........intimacy just over, not a part of life anymore

nah......I love her enough to say "fuck dem vows, babe"

again, she probably feels different but I wouldnt expect or demand that from her

she's got time for a whole new life, insurance would pay for my medical care/home service, I might even find me a paralyzed chick online to roll with or something

I wouldn't leave him and I would hope he would feel the same about me. If not...he is more than welcome to go but then I would know how he felt was never real.
Yo, I thought about a possible what if scenario but hope no one ever has to go through it. Say you, were married or in a long relationship with your significant other. Then you were in a terrible Accident that left you paralyzed from the waist down. Would you give your significant other a choice if they wanted to stay with you or leave? Or would you not even bring it up and expect them to stay? Or would you break it off yourself? What is the reason for your choice?

Id give em a choice. Depending on age me not being active waste down is torture. But if we 65ban over id still give her the choice but feel like it would be more likely to stay
people thinking young minded...

sex is only this important when you're young.....

50-90 is still 40 years... over half yall motherfuckers ain't 40 year old...

and you were only an adult for 20 of them....

if being paralyzed means you want out..... then you clearly weren't thinking long term with your relationship...

niggaz ain't fucking 4-5 times a week in their 60's.....and given how much shit i been thru, having your partner 60-90 is much more important than 20-50 imo......

i'm sticking around for the marathon
Luke 14:25-34 much like discipleship, marriage is a service to your partner. Before you enter in you must count the cost. How much are you willing to sacrifice for that person? If you are not willing then it is better to not enter in. Marriage is deep and spiritual. A husband must love his wife as Christ loves the church. Jesus died for the church so a husband or wife must be willing to die for his partner...and yes that means dying to your flesh if the worst (paralysis) were to come upon your marriage.
Luke 14:25-34 much like discipleship, marriage is a service to your partner. Before you enter in you must count the cost. How much are you willing to sacrifice for that person? If you are not willing then it is better to not enter in. Marriage is deep and spiritual. A husband must love his wife as Christ loves the church. Jesus died for the church so a husband or wife must be willing to die for his partner...and yes that means dying to your flesh if the worst (paralysis) were to come upon your marriage.
This sounds good but life changes ppl. While you may have felt this at the beginning an eroding relationship can cause you not to view marriage as such anymore

For ex. what if yall were having major issues before he became paralyzed?
This sounds good but life changes ppl. While you may have felt this at the beginning an eroding relationship can cause you not to view marriage as such anymore

For ex. what if yall were having major issues before he became paralyzed?
You have to count the cost! That's a part of a relationship. Ideally, in a marriage, you would want to keep a soft heart toward your spouse. That is the goal. That way when hard times come...then with proper counseling you can mend and work together. Both parties would have to be willing though. Again, marriage is more about service and sacrifice than it is about having sex.
So I'll chime in on this:

My wife's ability to walk was compromised at the end of 2011. She could still stand, but her walking was shit, so she used a walker around the crib and a wheelchair while we were out and about. Thanksgiving week in 2013 she pretty much lost the ability to walk and could very rarely stand. Once in a blue moon she could do both, but by the end of the year she was largely confined to a wheelchair and maybe by Feb 2014 completely lost the ability to move everything from the waist down.

I'm still here, but I'd be a dirty liar if I said that it hasn't put a huge strain on our marriage. A lot of shit ain't the same, and doing what used to be simple shit like going somewhere like a mall or whatnot presents a lot of challenges but at the same time it makes you more aware of shit that you wouldn't otherwise notice.
Man y’all worried about he relationship? I’d personally kill myself. I’m not gonna force myself live a trash life
There is still life after trauma! It is not all pain and sorrow. True, you will lament the old life after a while, but then will have to find something new to live for. If you are an adventurous person and heavy in sports, like running...you can now invest in extreme wheelchair sports. There are a lot of people in wheelchairs who are living full lives and are loving it. It will always be mind over matter. If one is willing to throw their life aways so carelessly after a tragic event then you would have to re-evaluate the quality of life you had before the tragedy. People who love not their life but LIFE will always try to find a way.
I just was talking about this with her like last week

She said she leaving the fuck outta me because I said I would leave if she was like 350 pounds

I was like my nigga I can't work and get another girl after this that's fucked up

Fuck no I'm not giving the choice, this for LIFE


this shit was perfect with the avi
There is still life after trauma! It is not all pain and sorrow. True, you will lament the old life after a while, but then will have to find something new to live for. If you are an adventurous person and heavy in sports, like running...you can now invest in extreme wheelchair sports. There are a lot of people in wheelchairs who are living full lives and are loving it. It will always be mind over matter. If one is willing to throw their life aways so carelessly after a tragic event then you would have to re-evaluate the quality of life you had before the tragedy. People who love not their life but LIFE will always try to find a way.
You wasting your post count yo

He doesn't care
people thinking young minded...

sex is only this important when you're young.....

50-90 is still 40 years... over half yall motherfuckers ain't 40 year old...

and you were only an adult for 20 of them....

if being paralyzed means you want out..... then you clearly weren't thinking long term with your relationship...

niggaz ain't fucking 4-5 times a week in their 60's.....and given how much shit i been thru, having your partner 60-90 is much more important than 20-50 imo......

i'm sticking around for the marathon

the question was would you expect your partner to stay......

ya'll 30 and cant fuck ever again

between porn and them new bbw dolls, i feel like men would have it easy

i just cant see any woman staying ok with never being fucked on for 20-30 good years

they mean well but they gone start punching you in your sleep and shit, leaving you in the tub for hours, "accidentally" leaving shit burning on the stove, etc....idc what nobody says

5 years in.....


im sorry, did you say help or kelp?
Somethings you really can't weigh if you haven't been in that situation. I think some people do think long haul when in a long term relationship like marriage. But it can wear on you slowly. No one Takes that into consideration. I'm speaking of this happening to you if you are young. Again, sex is not the only thing being affected. Your or their mental is the biggest challenge.