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what does dr dre, dr umar and dr sebi all have in common?

Does it matter? If I know the kids in my area are getting a shitty ass education, and I'm moneyed up and feel like taking it up myself, I will do just that and I would hire people with the proper credentials to run it. My personal credentials mean nothing, I'm just the person with the vision, but the people that I put in place to actually run the school? Their credentials will be up to snuff. I'm just the name behind it.

Did you really just ask if it matters if someone who wants to start a school and brands themselves as an educator has the credentials in education to do so? He wasn't just trying to be the name behind the school. He was going to be actively involved in how it was ran, it's curriculum etc. He wasn't just going to be the money behind it because he didn't have the money to begin with. That was his whole point of trying to get others to donate.
Did you really just ask if it matters if someone who wants to start a school and brands themselves as an educator has the credentials in education to do so? He wasn't just trying to be the name behind the school. He was going to be actively involved in how it was ran, it's curriculum etc. He wasn't just going to be the money behind it because he didn't have the money to begin with. That was his whole point of trying to get others to donate.

When has he branded himself as an educator? Serious question 'cause I've never seen that or heard it from his mouth.
He said he would be in charge of the curriculum of the school.

"...If Johnson is successful in raising the funds, the self-professed Black nationalist says that, in addition to the traditional subjects taught in most schools, the curriculum will also focus on training students for “self-employment and entrepreneurship” so that they can generate income without going to college. For those who want to go on and earn a degree, he says that the faculty at FDMG will steer students exclusively toward HBCUs..."

Ionno y'all... sounds like he's trying to set the kids up for success... I get that niggas are skeptical, but keep it real here: Could it be any worse than what our kids are currently getting??? I mean, Black kids are consistently getting a substandard education with a curriculum created by people that have specialized degrees in education and teaching certificates.
You been waiting for this gotcha moment since Tariq thread smh
Y’all talking about “there’s nothing wrong with asking about his credentials”. On the surface there’s nothing wrong with that, but he’s shown his credentials since then so I’m not sure what are we still talking about. His detractors took a huge L on that because they thought he was lying, gets proven wrong and has to focus on “but there’s nothing wrong with asking”
Y’all talking about “there’s nothing wrong with asking about his credentials”. On the surface there’s nothing wrong with that, but he’s shown his credentials since then so I’m not sure what are we still talking about. His detractors took a huge L on that because they thought he was lying, gets proven wrong and has to focus on “but there’s nothing wrong with asking”

People asked about his credentials because he wanted to start a school and people had a problem with that. People ask what he's done with the money he's collected so far and people had a problem with that and actually argued that people don't have a right to know. Seems like people have a problem whenever he's actually asked to show accountability for shit. That don't seem odd?
People asked about his credentials because he wanted to start a school and people had a problem with that. People ask what he's done with the money he's collected so far and people had a problem with that and actually argued that people don't have a right to know. Seems like people have a problem whenever he's actually asked to show accountability for shit. That don't seem odd?
Cool but did he show his credentials yes or no? Does he have a building for the school yes or no?
At the end of the day, Umar want parents in low income areas to send their kids to his private school. Anyway you look at it, it would of failed. If they could afford a private school, they would live in a better area with better schools and or their child would of already been sent to a private school.

But I'm just being negative i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Never got into the Sebi hype BUT I never researched or watched a vid/doc on the brother. In the same breath that Scientology weirdo got millions of people following him and he's saying the same thing and besides a few jabs here and there them crackas moved around untouched so BIG UPS to SEBI

FUCK Dr. Umar tho
At the end of the day, Umar want parents in low income areas to send their kids to his private school. Anyway you look at it, it would of failed. If they could afford a private school, they would live in a better area with better schools and or their child would of already been sent to a private school.

But I'm just being negative i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Not true or accurate.
Would y’all send sign up right now for his school that’s not done knowing everything you know about him?
I think you would be surprised at just how much lower income families can afford. They sit in squalor but got the newest Jordan's, never lacking on weed and alcohol, concerts, tithes and offering to the church, etc.

Poor in America alone of times means, "i got money for what I want to have money for"
I think you would be surprised at just how much lower income families can afford. They sit in squalor but got the newest Jordan's, never lacking on weed and alcohol, concerts, tithes and offering to the church, etc.

Poor in America alone of times means, "i got money for what I want to have money for"
I'mma have to disagree with this statement. That was just full of the same racist stereotypes that white people promote to try and end all government assistance. A few people saving up to buy jordans or some drug dealers having weed and alcohol doesnt translate to, "I got money for what I want to have money for". And churches taking advantage of people by exploiting them for tithes and offerings is a horrible example. Pretty much all those people that give to that shit are brainwashed and are doing without a lot of things to keep that cult rich.

For years I've hear white people say shit like, "They're not poor they have sneakers and cell phones", like all shoes and cell phones cost thousands of dollars. White people wanna really wanna see niggas dirty, barefoot, sleeping in a tv box chewing on garbage before they might be poor. That shit must really make them feel better about their life. And now it seems niggas is starting to think that way too. The United States is the most powerful country in the world, our poor shouldnt look like the poor of developing nations.