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What Common Misconception Do U Hate To Hear Repeated As Fact?

You cant be mad at white people for slavery because blacks owned slaves too

They did, true

Because buying them was another way to free them and it was safer than the underground railroad so when they had the money, of course they bought slaves.

where you read that El?

srs question
i always hate when people acted like marilyn mosby tried to prosecute them cops just cuz she wanted to advance her career.. i was like bruh, nobody makes decisions like that by themselves... marilyn mosby has a better legal mind than us, and the people she consulted with before making the charges all have a better legal mind than us... so i think it's kinda foolish to assume we have it all figured out......

then when each cop got off for murder charges, it was even worse, cuz she went from hero to villain.....

and now that the cops getting fired for not following procedure, i'm like:word?:

so you mean to tell me she was right all along? the system just doesn't place value on a black man's life?

placing an injured man in a wagon is reason enough to get fired..... but if that man dies because of your negligence, you won't be found guilty of murder.....cuz of......reasons.....

fucking hate the system sometimes
That the wage gap is 77 cents to the dollar. It's actually 66 cents to the dollar, if they'd bother to give a fuck about black women's experiences.
That the civil war wasn't fought over slavery

The south's arguments defending the confederacy piss me off so much. Especially when it gets to the whole "The north had more slaves at one point" part. They argue that it was for "States rights" and not slavery. But those confederate states rights were to own slaves and thats how they made their money off of their free labor since a majority of the economy was based off the farmed goods.
And its an odd situation. What he did was get naked with the young girls and get into bed with them. He claims these were "experiments" in which he would try finding out if he himself would get sexually aroused or if the girls would get aroused. That link i posted has more info on it and there are a bunch of other books/sites that get into it a bit.
Serious answer, couldn't tell you exactly but I know I was in college and we talked about it in class. We had history books written by black people so a lot of stuff like that came up.
That and we spent almost a week discussing black people and the Republican party because that was our party.